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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. No Rob that was a smaller 10 version but wasnt 2 speed, Ive used that small one for conger was OK for sub 40lbers but when I hooked a big un I couldnt stop it as max drag on the 10 is 15kg Nige
  2. Hi Newboy,size is same as my TLD 15 Nige
  3. niggle

    Cheryl Cole

    I told my wife I thought she was twice the women Cheryl Cole was she said oh thank you darling I said that its true she said thank you I said yeap she`s a size 8 and your a size 16
  4. The second is ST1211 You are correct they are made in Taiwan to Japanese Spec I have others which I have used and stripped to inspect they are made to a very high standard being out of one piece billet so are very strongly constructed with stainless bearings and are sold through Pelagic Australia/America. My SHIMANO`S are made in Malaysia I personally like these reels as I`m finding others at same money are plastic or very thin ally side plates that corrode very quickly,having said that my ABU LD BG is still going because I regularly strip and clean and coat inside side plates with waterpoof wheel bearing grease. Any questions please ask or if anybody would just like to see them let me know and I`ll take them to the meet Cheers Nigel P.S if anybody is interested I will do a full money back if they do break
  5. Omoto and Pelagic are the makes
  6. I`ll have a go tonight
  7. I have a number of new multipliers for sale Made out of a solid aluminium from Australia 2 speed 6.2:1 and 3.1:1 Gold in colour sealed stainless bearingsx6 Lever Drag 30kg drag
  8. niggle

    Men go shopping!

    I don`t understand this letter because I`ve never shopped in Tesco in Banbury and my surname isn`t Murray?
  9. Mine still sat in box as no point fitting until correct software in head unit.Fingers crossed that my mate in Southampton can get me an 8 or 10 inch version in the spring .I am convincing myself it is worth waiting as the unit will be half trade price,he already has 2 10inch for his 19ft boat one for radar and one for fish finder/plotter.But he has seen sidescan working and says its the dogs nuts as you can scan the bottom around your boat and not just underneath it.So I believe it is the future in bottom fishing if you are looking at 200 to 300ft of the bottom and not a few feet under your boat heres hoping patiently Nige
  10. Cricky Paul thats a lot of bodies on your boat
  11. Yes please Charlie but u don`t answer phone and I havent got to work this Sat Have left message on your mob Heres hoping Nige Contact made now fingers crossed on this fickle wind
  12. Charlie same as you on stay and travel and 2 for the cafe oh sorry resturant Nige
  13. Oh dam Tom guess we`ll have to drink the champers,eat the cake and play with the stripper we`ve all chipped in for then,oh well the things we do for you Nige
  15. Joys of getting older TOM hair grows in funny places i.e eyebrows start getting very long individuals ears start getting bushy nasal cavaties also LOTS TO LOOK FORWARD TO TOM all the best Nige
  16. Now I want some chocolate
  17. All the best Nige
  18. With the wind looking ideal but tides are MASSIVE is it worth fishing the top of tide? I would value the advise of the more experienced than me,I know it will only be a few hours but previously they have been the best Or should I save t for a neap? Thanks for any advise guys Nige
  19. Hi Pete,Ive had bitch flu-caught it off the Mrs Did the pig flu get you sweeting off the smell of sugar puffs or is that your normal odour for a Sunday All the best mate and no problem for a trip with u and Alfie just keep an eye open for neaps and not to much wind and we`ll do a good steam out behind the Island Nige
  20. Welcome Mike,Sunday there are massive tides if you haven`t looked already but good luck if u go and post a report whatever the outcome All the best Nige
  21. niggle

    Hi all.

    Hello Mike and welcome Nige
  22. Nice one Trev and Rupert I was fishing inside u sunday and I lost a load as well but was a great day as its fun if not also frustrating to have good fighting fish on even if I did loose most of them Nige
  23. Pete`s on with me, on Wishin Nige
  24. Myself and Pete Hutton[new member] will be fishing club comp on WISHIN only due to fact boat is moored at xchurch and I dont need any more speeding fines going to Poole and back twice Nigel DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH repeated repeated SORRY
  25. Myself and Pete Hutton[new member] will be fishing club comp on WISHIN only due to fact boat is moored at xchurch and I dont need any more speeding fines going to Poole and back twice Nigel
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