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Everything posted by bassncodformeplease

  1. Had a bit of trouble with my eng last sunday, have asked at mercury dealer and they seem to think coil packs are breaking down underload! I'm not 100% convinced this is problem and at
  2. Best of luck with the sale, should go if we get some sun mike
  3. Two Pee or Not To Pee That was the Question Looks like Two was the answer
  4. Massive responce as per usual when i need crew so will be doing a loner again After a nice BIG turbot MIKE (I'MNOTTHATBADASKIPPERREALLY)
  6. go shambles sunday all day! have room for one crew if anyone allowed out 7am start 7-8pm finish. pm or call 07963320071 MIKE (wantmytenpounder)
  7. Been trying to change gearbox on wifes renault scenic had so many probs Then just when all sorted and ready to go back in my Jack decides to spring a leak just as i'm jacking box up 3" to go Could repair but it old (like me) and need urgent. If anyone has a 3ton kicking about give us a shout. Mke. 07963 320071
  8. Thanks guys Thanks for the day out jim, shame no bass, shame not much else either Mike (beoutagainsoonandwillgetonethen!)
  9. JIM, hope you've removed the pot plants by the time i arrive in morniing Mike( thiersaplaceforplantsanditaintonaboat)
  10. JIM (LITTLE FRY ) I would offer to crew for you on sunday but i ain't got any soft deck shoes But if you allow me on in my hobnail boots i'll come with you mike 07963320071
  11. tried to contact that chap but no answer on phone, i'd like some eels if i fish on sunday. not that i'm booked in for bass comp Might beg someone to take me out if they need crew:D mike
  12. Jim if i had a kia rio i'd have em off yer but as i don't i won't thanks anyway mike (no kia's for me please)
  13. jamie I've just bought a compression tester kit, mainly to check my outboard (all was ok) it has lots of bits so may be suitable to test 2.5di. give a call mike 07963320071. (i'm in kinson if you want to collect and see!)
  14. Who owns one of them? not you JIM never mind
  15. Sorted now with near new machine thanks to wedger cheers mike
  16. Sounds like a bargain too me Good luck with the sale (hope its quick) Mike (i'll keep saving to get a bigger boat)
  17. Mike don't be so tight...... Buy her some new marigolds Wish she was that easy too please
  18. Our washing machine just given up, don't want to buy new at moment till our extension for our disabled daughter is done, then hoping to revamp kitchen. So if anyone has one free or cheap will be happy to collect. (local) cheers mike pm or fone 07963320071
  19. STILL LOOKING If anyone is throwing out or selling cheap and sml freezer i'd be interested. want one for garage to store baits for winter bought one of those vacumn sealer gadgets so can pack and freeze some macky fillets ready for the whiting pm if you have such cheers mike , will collect locally
  20. Nige Friday tea time till sunday supper time sounds good Need the weather gods to be on our side for a change mike
  21. Nige i'd love your boat but then wouldn't get invite on new one HOPE all goes well with sale and new purchase mike (wishinyouaquicksaleatthepriceyouwant)
  22. Unlucky on your mishap Nige but ended ok so thats good news i had the afternoon free i'd have happily crewed for you Mike(weekendofnofishingbutgettingreadyfornextweekendashavesaturdayoffanditsmybirthdayonsunday )
  23. i'll be out jon but you'll need good binoculars and able to see round corners to spot me hope you do well mike (ihaveaplanbutwillitwork?)
  24. bassncodformeplease


    Hope still room in hell for me cos thats where my wife says i'm going But have heard they have HELL of a big sea to fish in (but its hot!)
  25. I'll be looking for the flat tuna off the shambles if i get out going to try a launch from portland if i can find it
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