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Everything posted by bassncodformeplease

  1. I'm still available if anyone looking for crew tony (serenity)??????? mike 07963320071
  2. hoping to get out also with branco (martin one cod ) will be staying close in but not that close Wish i had freezer to store bait coz got to wait for shops to open (liked to have gone about 7 not 9 ) mike
  3. Anyone need crew for cod comp? I'm available if anyone has a place. Thanks mike (iwanttofishthecodcomppls)
  4. Don't forget Tims other shop at hamworthy (coles ave i think) I think this normally opens earlier. it was 7am but not sure about winter it may have changed mike
  5. Graham i'd like to if i could but big no at moment Have you told anyone what you've bought or is it a secret???????? Mike (swapforwarrior165plus
  6. Thanks for the trip out Nige, One of our better days I didn't mind that much being netsman for you Mike
  7. Good result ,well done mike
  8. Happy Birthday Neal mike (codformefortea)
  9. I'll be out with Nige as SKIPPER, hopefully for a few seasonal targets Mike (asaturdayoffforachange )
  10. Graham. just buy this and sell yours boats and outboards ref PAA38750 i'd like it but can't have it mike
  11. Go Tonight it don't look too bad
  12. And only been used 7 times mike
  13. And the final result was????
  14. Trev Good to hear you're sorted and back on water (when was it you were taking me for a spin?????? ) mike (troutnwashingmachinesformeplease)
  15. Hope you all had a good day. Sounds like it was a bit lumpier than expected out there? Thanks for such a good turnout, probably the best of the year! Record your catches here please, name, size of cod and boat caught on. 1.) Martin cherritt. 25lb 2 oz, Branco
  16. This is a post on behalf of Martin Cherritt (Branco on forum) Martin had one cod of 25lb 2oz when weighed back at mudeford slip His crew non member had one of 14lb. I suggested he fish the mark i caught 3 cod last thursday and he took my advice Well done Martin very good cod on a little boat MIKE
  17. 1.) Ian Jones - JV 2.) Bob F - JV 3.) Alun J - JV 4.) Martin B Awol 5.) Dean B Awol 6.) RobF - JoJo - with non member 7.) Alfie and Stuie on Dream Drifter [defending Champion 2010] bring it on 8.) Graham + non member Little sal. 9.) Charlie A - AWOL 10. Charlie C Alfresco 11. Dan C Alfresco 12. Gordon Moore Alfresco TBC 13 Stuart Summerel Alfresco 14.Nigel Allen. wishin 15.Mike Toms wishin 16.Craig Jackie Abode 17) Bobi and Colin Boblin 18) Andrew + non member - Conyn Du 19) Chris Enstone plus brother (non-member) - Hilda Maud 20) Tony Deavin - Serenity 21) Paul Dore - Serenity 22) Kev Couzens Yelo 23) Mick Pike Yelo 24) Toby + non Member - MONDAR 25) Jonk + 2 non members clare ann 26) James + 1 non member Dawn Raider 27) Mike Fox as crew on Court Jester 28) Mike 02380 + Mick B (Barney) on R2D2 29) Gordon Elder & Cameron Elder (non member) on Wilful 30) Martin cherritt & non member on Branco
  18. Don't say that Rob as my wife says he looks younger than me
  19. HA HA THATS FUNNY ROB 40 yrs experience can't be taught in few trips!!!!!
  20. Martin if you watched and listened instead of yapping you'd learn much quicker only joking? Thanks for meeting me at mudeford in the pitch black and glad you and friends enjoyed the COD. (Shame you didn't manage to post pic's of my fish perhaps i'd have more responce to my energy draining posts!!!!!!!!) Till next time.......... mike
  21. Oh Graham. what are you doing? Get a decent boat and stay close to home Hard luck graham least you tried while others worked better luck next time mike (wheniretirei'mgoingtodomorefishing)
  22. Happy Birthday Terry hope you have a good day Mike
  23. Well done to all that caught cod! I was out with kevin(tenfour) on his mf805 i had work in morn so we didn't get hook down till 12ish started with dog and pout, around one kev says this feels better and reels in a 17lb cod, not long after i get a different bite and hey up comes a very plump 2lb+ plaice Saw Nige heading in as we weren't at carpark around 3 kev says this aint no doggy and sure it wasn't when a 4.5lb turbot comes aboard (he was well happy now!) We planned to stay til 7.30 and so we did but tide picked up and weed but kev gets a small conger and i get a sml eyed ray. Back to his tuckton mooring at 8.30. Mike (beoutagainrealsoon )
  24. Hope to be out there somewhere doing a 12 til 8pm to see if they feed better in the dark Mike (goingtoneedatorch!)
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