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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. Mick & James ( non member ) fishing Sunday
  2. Marichelle probably do both comps also.
  3. Certainly stops my wife from talking to me sometimes !!!!!
  4. Have a goodun fella's
  5. I'm out tomorrow Pete , probably see you out there.........will be on CH 6
  6. Why wait Brian, they've had long enough...........it's only £ 20 !!!
  7. Happy Birthday mate, have a goodun ! Now your 65 welcome to the " wrinkly club "
  8. Have a goodun Chris 🍺🍺
  9. He's back !!
  10. Me too.
  11. You are now a proud member of the " Wrinkly club ""
  12. We went to the Magic of Motown too Jim, we were on the balcony. Good atmosphere and some real good songs from our era, gotta agree on the sound though as it was not good up there in our opinion. Enjoyable night out though. Glad you had a good birthday Jim
  13. Happy Birthday Jim, hopefully no DIY today! Have a goodun
  14. Shame he's not still in the club...............could of sent him to baiter !
  15. Whoever he was Jim it certainly worked!
  16. The police can do it if they want to believe me ! I live backing onto farmland and about 10 years ago 6 caravans got into field at about 7pm......by 11pm the police had removed them! Turns out the farmer was a mason !!
  17. Chris, the January and March SPURDOGS appear incorrect as the weight is only 4oz difference. Keep up the good work !
  18. Have a goodun
  19. Don't forget to turn your rodholders in.....they have a VERY STRETCHY tape.!
  20. I looked into this as they apparently last longer than zincs..........but could not get a bennetau type prop anode in aluminium in this country ! I was told you should not mix aluminium and zincs together on same bonding system.
  21. Got that, thanks Brian & Martin for your help.
  22. There used to be a section with contact details and e mails etc but cannot find now. I want to contact someone but don't know how to, it was easy before with the list available. Any help will be much appreciated. Mick
  23. Welcome to " THE ESTATE" Hooky !
  24. Have a goodun Andy
  25. So adding compounds to antifoul will literally be a drop in the ocean !
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