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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. sparky


    Blimey Jim.....they flew out the door, must have been on your drone !!!
  2. sparky


    What size are they Jim..............that's if you still have them ?
  3. Have a goodun Martin
  4. Cheers Allan..........good day out I see
  5. Ouch !!!!
  6. Out 9th Feb for usual clean up, bum scrub and polish............oh , and bigger anodes!!
  7. 5 not enough then Dave!!!!!
  8. Can I have my cable back then hooky
  9. Hope you had a goodun Rich. Mick
  10. You know what they say about the sun shining on the rich Jim............must of been shining on Graham !!!
  11. Found em in the end Jim................glad we gave you a laugh !
  12. Happy Birthday Dave
  13. Marichelle out tomorrow, see what's about , depending on sea state !!
  14. Going teetotal then mate.............or you started early ????
  15. Cheers Martin, I did see it but forgot !!! Must be an age thing !
  16. Don't remember seeing old thread about the Hobbit,, glad to see you have another boat.
  17. Bloody Hell Hooky, hope you and all aboard are ok ? Really sorry to hear about this, what caused the boat to go down ? Mick
  18. Whats this then...............new wreck mark or new boat ?
  19. Happy Birthday Kev..............have a goodun !!
  20. Ok Steve, hope you get it sorted, there maybe an in line blade fuse somewhere as that's how it was in my boat, in the engine bay and about 5 foot from the heater, it was not marked either ! Good Luck
  21. Just found them, KETO MARINE, they are now at Swanick Marina.
  22. Check the fuse that supplies the heater has not corroded in the holder, had similar problem on my Webasto heater and that was the cause in my case. I had a company in Poole sort mine out for me, if you search old forums, several years back now, you may find the post as I put up a recommendation for them...........but cannot remember their name, may have been Keto. I was advised to run them for 10 minutes once a month summer and winter. Good Luck
  23. sparky


    There's always the Flounder Comp. Graham !!
  24. As I said before, that is my opinion Oli, and you did ask for opinions !
  25. Fair enough if you use computers all the time Jim, but as you know I'm bloody useless with them! The way the old site was set out was easy to use and get round even for me, probably suited a lot of others too. My idea is " if it ain't broke don't fix it " Just my opinion Jim.
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