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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. I have a BLACK GLASS tv stand in excellent condition for sale, take up to 50 inch tv. £10 only....buyer collects from WEST MOORS. Either pm me or ring 07850 055817 if interested. Mick
  2. Good Luck
  3. Could not believe what he did Jim, we had slowed to let them across and he just steamed through between them !
  4. You must be talking about the "Birmingham Navy " Chris................I wonder how many of them have actually taken any form of training course, not a lot by the way some of them drive !!! Was coming in during the week along the main ship channel, lots of the small sailing dinghy's crossing the channel and some W@nker went through the small gap between them at a quite a speed, no regard for anyone's safety at all !! Mick
  5. Was out yesterday catching some " rays" too Jim, did'nt hear you either !!! Saw lots off white water bow waves................probably you then
  6. He'll catch plenty of them !!!
  7. Depends how fast you were going !!!!
  8. sparky

    Wiper motor

    Does anyone know where I can get a TMC wiper motor repaired, or spares for them please ? A small metal cam broke today, it is held on by a clip,so I assume its replaceable ( I Hope ) Thanks, Mick
  9. sparky

    Warrior 165

    Tomorrows good Jim................but I bet you are at work I'll let you know what it was like out there !!! I expect Nigel will be out too.......... Mick
  10. Thought it was WISHIN 3.....then I noticed it had no rod holders !!!
  11. Ooooooops !!!!!
  12. That rod holder in the picture is number 22 !!!
  13. Just like Niggle!!!!!
  14. When I was a lad ( long time ago I know ) there was a pub on IOW called the " Buddle Inn " where they used to hang the "HUGE" Skate outside , real shame to see..........no wonder they are quite rare now.
  15. Mind the tripwire connected to the shotgun on mine then Rob !!
  16. Been out with Paul before on Fisheagle, good angler. Sorry, but away up to Cambridgeshire this weekend otherwise would of been happy to oblige them. Mick
  17. Thanks for all the birthday greetings guys, had a good day, sat down and missus treated me to a nice cold cider in the evening !! Mick
  18. I'm in shock too Chris!!!
  19. sparky

    small winky

    Just seen this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Well done fella's, you've now earned your nickname Dave !!!!! Mick.
  21. Forgot to put there is also a pump !!!!!
  22. SOLD Seago 230s dinghy with wooden slatted floor and seat, jockey wheels, 2 oars , needs a clean and needs 1 NEW VALVE . £ 125 Either pm me if interested or ring 07850 055817 Mick
  23. Forgot to add, you have to put a hose from disconnected exhaust rubber hose to the recirculating bucket to make the closed loop.
  24. Just did mine with Rydelime, we disconnected the hose to exhaust elbow and just put a hose into water intake bowl, connected 350gph bilge pump in line and recirculated for 1.5 hours and then flushed with fresh water, don't forget to remove the impeller ! The mix should be a 50/50 solution , we put a snail shell into a test sample and watched it fizz away to nothing, amazing stuff, saw a bulletin from Volvo who recommend using this stuff They sell it at the chandlers in Cobbs. Mick
  25. Am I missing out on something ................
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