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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. Neil, you have a pm.
  2. Belated birthday wishes Neal ! Mick
  3. sparky


    Hi fellas, can anyone tell me if we still get club discount with Barden Batteries ? Thanks, Mick
  4. Good idea, suits me, count me in !
  5. You need to get yer glasses changed Nige.................he looks nothing like me !!
  6. That makes a change !!!!
  7. He could always put them on the counter at Nuffield Motors, but he could'nt admire them as he's never there !!!!!
  8. Wouldn't of minded the £ 100 for a 1lb 6 oz cod........shame it had to die though !!!
  9. Thanks to Kev and Jacob for the day out on Yelo , an enjoyable day was had. We certainly tried hard for those elusive cod and rays, but no luck , Jacob kept us entertained most of the day............." it,s a cod, it's nodding, ee's on ! ", but alas, yet another doggy !! Excellent bacon, sausage and egg roll's from the skipper !!! We tried for a ray on a known spot, but even doggies there ! We came in as darkness fell and was pitch black time we moored up. Bonus for the day was getting the tackle vouchers for NOT catching........well done Andy Thank's again boys, Mick
  10. sparky

    Old married couple

  11. Happy Birthday Pete, have a goodun Mick
  12. Happy Birthday Mal. Mick
  13. Took survey, 50% UKIP and 50% BNP Not being racist , just want OUR country back !! Moved here from Wembley 24 years ago............my daughter was 4 years old, and part of the curriculum when she went into first school was she HAD TO LEARN GUJARATI.... I kid you not !! So think how bad its got since 1990, go to any local car boot and listen to the voices there, you will be shocked at the amount of eastern europeans you see and hear there !!!!!!
  14. I'll stick with Ukip..............they seem more interested in protecting our country than all the others .
  15. Totally agree...............been voting UKIP for ages, coming from London I have seen it all !!!!!! Please forward it to my email Martin, it will get forwarded !!!!! Mick
  16. Don't you boys have any work to do ????
  17. Not the same fish Chris, first one was frozen !!!!
  18. Colorful fish.............bit like the bloke holding it !!!!!!!!
  19. I've got a 10.1 inch tablet with built in gps, amazing screen and detail .....even in bright sunlight ! Loaded Navionics Gold app and it pinpoints wrecks etc. exactly the same as my chart plotter, been told I should be able to load marks onto it...........but need my daughters other half to do that !!!! Great piece of kit, especially when you look how much a 10 inch plotter would cost. Mick
  20. Happy Birthday Allan, have a good one ! Mick and Chris.
  21. Not the one with flashing lights I hope ????
  22. sparky

    oars 6ft

    Could be latest speed enhancing gadget, and arrester hook on the new BMW i8
  23. FOR SALE Lengths of very good condition rope with nylon thimbles at either end. 1x 24 metre length @ £ 24 1x 11 metre length @ £ 11 1x 10 metre length @ £ 10 1x 9 metre length @ £9 Please ring on 07850 055817 or send a message if interested
  24. FOR SALE Lengths of very good condition rope with nylon thimbles at either end.
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