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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Zzippy

  1. Zzippy

    Studland Bay

    Hiya. Is there anybody that could please give advice on Fishing the Studland bay area. Speciman and I are thinking of launching from Studland Bay with our Kayaks on Wed or Thursday next week. We would like to Know if there is any good Plaice fishing to be had around the Swash channel area,or try up towards Old Harry Rocks for Bass,Pollack by just trolling lures behind us. Any advice would be gratefully recieved as we havnt fished that area yet. We have fished Poole patch and Durley rocks but have still got to try and Boat a plaice Many Thanks in advance Zzippy(Mark)
  2. Specimen and I are going to have a go at sole fishing tonight from the Kayaks We will try about 300 yards out from the end of the prom at Southbourne. I managed 2 smooth hounds from there last week off the shore. It will be the first time we have tried night fishing,hopefully will have a catch report to write up tomorrow Zzippy
  3. I am here too. Only for another 30 mins though.Then its off home to get some sleep. Got to get up by lunch time to get my Kayak ready for our tope trip tomorrow Zzippy
  4. Hi Charlie. Thanks for the offer of watching the vid you have.I will hopefully be joining the club in the near future.I am just going to get our holiday out the way first. Sam could always get a 12volt electric motor for a Kayak, ,That would make it easier. Simon(Specimen) has one,I think he is saving it for when we go out cod fishing in the Autum .They have a range of about 12 miles and go about 3mph.It will come in handy if the tide gets too much for us,or have alot of weight on board from all the Cod we are dreaming about Tight lines. Zzippy(Mark)
  5. Hiya Bob. I bet your wife and children are realy enjoying themselves on the Kayaks. I love it.Even if I dont catch,I just enjoy being out on the open water. We get some weird looks though,when we are a few miles out with our rods on board All the best Zzippy
  6. Thanks for the welcome Rich. Specimen and I were wondering......If we strap our 2 Kayaks together,would we be able to fish the small boat comps? Zzippy
  7. Looking forward to it Simon I will be there nice and early to catch us some bait(hopefully)
  8. Thanks for the advice Charlie Its Monday we are going out,just so the boat traffic shouldnt be so busy If the tide looks too strong for us to handel we will fish in the bay.Paddling in a strong tide soon wears you out and we dont like taking risks. We have a VHF radio wich is Scanning on channel 6 when we are out,we also have our mobiles with us,and also flares and a whistle,We might even leave that venue till we are back on realy low neaps again. If it is unfishable to us we might try the front at Southbourne for the Plaice Really we just want to get out as the weather hasnt permitted us to in the last 2 weeks. Hope you get loads on Sunday All the best Zzippy
  9. Hiya all. On Monday Specimen and I want to have a go at Tope fishing close inshore,the weather is looking good to get out on the Kayaks. Could anyone please give us some advice of where to go. We were thinking about Ballard Point or Durlston Head,we dont want to go too far out as we will be on spring tides. We will be launching from Swanage Bay as its too far a paddle from Poole harbour. Any advice would be greatfully recieved and as to what else we could expect to catch around that area Many thanks Zzippy
  10. Thanks Charlie. BTW.....I like your signature. I fish mainly for sport,but take the odd Bass and bream home for dinner Zzippy
  11. Just a quick note about myself. I live in Bournemouth and have been shore fishing for about 12 years now. I met Simon (Specimen) whilst out shore fishing and got chatting about Kayaks. Simon got his Yak a few months back and I then decided to give it a go,now theres no stoping me We have fished the Harbour a few times,Poole patch,Durley rocks and the Solent. We got some weird looks from the charter boats whilst out at Poole patch I been looking through this site for a few weeks now and decided to join,Looks like there is alot of local knowlage about fishing round our coast line to be found on this site I will attach a few links to show you my Kayak and how its rigged,and also of some catches we had recently. My Kayak http://tinypic.com/55l8ae Simon with a Tope estimated at 25-30lb http://www.go-fishing.org/upload/files/adjusted.jpg My first Bream http://www.go-fishing.org/upload/files/zzippy.jpg Night fishing in the Solent http://www.kayakfishinguk.net/e107_files/p...monspecimen.jpg All the best Zzippy(Mark)
  12. Thanks for the welcome Maverick. This looks like a really good site for Boat fishermen/women . I have been looking in here for a few weeks now,and just decided to join. Tight lines Zzippy
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