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crazy fred

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Everything posted by crazy fred

  1. ?
  2. Well done rob a lot better than our trip but back down Sunday till we get fed up or weathered out
  3. No we go back next Sunday when the weather settles down .This means a lot more writing as the plan is the end of december .
  4. No I'm going mako fishing with lures!! At the End of this month for three months bound to get some unavoidable hookups with them damn tuna though but I'll try my best to avoid them .
  5. I've seen three different photos of people playing it perhaps they all had a go and why not . Looking at the photos the fish is probably dead no hose in its mouth to help keep it alive and keep its body temperature down and no photos of the release ??? And as for the weight you need the length and the girth to calculate . Same fish different angler the fish looking rather dead
  6. To rule out the throttle control unit out swap the plugs over so port becomes starboard and see if the problem reverts to the other engine . If so new control unit needed .
  7. Does he get the smelt to chase the popper!!!
  8. Would have been far more serious if it was a dog fish .
  9. All ready got bus pass
  10. Sorted fitted rope cutters !!
  11. Looks like Allan had two ballian wrass ?? Perhaps he meant ballan not baloon .
  12. Sea wolf Fred and Ron Monday 17th
  13. Rolled up at 5-30 Thursday morning ready for a long day . We had decided to fish the subs to the east , 40 miles plus but the weather is great . We stopped to fish a large bank at 38 miles as we would get the last hour of the ebb . We were plagued with bull Huss which tope were following up to the surface . When we first spotted them I thought they were small sharks in the 60-70 lb mark but no they were tope . The biggest we landed was 35lb whilst suffering plenty of bite offs . As soon as the tide tuned we headed off for the first sub 5 miles away and when we arrived we were straight into pollock , well the two other lads were I never had a fish for six drifts but they were in every time but that's fishing . Picture of sub on sounder . We tried other subs but only had two or three fish on the first drift then nothing weird . We decided to go back and anchor the first wreck to see if we could pull a ling out . On arriving one quick drift to get tide and direction , as the tide was only 1.8 knots I decided to anchor straight away . Well that was a life changing moment steamed well up tide and dropped the anchor straight into the wreck , well I thought I saw 1.8 knots not like the 2.8 that was showing on the analogue . Not such a good start to our anchoring with the thought of cutting off £300 worth of end tackle at the end of the tide . The fishing was good throughout the tide with bullhuss to 13+ cuckoo wrass , congers , tope and pout . Coming up too slack water I winched the rope up tight , straight up and down so it wouldn't wrap in the wreck which might give me a chance of recovering my mess . About 10 minuets into the flood we were drifting , the anchor had just freed itself from the wreck and it was happy days , pull it in quick and let's go home while our luck is in . It was a fantastic ride home with flat seas and a glorious sunset to boot . Best bullhuss 13-9
  14. I'm sure if the girl with the dotty top held the check it would have looked bigger
  15. crazy fred

    Trump and Obama

    You tend not to recognize the smell when you work there !!!
  16. Probably do a better job all the shit gods let happen !!
  17. 1)Court Jester - Neal + crew TBA Club and Poole Sea Angling Comps 2) Alfresco- Charlie, Will, Sam and Dan Club and Poole sea angling comps 3) Tigerfish - Steve, Alun Club comp only probably 4) Reel Magic Dave crew TBA both comps. 5) Marlin - Greg and Rob Samways 6)Fisheagle- Allan, Dave S. and Mick. Both Comps. 7) sea wolf Fred and 3 crew both comps
  18. Already fuelled to the brim today . Just sorting tackle now .
  19. Spoke to my contact in Falmouth this evening they hooked up for 2.5 hrs today then the braid parted 10mtr from the boat . He said watching 40-50 huge blue fins smashing up the mackerel shoal is just an amazing sight.
  20. Mine is the 80 duo classic works well
  21. No Falmouth Cornwall
  22. Not going for the big ones any will do just to get one ticks the box
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