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crazy fred

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Everything posted by crazy fred

  1. OK sprint im not that keen on these semi submerged fishing things as this year i nearly ran over 4 of them in thick fog 1/2 a mile south off durlston. On another occasion off the isle of wight watching one of those pointed at both ends and covered with a hole in the middle thing with a piece of rag hung up sailing 2 miles south of the needles in a southely 4-5 , now that is clever in the winter. He then anchored up and started cod fishing for two hours. your difinition of a kyak is obviously not a boat Cod Hauler Boat : N/A MMSI
  2. John 8:7; Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone. Throw rocks they make far bigger ripples
  3. Well i thought being well prepared was to look at the weather ,tides and charts of intended passage, then have a meeting and all agree what a crazy idea it would be. Then if we thought that wasn't hazardous enough we could try it without paddles. Then we can get a lift in a proper boat when it all goes tits up and all the while the red and white helicopters light up the water and make it all glittery like christmas. What a total waste of the emergency services time somebody wants talking to
  4. the answer is here http://crimsontidecharters.blogspot.com/
  5. Think im just going to say something
  6. Fished the ripps today and to say the tide was ripping would be an under statement it was like trying to fish a washing machine , so we soon put a stop to that idea and steamed south for another 18 miles. With 8 anglers on board we had just over 80 pollack and no "COD" with most of the fish 30-50 turns up and all were caught on live eels. The weather conditions were fair if you dont include the rain and the ground swell which was making the ships bury thier bows in the morning but by mid afternoon the conditions were great for the steam home.
  7. Well it made me smile didn't know a broom could hold close on 100lb cod
  8. Well took conger king fishing today and think we sort of had a clean sweep with cod, 7 fine cod of 20lb2oz-17lb2oz-14lb11oz-11lb8oz-10lb7oz-9lb7oz-7lb3oz Tony also had a conger of 53lb and many bits and bobs and that makes 29 cod in 8 trips not bad if you can find them http://www.crimsontidecharters.co.uk/
  9. crazy fred


    Totaly amazing never thought they would be able to teach rats to write
  10. According to the chap at CPL you have to claim back your duty there is no way they are going to be messing around with two pumps trying to fuel you up
  11. according to cpl you pay at ther pump and then try and claim it back from HRMC there will be two pumps one for the comercial lads and one for the play group lot, sorry leasure craft users
  12. Well this is what is happening
  13. Well i must admit this is the loudest noise you will ever here, it actually made the boat shake as it did a very low level pass with its afterburners on this afternoon and is definately a must see. While being the liberty boat for RNAS Mounts Bay for five days i get all the best views and its great fun disapearing up the ass end of a big ship every 15 mins and just because someone in the MCA recons landing craft are not safe enough for the public to ride on. That should give the armed forces that added sense of security, dont worry about the bombs being dropped all around you as your making for the beach, just think the landing craft your on isnt safe for the public to ride on so what the hell are you doing on it!
  14. Dont realy understand the logic of (Why not save your money on an Aux Engine) if you can fit one then it must be better than thinking the RLNI are just a breakdown service, one day they might be towing somebody in with one engine and your bobbing about in the water in solent without your boat
  15. Thyis shows how rotten it can get and that wave is comming our way
  16. Well sometimes they get it right and some times they get it well wrong, we left in fine weather which held for 2 days then all went pear shaped from then on with 7-8 SW. On the last day we decided to leg it back home after getting the forecast off harbour control which was 26 knts SW . After leaving port it was lively to say the least and to make it worse after 5 miles Alderney radio issue a gale 8 imminent just to spice things up a bit.
  17. a grand total of 7 blonds up to 21lb 8 congers to 64lb, starry smoothounds and god knows how many spurdogs and 1 bloody pout which was eventualy mullered by a conger yipeeeeeeee
  18. oh an by the way it was her first time fishing and she cleaned up with another two blonds
  19. one of today's fish we had a great day but big ground swell, the 64lb conger had a bloody nose but swam off happy
  20. crazy fred

    yellow 7

    A man and his wife return from a holiday in Tibet. After a week has gone by the man starts to feel very poorly and decides to go to the doctor. The doctor gives him a thorough examination and takes a blood test then tells him to return home and rest , and he will contact him when the result arrive. After two days the man gets an urgent phone call to go to the doctors straight away. On his arrival he is shown straight into the doctor
  21. from this stage to finnish was 7 months so dont think when it hits the water your there
  22. The only good thing about having a new boat built, is that for the first few month's after the promissed delivery date they dont clock up many hours because there never ready!!. remember when i said this back in october
  23. Hey no legs why you gone and put the dampers on that some people probably think 2 fish make a shoal
  24. Its amazing what you find when sorting through your rubbish god i must have been bass fishing for years
  25. Well one of them is a bad looking slimey old sod
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