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crazy fred

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Everything posted by crazy fred

  1. some of the gizmo's ie 1 radar 2x vhf ariel's 1x tv ariel 1x navtex 2x coulour camera's not finnished yet
  2. rather him than me !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_XPadkNg6U...related&search=
  3. The Irishman, the Englishman & the Scotsman, sitting at a bar - The beer was good; the view excellent - 'You know', the Scotsman says, 'I still prefer the pubs at home' - in Glasgow theres a wee bar where the landlord goes out of his way so much that for every 4 drinks you buy, he buys the fifth' 'Well' said the Englishman - at my local, the Red Lion, the barman is so courteous he will stand you your 3rd drink, after you've bought the first two'. 'Thats nothing' says Paddy, - at O'Driscoll's in Dublin, the moment you set foot in the place, they'll buy you drinks, one after the other and when you've had enough they'll take you upstairs and see that you get laid - and all on the house!' "Well," said the Englishman, "did this actually happen to you?" "Not me myself, personally, no," said the Irishman, "but it did happen to me sister." An Irishman walks into a bar in Dublin, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When he finished all three, he comes back to the bar and orders three more. The bartender says to him, "You know, a pint goes flat after I draw it; it would taste better if you bought one at a time." The Irishman replies, "Well, you see, I have two brothers. One is in America, the other in Australia, and I'm here in Dublin. When we all left home, we promised that we'd drink this way to remember the days we all drank together." The bartender admits that this is a nice custom, and leaves it there. The Irishman becomes a regular in the bar and always drinks the same way: he orders three pints and drinks the three pints by taking drinks from each of them in turn. One day, he comes in and orders two pints. All the other regulars in the bar notice and fall silent. When he comes back to the bar for the second round, the bartender says, "I don't want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to offer my condolences on your great loss." The Irishman looks confused for a moment, then a light dawns in his eye and he laughs. "Oh, no," he says, "Everyone is fine. It's me......I've quit drinking!"
  4. shit i meant to call it red october
  5. was tat hat or twat i thought more sean connery
  6. oh yes great idea but it would help if they could implement the fishery rules we have at the moment let alone any new ones
  7. 7 gallons per hour at 18 knts but after that check your credit rating
  8. Crimson Tide
  9. one of the berth's
  10. getting close
  11. the ladders are on and the running gear is allmost there as well
  12. perhaps he means ,don't know weather to go here or there boy
  13. mines a bit short of pats beam its only 16ft
  14. now thats what i call big 21ft beam
  15. im sure a few inches makes all the difference
  16. don't know but this one is 42ft overall
  17. could be a rich girl havin a laugh
  18. no its not a mirror it's Glen Caines playing catch up
  19. still the sikaflex nearly held it together
  20. one of the big red things
  21. more glittery bits pluss two big red things from iveco , well they dont look so big in this boat 2x400 hp
  22. crazy fred

    Air Draft

    now this is what happens when youget it wrong,so be carefull mike http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfTfRD5EVII
  23. watch very closely
  24. crazy fred


    well the front end has been uncovered and the arch and bits are on
  25. crazy fred

    Air Draft

    i dont think i need to print this in Wing tat 3rd dynasty to confuse you any more mike
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