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crazy fred

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Everything posted by crazy fred

  1. This is one i caught earlier !!!30 years earlier
  2. Well if i catch one im sure it will be the first 400 lb cod caught off the isle of wight that will be a nice little earner
  3. Well the day started as normal "Tommy what did you say Smith" and myself were on time 6-50am sharp at the dock to get the boat ready and go along side to fill up with coffee substitute H2O . We sat there till 7-10 wondering where our new volunteer deck wash was, so a quick phone call finds he's sat in the bloody dock waiting for us cleaver chap is this one knows how to skive. So all we know his name is john and that's it, well when he walks up I can only think his second name is bond , brook bond because on his head is a bloody great tea cosy strange people these fishermen. We steam off to our chosen secret mark and get straight into the fishing but it
  4. this part shows the real problem "greed" http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7040011.stm
  5. I am pleased to open my first fisheries debate. [interruption.] We will be talking about pollocks later on. As in previous years I think who ever transcribed this report didn't hear right it should have read I am pleased to open my first fisheries debate. [interruption.] We will be talking a load of pollocks As in previous years
  6. wrong 6 of us had flounder comp on the mooring winner takes all sort of thing. No flounders just 1 bass some people seemed to think we were slightly mad mind you it was a tad windy up till 12-00
  7. crazy fred

    loony tunes

    Well today i had a day out pleasure fishing with the usuall suspects or was that that the abusable!! ie Matty no legs, Tommy what did you say Smith and Patch Addams the under wieght charter skipper and of course Matts hit man Green Grass Dean who kept going up forward to have a fag sort of thing. Our excuse for wasting some of the earth's oil deposits and a shoal of calimarri which had been packed in red cardboard boxes with all thier heads pointing the same way was "COD FISHING" and it was also an excuse for cocking up tommy's carbon foot print for the day and probably the rest of the month. We started off the day with bacon roll's and coffee but sad to say the only way you could eat the bacon roll's was to dip them in your coffee as the freshly baked oven baguets were a tad over done ie like selafield fuel rod's without the glow. Well we had 8-10 rods out and Tommy had a great time as every time we had a bite we told him it was his rod , he never did relise all the rods were all the same and his rod allway's seemed to have a dogfish attached .by the end of the day poor old Tommy was totaly knackered from running round in circles Patch was sat in the helm seat muttering repeatidly "me drive me drive "while eating all the food and matty no legs looked spaced out from watching tommy all day which had made him have dizzy spells or was it Green Grasses bloody herbal fags. After all said an done we had 5 cod and so many other fish including bass and whitting we ran out of bait so we had to leave for home early. After getting Tommy home and cooking his tea for him which consisted of fresh steamed cod, mash , pea's and parsley sauce i left him and headed for home thinking some bloody day's pleasure fishing
  8. How could i miss it
  9. So was there a two muppet per rod limmit then
  10. The only good thing about having a new boat built, is that for the first few month's after the promissed delivery date they dont clock up many hours because there never ready!!.
  11. a bit of good advice buy youself a metal boat
  12. try shamrock quay chandlers southampton they had quite a few on the shelf last week
  13. well im amazed at your comments adam if you remember we had to float the fish ashore in one box and as for nor being commercialy viable well what can i say this is what a commercial fisherman friend uses with some good results
  14. some of the 32 rod holders
  15. it 's getting close just a handfull of jobs to do mind you there big handfulls
  16. crazy fred

    Blue Barrel

    try solent plastics in southampton 60ltr
  17. realisticly mid april and thats a blyth cat tied next to crimson tide
  18. oh sorry i was just doing my conservation bit
  19. bob what video you whatching count them up 16 landed 2 put back !!!!!!!
  20. tommy is on there somwhere but he cant see over the gunwal
  21. and another and it's not yet finnished and is already 10.6 tons
  22. just a quiklook before it's lifted out again!!
  23. another view
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