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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Fugazi

  1. Any debris on the sea bed in time will provide food and shelter for marine life to thrive and the commercials know this so it won
  2. Great result well worth getting out there, did you guys catch any Whiting? Are there any still about as my mate keeps asking me to go out with him for a Whiting bash. Gordon H
  3. Time for an anecdotal story I think! I have been a member of a local dive club for 30 years and for all that time the club has used 2 stroke Mariner outboards on its boats with virtually no major repair bills. These engines are never washed out after use, get extremely hard use and have been totally reliable throughout. With all the advertising hype about 4 stroke OB engines promoting reliability, low noise, low emissions and good fuel economy both myself and my dive buddy of 30yrs specified 4 strokes on our boats. My dive buddy went for the twin Mariner 40 set up and I went for the 75 Mercury. We both wash out our engines after every trip have them serviced professionally every year etc, etc and yet this year we have both had major strip and re-builds required due to corrosion. These are on engines that are 4 and 3 years old respectively so from our personal experiences we are not very impressed and will be going back to 2 strokes. I know it
  4. I must admit I found the website quite interesting as I'd never seen it before, the extreme assault course clip was excellent. Gordon H
  5. Difficult choice for me Alun, flounder fishing in Christchurch harbour or fishing in the Med? After a long hard decision making process Ive decided on Spain for Saturday! See you guy's in a weeks time. Gordon H
  6. Used the Whiplash braid on Sunday in the Solent and found that the reduced diameter made a big difference to the amount of lead needed. Well impressed. Gordon H
  7. Alun, St Catherine's Pt is located at 50 34 544N 001 17 876W and Hamble Pt is at 50 50 963N 001 18 580W so you should be OK. Gordon H
  8. Fugazi

    Air Draft

    Did the submarine miss the bridge? Gordon H
  9. Nice to be out on the water again and considering how lumpy it started to get in the Solent today I was glad that we weren
  10. Fugazi

    Sikafix Removal

    Jack, If you can find a long thin filleting type of knife it might be possible to get underneath and work a way in gradually. If you only used a few dabs of sealant this should work, but if you
  11. Sounds good to me Paul, just need Mr Weather to decide what he's doing? Gordon H
  12. Alan, Yes, I'll be there if the weather Gods permit. Gordon H
  13. I'm definately up for Sunday if the weather improves, especially as I have a lot of prawn bait to use up. Don't mind taking my boat, especially now I have replaced the Alderney Ring, or crewing. Gordon H
  14. Already done that! Unplugged my garage freezer at the weekend to use my electric drill on a small boat modification and forgot to switch it back on. As it contained my entire fish stocks for both bait and food, it was a complete disaster, especially the loss of 3 x 2kg boxes of Tiger prawns. Gordon H
  15. I've Just bought 300 yds of 30lb Whiplash braid as it was cheap @
  16. I've signed it, but of course there is another way to prevent this outrage being forced on us, it
  17. Just seen 29mph on the television, not exactly "light winds". Gordon H
  18. Fugazi


    I hadn
  19. Fugazi

    G.p.s. Queery

    Another top tip when caught out in thick fog is to remember that while monitoring your position on the GPS screen you don't motor into something else! Keep a really good lookout. Gordon H
  20. Hairdressers can afford it, not having much up top myself I asked my hairdresser who is a personal friend and diving buddy if I could get a discount. His reply was that in similar cases to mine he was obliged to charge a search fee, cheeky beggar! Gordon H
  21. Fugazi

    New Mould

    I totally agree with Adam on this, I use a Coleman and it's the best non commercial method available plus it allows you to mould them outside. Best place to do it, as breathing lead vapours in the kitchen is not a good idea unless you want your brains to run out of your nostrils. Gordon H
  22. Thanks Guys, I'll try and source some Fugi rings first and failing that it looks like I need to dig deep and go for the Team Diawa TDX. However, while I'm saving up for it I'll continue fishing hard to try and win one of those Fenwick's now that Team Fugazi is starting to get into the competition prizes. Gordon H
  23. Mike, I didn
  24. On the subject of rod repairs could anyone recommend which are the best rod rings and where to get them? No matter what rod I buy the rings always seem to start falling apart after a few days fishing, mostly with the liners falling out of the metal frames. I now have a garage full of rods all with missing or damaged rings, even my expensive carbon rod had a ring fall apart second time out. It seems that only my trusty Wimborne market
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