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Everything posted by britboard

  1. Hi All, i've managed to get myself a downrigger on the cheap and have the basic idea of how to use it, but is it going to be of any use where we fish, i know they can be useful for conger fishing on wrecks and for freshwater salmon and trout. Any other advice on what to use it for and how in the bay would be great, all ideas or theories welcomed. Simon L
  2. Welcome Mick, a good decision to join up a wealth of knowledge throughout the membership, they are all a good bunch and i'm sure you will learn lots of them. I just noticed you are in Ricky, only down the road from me in High Wycombe drop me a PM with your tel No and i'll take you out in the bay for some fishing if you want? Simon L
  3. Yes please Charlie, if you still have space. As i have been let down by crew for this weekend tried ringing, but you must be in the pub? let me know and i'll give you a ring to firm-up if on. Simon L
  4. No, not nervous or mental, but engine. Received a coastguard Pan-Pan today at about midday stating that Quest 2 was drifting with a dead engine 29miles of portland, Weymouth lifeboat was on its way out to tow them in. I have spoken to Tom and it appears that the engine may have thrown its crank and that everyone got into Weymouth safely. Toms an OK bloke by my reckoning and i hope he gets everything sorted out promptly, and i will offer any assistance i can, as i know Tom would be one of the first to help me if i needed it. Tom, Shout if you need anything. Simon L
  5. Rob if you want i can plug into your engine, as i have a Yamaha diagnostic system and tell you if anything is not working as it should do. The rev range on that engine is between 5k to 6k but the recommendation is to get it running into the upper half of the rev range in order to get the best out of the engine and to put in the best area for differing load conditions etc. I would be tempted to make sure its all working right and get the propping to give about 5750rpm with a light load onboard. If the charts you are looking at are the Yamaha US boat/engine tests IGNORE them as they are a mile off as most of the boaters in the US are only interested in going fast it seems and overpitch their boats to sqeeze as much speed as possible for the tests. My boat was propped to run at 5200rpm when i got it and it felt like it was dragging a large weight until it got going due to being overpitched now i have got it propped right it leaps onto plane, feels much lighter and responsive and burns 2 galls an hour less in fuel. Simon L
  6. If anyone fancies a ride out to the wrecks on Sunday i'm planning to be at lymington slip for 08:00 and have a space or two available. Leave me a PM or phone me and i'll get back to you. Simon L
  7. extreme marine at southampton is the nearest i think?? Extreme Marine Simon L
  8. I'm in!! either date suits me, but my muddy water mate Alun seems to favour the 31st Simon L
  9. britboard

    vhf ring

    if you aren't going to connect it to a GPS go into the comm menu and turn the NMEA checksum to off and it will stop making noises unless it receives a DSC call. Simon L
  10. blimey! are you under 50 i would have guessed higher, did you have a long paper round as a kid? Simon L
  11. Sorry to be picky again You guys are all running on Diesel which has an average specific gravity of 0.91 depending on the grade and can go as high as 1.08SG if it contains certain additives therefore. 98 gallons at 0.91SG = 743.76lbs Simon L P.S. aren't you a quantity surveyor Adam
  12. If anyone wants a ride out tomorrow, i have space for a couple more, will be heading out from Lymington at 08:00 back by dark, plan is to get some squid wet in search of Mr Cod. give me a call 07973 321401 if you fancy it Simon L
  13. Paul, im going to be fishing out of Lymington Tues if you want to jump on board with us you are more than welcome, plan is to be out Cod hunting by 08:00 and back in before dark. Give me a call to let me know either way as i'm going to be outside getting boat ready. Simon L
  14. I recently bought an Olympus 1030sw, a great little waterproof pocket sized camera and completly bullet-proof so far. 3 year warranty, 10.1mega-pixel, waterproof to 10m, shock-proof if dropped from 2m and crush-proof to 100kgs. basically Boat-Proof camerabox.co.uk i can recommend the above company as i have used them loads and their prices are always good. Simon L
  15. can't make it this Sunday, working all day. Good luck all those that fish. Simon L
  16. Rob, couldn't send via the board E-mail link as can't attach files, send me over your E-mail addy and i'll get it over to you. Simon L
  17. Rob, We did give you a shout before we set off, heard nothing back. We had decided enough was enough, 7hrs at sea and 52 miles under our belt and all we had to show for it was 2 small pout and a single mackerel. Nothing seemed to work for us even the wrecks didn't give us any fish, definately my worst day ever . I'll e-mail you a list of most of the wrecks around the UK coastline theres about 5000 listed, but keep it to yourself, if anyone else wants a copy ask me nicely Simon L
  18. Heres a link for all you fans of fishing "American style" Girls of Gaff Happy viewing Simon L
  19. try it this way "click on image to run"
  20. terry the best thing to do is to use a third party site like photobucket.com to host your video, and then add a link to it by cutting and pasting the IMG code that relates to the picture or video into our site. Also saves clogging up our sites bandwidth. examples below Simon L video "click on it to view" pictures
  21. An ok day on Play-hooky with 2 friends onboard, plenty of mackerel(and i mean loads) found of the back of the island, tried the bridge for a bit and found a lone 3lbish bass, but the boil and wind on the back side of the drift was deciding to put a bit more water into the boat than i was happy with, so we up sticks and headed for the ledge. We found Alun and Adam both looking happy-ish with the days progress but not the powerboats, we headed of uptide to start our first drift, joeys on floats produced a 4lb 2oz fish first run. we decided to move offshore a bit to run the tip of the ledge which proved to be a good move with each drift producing 2 fish on each of the first 3 drifts, nothing to get us the tin cup with the best going to 5lb 9oz. That action dried up after a bit so we moved inshore to try and find a few Bream without success but i did sneak out a big fat gurnard for dinner. All in all not a bad day, but would have been better if the wind had played ball, just nice to be out there, and the roads where suprisingly empty for a bank holiday weekend. Simon L
  22. for me its normally the Saturday thats a problem, but as its a bank holiday monday i'm scheduled to work on the sunday this weekend so it worked out ok. Simon L
  23. I'm in with some non-members onboard, Saturday right? Simon L
  24. Can someone post up the rules for this comp as i'm unsure as to what is legal as regards what defines a lure? are eddys and Gulps allowed etc hook allowances etc. Also if anyone is short of a boat, i've got room for one more as someone dropped out, send me a PM if interested Thanks Simon L
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