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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by britboard

  1. I'm in! with some buddies onboard, so fishing alone in respect of comp. just to clarify as long as its caught on something artificial it counts, right? Simon L
  2. Oh good God somebody please put them out of their misery. Simon L
  3. Terry PM me your address and i'll post up a sticky-back to you Simon L
  4. britboard


    Blimey i think there spaces big enough for lobsters and crabs to live in there I'm glad i keep mine on a trailer, don't envy you the job of cleaning that lot off. Simon L
  5. After much grovelling and pleading i've managed to find another pilot to cover me on Saturday, i've got to go in on Sunday now instead and cover his work. That means Play-hooky will be signing in for the comp with Gordon Moore as crew, Please don't cancel unless there is a tornado Simon L
  6. Won't argue with you there, boys On Sunday as we were coming back around just outside the bouyed bathing area by the beach huts, i saw a pillock on a jet-ski towing a wakeboarder inside the bathing area, next thing i saw was a snorkler doing all the right things (towing a diver down flag) directly in his path we tried to wave him off and he completely ignored us and managed to pass between the snorkler and his flag at about 30mph missing him by inches. I made a point of stopping said Chav and correcting him on the error of his his ways, to which he responded with the victory sign and promptly set off again into the bathing area at full speed with his mate telling me i was a part of the female anatomy, at this point i thought it was time to call Harbour patrol and things apparently got a bit heated when the Chavs were chatted to with some-one getting punched out, ski's been impounded, police involved, just waiting to see what happens next ? Then as we passed the Shingles we were passed across the Bow by Three more jet-ski's, 6 people on them 1 lifejacket between them. Mad Simon L
  7. Simon Thats why we have a website and all the years competitions are on the front page under site content Competition details The idea behind having a competition on a Saturday was to try and please some members that due to whatever reason struggle to fish on Sundays. Seems like you cant please all the people all the time. The above statement is so unfair and so not deserved on a committee that try their hardest to please all. Also for your information even the local members have very little input into this sort of decision. The committee are entrusted to sort out the club calendar of events based on Tides and available dates and not to individual requests although they do try and accomodate members wishes Martin I know, sorry about that ! I'm probably more annoyed at myself for not looking properly and was having a bad enough day already. Everyone just ignore my venting as it was very much mis-directed Sorry again Simon L
  8. you may be right Paul, but for the last 2 years its been run on a Sunday, and now this year its on a Saturday, and as i guess i wasn't at the meeting when this was decided i was unaware that it had been changed, may be my fault for not checking the calendar properly, but i don't remember seeing a posting or anything telling of a change. Why cant these types of comps be run over 2 days and boats declaring which day they are going to fish, so that people like myself can choose a day which best fits in around work / family commitments. A trip down to fish for me needs a bit of planning, for 8 hours on the water it usually means a 16 hour day by the time i've unloaded all my work gear, filled up with fishing gear, towed all the way down Etc Etc. Sometimes i just feel these things are organised around the local wishes without thinking about the folks who have to travel, you guys need to remember that we are hardly ever able to get the the meetings due to them being on a Thursday and as such we are an unheard voice at the time these descisions are made. (Gripe mode off) Simon L
  9. What! why change it 5 days before the comp without posting anything up on here, i have arranged my work schedule so i can fish on sunday. this comp has been on the calendar for ages, i can't make Saturday so no comp for me then i guess Simon L
  10. Charlie before you go pulling your engine to pieces, check your crankcase breather is ok it common for them to gum up and the engine will then force oil out of the crank seals. Simon L
  11. britboard


    Have you seen the video ?? I was only on half throttle Paul Right boys i've got myself sorted for storage and bedding, i forgot that there is a hovercraft meeting at fawley this weekend so i'm leaving the boat there with friends and camping out. Whats the plan for Sunday with regard timings as i will be launching from Lymington as its only 11 miles from where i'm staying and what gear/tackle should i bring? also there is room for another 1 onboard if anyone wants a trip out, catch me at the BBQ or post up. If any of you are at a loose end during Saturday and want to go and see the hovercraft racing it usually starts at about 10:00 am and its at Gang Warily right opposite the fawley refinery entrance, well worth a visit if you've not seen it before 0 to 90 mph in about 7 seconds on a bag of air with no brakes always makes for good racing. see you all Saturday Simon L
  12. britboard


    I could be tempted to a run out, but sure if i should though with a brand new engine (still running in) how far out are we talking? and i will likely need some crew myself, i will be at the barbie on saturday night lets discuss then as i need to sort out my plans for the weekend as i'm on the radio course on saturday and unless i can find somewhere safe to put the boat for the day and somewhere to bed down for the night, i may not be able anyhow ! Simon L
  13. britboard

    Ice Machine

    The problem with what is being suggested is that these machines don't work properly or can be severly damaged if run outside in below 7c temperatures as the ice will not release correctly causing compressor damage eventually, so if any of you guys have yours in a freezing cold shed in winter, be careful. Simon L
  14. britboard

    Ice Machine

    no worries Charlie ! Just so everyone is clear i make no profit on these units, so its not really a sale. The fact is that i repair them in my own time for whoever wants them, for the cost of the parts as a service to the club members. Adam F your up, let me know ? list now stands Adam F Mark W TBH Charlie Annear Simon L
  15. britboard

    Ice Machine

    Unfortunatly they are what they are Charlie! they come in as they come in it could be could be another 8 months before i get another thats worth repairing and it could be cheaper or more expensive to repair, as for size this a small machine for commercial standards. if its not for you don't worry i don't take it personally. Remember my rule though, if you reject one, its off to the bottom of the list so that it stays fair for the other listee's. List currently stands Charlie A Adam F (previous rejection) Mark W TBH Simon L
  16. britboard

    Ice Machine

    Charlie i take it that your silence is a no? let me know Simon L
  17. britboard

    Play Hookey

    Thanks for those lads, its always nice when people take pictures for you, its so difficult to get any of the boat at speed as i'm usually on it. I will gladly return the favour if i spot any of you guys or you spot me always yell as i usually have a camera and a waterproof video on board (its the batteries that i usually forget). Simon L
  18. Nice one PJ, i think your voice went up an octave or two towards the end, i just took the max speed reading of the gps engine data and it says 49mph and that was on a poor water day and with everything we had onboard, i reckon it will squeeze a few more mph when i've run her in and on a flat sea with the bait tank empty. Rob send over the pictures mate i would love to see them Great day out with the boys though, a good bass, a couple of Bream and my first Gurnard, we found a spot for joey Mackerel and could of caught as many as we wanted, the 30 gallon bait tank onboard worked really well with about a 15% casualty rate with about 25 mackerel swimming around the 2 bream in there, just to annoy them, they even survived the speed trial All-round Really pleased with the boat, i think i'm going to enjoy using it a lot more than i did the Raider and it was a joy to be able to get to the bow easily. PJ seemed to take a liking to the casting deck up front and at times looked like he was spinning for Bonefish in the everglades. Nothing fell off or worked loose and all the bits worked without fault, and i still have a prop after the Mudeford Run, so all in all a really good day, with plenty more to come ! I'll see everyone for the barbie next weekend then up early the following day for some more fishing fun, so if anyone wants a ride let me know. Simon L
  19. britboard

    Its Here

    Hi Tim, best you come down one weekend and we can show you what fishing is all about, i've heard where you fish all you get are old cars and prams To flush the engine after use, attach a hosepipe to the yellow hoselock fitting on the back of the engine (it might need a new o-ring by now, buy a fitting from a garden centre and nick the ring) turn on the water wait for a few minutes till water is running out of the prop and run it on tick over for a few more minutes to make sure the thermostat is opened, stop the engine and turn off the water. Its all in the manual i gave you with the boat somewhere? As for icemakers put yourself on the list in the ice machine post and you will get one as i get them in and you reach the top of the list I found a few more random bits lying about from Cimarra, nothing big just paperwork and spare drain bungs i'll post them up to you at some stage. Off out with the new boat tomorrow, heres hoping! Have fun speak soon Simon L
  20. britboard

    Ice Machine

    You lucky boy Charlie I have the beast in my possesion now, and low and behold it's only a ice flaker, nice one too! its going to need a bit of attention to the auger bearings and seals as it was weeping water, not too much of a nightmare, just time consuming, the parts are going to run about
  21. britboard

    Ice Machine

    don't panic Charlie i didn't take it that way at all, just my strange sense of humour, you've obviously not met me too often have you? Simon L
  22. britboard

    Ice Machine

    your wish is my command SIR! Simon L
  23. britboard

    Its Here

    .......when's that then??[ Yeah-Yeah-Yeah, for us poor mortals fishing ain't that simple and i have been known to have a bit of time on my hands staring at a rod tip maybe i could load up some "how to catch fish" videos. Simon L
  24. britboard

    Its Here

    Charlie you will have to store them on you mmc cards as you don't have a HD, in order to view them you will need to press:- menu: browse files: choose the card in the drop-down box: choose the file in the drop-down box: then choose view file and it will open. Havn't tried video files yet but will try it later and let you know, might be useful when the fishing is slow Simon L
  25. britboard

    Ice Machine

    Charlie your up! let me know? Simon L
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