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Everything posted by britboard

  1. nope still don't work iv'e tried everything jpgs, gifs, psd, big and small saved from photoshop, mspaint, photo-effects still get to the "have loaded please press continue" page, which i do and it just hangs. Simon L
  2. nope, i can't see anything gives me a "no images" message. i can't upload anything either it seems to go but hangs at the last page. help please mr webby Simon L
  3. Alun i'm planning to fish the comp from my boat and was looking for crew so if that suits let me know on weds, otherwise keep posting. Simon L
  4. Yes please Alun, let me know where and when? Simon L
  5. Welcome Fishface, Don't be too put off by the sea-sickness, i personally found that after a while it just all clicked into place and now i dont suffer at all, i think the body or the brain just fights back and it gets a lot better. You have to go through the pain barrier first, so get out there as often as you can and stay sober the night before and if you want to be everyones mate onboard, eat lots of Macky the night before Simon L
  6. Bob i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the boat was much heavier due to the load of fish, otherwise you would have gone straight through If you need a prop, let me know what you might need as i have a few lying about the garage that might do the trick. Simon L
  7. What a place the Florida Keys are!!, everything revolves around fishing with a few beaches to keep Lynne happy as well. The weather wasn't so kind when we first arrived (very windy) but still sunny, so that managed to keep me on-shore for the first few days casting off the boardwalk, i started to get the hang of this yankee fishing style after a bit of practice. Small hooks size2 with next to no weight baited with shrimps produced Mangrove Snappers and Grunts to 2lb (great eaters). Cut or whole Mullet or Ballyhoo with steel leaders produced various reef sharks, Sea Trout, Barracuda and Cobia with my biggest being a 22lb Bonnet-head shark that didn't enjoy being dragged from its watery home and flapped its way along the boardwalk scaring all the tourists, much to the amusement of all the locals. We mangaged to get the hook out of it after it had calmed down and one of the locals took it to the bait shop for the scales as it was close to the state record of 23lbs 11oz and apparently they eat quite well Managed to get out on a boat for a couple of days Reef fishing, the water was still too big to get out to the Gulf-stream for a trophy fish. The reefs fish well though with various methods working well, 2/0 hooks and shrimps bottom fished for Snappers, Jacks, Porgy, Grouper and Jorobada best being a Mutton Snapper at 21lb on light tackle which gave a good fight and took about 10mins to land with about 30 laps of the boat (amazing eater). Bigger hooks with tail-hooked live Ballyhoo brings in the Spanish Mackerel, lots of nasty teeth and a good fighter. All-round a great place good hotels, great resturants and brilliant fishing. The boat hire place i mentioned in an earlier post was as good as their word and a 23ft Angler with 225hp on the back cost me only $235 for 2 days and i could of got it for $1100 for 8 days, Bump and Jump boat rentals on Key Largo if anyones planning a trip. I think we should do a club trip out there as i was talking to some of the realtors out there and could rent an 8 bed house with its own boat dock for 2 weeks for around $2500 which split between 8 makes for a cheap deal in great surroundings. Simon L
  8. Really bored at the moment so trawled the net for you, try these i've found ebay Nos 180056695835 290055504281 110060955273 120058226774 if you have no luck i have a hand-held you can borrow until the new year good luck Simon L
  9. Hi, look on http://www.boatsandoutboards.com and search for ad No F120418 looks just what you need. Simon L
  10. Hi, there are Whiting in the solent at the moment, as i spent an evening a week or so ago off the shore at Lee on Solent catching one after another, much better after dark. Nothing very big, but consistant sport. good hunting Simon L
  11. Now - Now boys! This isn't game of "my opinions better than yours" the advice you give to anyone should be the safest you can possibly give, not the quickest route, i might take the lazy route myself, but i know my way around an engine and its my fingers not somebodys elses. I have no idea of what other peoples knowledge levels are and as such would only offer the safest method. Follows is a quote from a 4stroke engine manual. (Marine, Not Aircraft) "To prevent accidental engine starting, remove (and isolate) spark plugs leads & Plugs from engine before working on propellor" If they feel it needs to be said, there must be a reason, the chance might only be a billion to one, but somebody has to win the lottery and the odds are about the same. Simon L
  12. Me too, Sorry
  13. Yes, any engine could potentially start if enough combustible material is present within the firing chamber, a diesel will run on cooking oil which is not very flammable until it is very hot in an open atmosphere, but placed under the compression applied by a piston engine there is a small chance of ignition from waste oil/fuel sitting in the cylinders. It is a remote possibility, but better to remove the risk by removing the plugs and releasing the compression. I have in my time seen engines that have completly destroyed themselves by using there own engine oil as fuel. You can remove the plug caps, turn off the fuel and they will go into freefall and rev themselves to death the only thing to do is to open the throttle full and drown the engine with air something which goes against your every instinct. By this time the whole workshop has gone into panic and the trainees are running for their lives. Simon L
  14. sound like a fun night out, wheres my invite Simon L
  15. Hi Alun, I was looking to get out this coming weekend but if its looking a bit swelly would you care to join me as i was planning to bring another friend with me, the weather cant quite make its mind up at the moment it gone from very rough to moderate, so lets hope it keeps improving. Anyhow it must be my turn to lose an anchor Simon L
  16. What was the diagnosis for your engine, did they establish what the problem/cause was, i would be interested to know what the problem was? hope your wallet isn't going to be on too much of a crash diet Simon L
  17. Well thank you very much!! Just got in from a resturant called "The Famous Fish Company" very nice but not as good as Alun's. Not off to Florida until the 7th so plenty of time to get some fishing in before i go, hopefuly this weekend i'm thinking. If anyone has need of any gear from the states let me know and if i have enough space on the way back i'll gladly oblige. Simon L
  18. Oh alun, you just give up to easy Don't understand that problem that you had, most annoying! i must say my 332c has been faultless its been abused and even dropped onto a concrete floor by my friend and it still keeps on ticking. Simon L
  19. OUCH!! sorry to hear that Gordon, i must say my 90hp been as good as gold, looking at the drawings it look like a gaskets gone somewhere, are any of the plugs dis-coloured on inspection? i put up a water flow chart for you to look at, but unless its a corrosion problem it shouldn't be that big a job it all depends on what your dealer charges? What sort of revs does your engine run at flat out on smooth water it should be getting close to 5500rpm to minimise "detonation". The reason i ask is detonation is an explosion of an unburnt portion of the fuel air charge after the spark plug has fired. Detonation creates severe shock waves in the engine, and these shock waves often find or create a weakness, ie the dome of a piston, cylinder head/gasket, piston rings or piston ring lands. A few of the most common causes of detonation in a marine four stroke engine are as follows: 1 over advanced ignition timing 2 use of low octane petrol 3 propellor pitch too high (engine rpm below recommended maximum range 4500-5500) 4 lean fuel mixture at near wide open throttle 5 inadequate engine cooling (scaling and debris) 6 combustion chamber / piston deposits (resulting in higher compression ratio) good luck Simon L
  20. good luck to you all tommorrow, i won't be out now as i've just been let down again by crew anyhow good hunting and i hope the weather is kind. Simon L
  21. Oh terry! surely the camera can never lie
  22. Welcome Phil, hows it going, are you catching yet? if you go out with some of the other members i'm sure they can show you where the fish are Attached is a piccy to prove i can catch fish sometimes have you found your Raider yet? Glad to see you joined up it will prove to be the best money you will have spent on your fishing Simon L
  23. Brilliant !, lets hope the justice system dishes out a suitable sentence!! Simon L
  24. Yep!, if anyone goes down at low water can i have my bits back please Simon L
  25. quote Gnasher "Sorry, its normally free winter parking" Not anymore The slip at Lymington is a
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