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Everything posted by JIMBOB
Thanks one batterys new but the other is a tad corroded, I'll check it all over, the throttle and front console all got just a bit damp Stuck on its mooring during the recent monsoons with two smashed Windows! Sent from my LT30p using Tapatalk
Can anyone offer any advise to a strange problem on my Suzuki DF70?, The trim works fine if the engine is not running, however while its running it trips the boat electrics if pressed, cutting the engine and electronics on-board, this happens if you use the tilt button on the engine and the one on the throttle. It started today and sometimes its delayed so it trims a bit then everything cuts out! Its shorting somewhere but why only while running?
Nice sunny calm day on the shambles it was, but I would have rather a cold wet one with fish!! tides and weather spot on and I would say the time of year for a dustbin!. There were about ten boats on there today and only three by 2 o'clock, mostly private boats but a couple of charters ,silver spray and flamer, didn't sea a net come out all day. I think the fish may be there just the water is far to coloured, its a bit patchy one minute zero viz muddy water then the odd swirl of chalky sandy water at best maybe 3ft viz, we fished hard and even anchored for an hour or so to see if the sent would draw them in but got plagued by dogfish! one herring on the shrimp rigs and a whiting each on the drift that for a second fooled us into thinking Turbot on a day like today though I had to try
Hi all ,its been a long winter!! And Dawn raider has spent it in my drive getting a bit of TLC and draining my pockets!! Planning on having a go on the shambles Thursday/ Friday . Any one else thinking if giving the bank a try any time soon? any one tried yet? I have herd the shambles hasn't been fishing yet, so fingers crossed those flattys are riding the next tide in ! Sent from my LT30p using Tapatalk
tapatalk is free to download at the moment! Works great so much easier to up load pics!! seeing the forecast for next week, fingers crossed I hope to be trying it out a bit more Sent from my LT30p using Tapatalk
49 lb conger from Monday Sent from my LT30p using Tapatalk
Neil ginos bass was 14 lb o oz not 9 oz, couldn't work out why it was only 147 % at that weight , I'm Still in the running for biggest bass this year, just! Some Great fish there fellas
I did think shark when it was on but it could have been anything really,but it was the speed it accelerated that was what broke me off, not happy with the whiplash, great for getting the lead down in tide but to thin and easily frayed, I had a 50lb 12 ft shockleader too and it didn't break on the knots! , just the power there was quite awesome! My Rod reel and line felt completely under gunned, and was almost waiting for the line to part or run out!, mark said shall I bouy the anchor just as it broke,but even if he had and didn't brake, it would have been to late.shame tho my other Rod onboard that I think it hit first was a 30 lb ugly with a tld 20 and 50 lb viros braid that should have stood a chance! Sods law that, bottom line is if you want to get one of these unseen monsters, your going to have some sort of boat plan to do some quick thinking and actions to get the boat off the anchor and after it! Hope I'm more ready if it happens again!
Hi all , I ventured out yesterday for the first time this season in search of a cod, not happy after finding my boat had been pelted with stones and two Windows smashed! :( then after clearing up the glass on deck we crept out as far as the dolphin bank a bit later than planned.weather was crap, rain and a bit windy Dropped down two large whole cuttlefish and after only a couple of minutes one Rod bucked over with a savage bite, I was reeling in in to check the bait when the other Rod, doubled over and was peeling off line, I grabbed the Rod as was connected to something in a different league to anything I've hooked before it preceded to empty my spool off 40 lb braid, 20 lb class ugly stick with a tld15, drag was pretty tight, to tight as it turned out it snapped my braid just a couple of inches from the reel just before it reached the backing 150 yards of whiplash lost it shook its head a few times but other than that it was a high speed run with amazing acceleration!!! Would have dearly loved to see it, other than that only a couple of congers and a suspected cod lost half way up, never mind hope to get another weather Window soon.
Bet that was a nice surprise! well done
I'm also getting cod fever , I am really looking forward to the cod season this year ,I've booked the usual days off work on my favourite tides just need the weather to play ball. This years been tuff for days afloat, Every time I get a day I can actually get out fishing, the weather hasn't agreed!, so I joined Ringwood and have not taken the boat out since Aug 6th! I've not lost my touch tho I've had 5 pb's this year 3 fresh 2 sea and the second biggest fish in the lake out of 3 different lakes topped by a 47lb catfish, its like turbo conger eels on carp gear!,dam those things can fight .I hope we get a good cod run this year and good luck to all chasing them! See you out there in November James
Hi Neal I'm coming to the meeting tommorw, will pay you then, I was going to go fishing seeing the weather but the tides are all wrong!
Hi Neal I'm coming to the meeting tommorw, will pay you then, I was going to go fishing seeing the weather but the tides are all wrong!
Sounds like fun! hope you have better luck with the sharks than Mark and I last year!, You never know you may raise a Mako! I'm out Friday night to, The weather looks amazing
Alfie she took a dead mackerel, I have been trying live ones, to avoid the crabs but dead works best!
From the album: Bass
From the album: Bass
I had promised ben (my 9 year old son) a trip out (last week was cancelled due to my driving!...long story) so today was the plan, still buzzing from last nights Bass I just wanted to have a fun day and get a few fish and wasn't up for basing with the crowds. But great forecast , heat wave, Saturday, Christchurch = boat pandemonium!!! stay away from the ledge! so I asked ben what he wanted to catch hoping he didn't say Bass and "a ray" was the answer great I thought away from the armada! so of we headed south, mackerel were easy full strings! every drop! and in no time ray rods went down. we sat and waited for the dogs...... no dogs.. ray on! then another ! then one lone dogfish! After and hour or so I said to ben "next" fish? he replied "I do love those gurnard we caught last time" so off to southbourne to dodge the nets and 20 mins later a fat gurnard graced the deck! Ben then got board and wanted to catch a bass I couldn't sway him with wrasse or bream, I did think on a day like this it would be a tuff one without heading out to distant bass marks and we only were out for a morning trip, but I decided to give the ledge a try before heading home. moved on to the ledge and dodged my way threw dozens of boats and found a clearish drift line, 2 rods went out, then to my amazement 2 mins into the drift an absolute belter and fish on!! it screamed off line and felt massive! with speed boats flying by and yachts quite close it was a hairy battle!, Ben just started whingeing to take the rod off me then the other did the same! screamer!!! double hook up! both fish fought like on steroids! , I got mine in first and had to rub my eyes at one of the longest bass I've caught! by the time I got mine in bens was also along side I looked over to see a similar sized fish to mine! but I had a long trace on and tried to get ben to walk back to get it in the net a moment of slack line and it was gone inches from the net he was gutted! is an understatement,head down full on sulk for 20mins! good life lesson tho mine tho 11lb 12oz long mean powerful bass so different to the one last night , which had shoulders like a carp! get in!
I was eyeing up last night all week, fishing was slow but I'm glad I sat on my hands and didn't move just after midnight my only proper run of the night, take was bassy but the fight wasn't! , sounding deep rather than the more usual kiting and runs, when I saw her in the water, I new this was the one I was after, felt like a lifetime till she was in the net but finally 14lb 6 oz as soon as I saw her I said I would put her back but after the fight, deep hooked, bleeding gills and the photos took there toll on such an old fish, holding her in the tide for 5 mins, then in the net over the back till we left, we couldn't get her to kick or right herself, so she will feed my brood for the week! I did have a problem with my camera and only got 1 shot! but mark took loads on his so will put a couple more on when I see him. still smiling :D
From the album: Bass
Bass 10 lbs-105.26% and 5 lb 6 oz Tope 25 lbs 8 oz
From the album: Untitled Album