I've got to work Sunday but taking the kids out Saturday morning then back out for a night trip sat. Finally some settled weather on my day off!
]1) Court Jester - Neal Sturt and crew TBA 2) alfresco charlie sam dan 3) Joint Venture - Adam, Alun J and Bob F 4] Wight Magic - Dave , Kev , Chris 5) Fisheagle (Replacement for Kind of Magic) Allan Green, Bill Smith (Ferret) others TBA. 6) AWOL - Dean and Martin Paid £10 to Neal 7) Wishin Too-Nigel Allen + tba 8) Fillet up - Ben Allen , Tracy Stokes 9) JoJo - RobF, non-member (for safety rule) 10) Sea Dream - Stuie & non-member 11) Neo - Paul D & non member
12) Dawn raider - James Parker & mark (non member)