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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. late start from me , split my petrol tank on my car last night! waiting for a hire car so should be on track for tonight!
  2. I've got to work Sunday but taking the kids out Saturday morning then back out for a night trip sat. Finally some settled weather on my day off! ]1) Court Jester - Neal Sturt and crew TBA 2) alfresco charlie sam dan 3) Joint Venture - Adam, Alun J and Bob F 4] Wight Magic - Dave , Kev , Chris 5) Fisheagle (Replacement for Kind of Magic) Allan Green, Bill Smith (Ferret) others TBA. 6) AWOL - Dean and Martin Paid £10 to Neal 7) Wishin Too-Nigel Allen + tba 8) Fillet up - Ben Allen , Tracy Stokes 9) JoJo - RobF, non-member (for safety rule) 10) Sea Dream - Stuie & non-member 11) Neo - Paul D & non member 12) Dawn raider - James Parker & mark (non member)
  3. Good luck guys so envious! While I'm slaving away in a busy shop on a bank holiday weekend your going to be fishing in the Alderney sun, forecast looks great, safe trip and don't catch to many! I'll look forward to the reports.
  4. I would have joined you martin, missis and kids are going horse riding but ive got to clean a pond in the morning then I was planning on having a crack at the bream from luchtime till 8, although the winds looking like its going to scupper my plans! good luck James

    Untitled Album

  6. Any one out on saturday? Ive got to work sunday but looks like i can get a pass for sat. I was thinking of giving those turbot a last try , any one heard if the launce have showed up on the bank yet? James

    Untitled Album

  8. I was planning on going tonite but got called out to a reef tank problem, just got home, maybe next month


    Im am looking at going sat ,I was going to head to weymouth for the flattys but my crew cant make it now so I am looking for crew , or if any of you guys need a crew member let me know
  10. Hi Paul I will take the freezer off you, I have a chest type at the moment but it needs to be condemned! James
  11. I saw the forecast and I was dreaming of the shambles today at work! But got no holiday left to book, shame the flats didn't show, any sign of the launce yet? Maybe the fishing will be better when they turn up! I bet you thought that ray was going to be a big flat James
  12. JIMBOB

    Shambles march

  13. HI stuie I made it out yesterday, it was calm but cold in the wind! We went to the shambles, I had a brace of brill best a 4 4 lber my crew had one too, but no turbot! Fished both slack waters and only 4 boats on the bank, did get the first mackerel of the year tho but no launce or herring ,water is still freezing, James
  14. Good day on J V was going to let Adam post a report we all had a couple each but Adam got a beauty! Have a video of the growlers!! Will try and upload.
  15. I'm out with Adam on Jv, really looking forward to it, hope those fish are biting!
  16. JIMBOB

    profile photos .

    Hi johnny I just use paint to resize them, you maybe able to right click on the pic and edit or if not open paint then open new file from there, hope that helps James
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