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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB


    sky "50"

    From the album: PB Top 3's!


    12lb 12oz

    From the album: PB Top 3's!


    13lb 3 oz

    From the album: PB Top 3's!

  4. Hi All I Was after some advice on castletown slipway.After finding out about Kimmerage slipway charges and new opening hours on my next trip I will have to drive down there to launch. Ive never been there, only to the town Quey slip, what are the charges there? are tides a problem? how far to the banks? thanks James
  5. Opps just seen the last one did go upright! can you just delete the other two? thanks Paul go to go to work now repot later!
  6. Paul more help needed! trying to upload some pics to have a go at a report, but it keeps turning alexs turbot on its side! rotated it in paint before hand but it still does it! Its saved on my compter upright, so when I upload it turns it on its side?, then Resize tool as you go to save wont let me rotate it back?, Also I cant delete the photos. Thanks again paul
  7. Paul Is there an easy way to reduce the size of files? pretty much all my pics are bigger than 1mb, The old site didn't seen to have the same problem I could upload with out resizing? or could there be an auto resizer fitted to the gallery?
  8. Thanks Paul all sorted cookies deleted and it works now
  9. Thanks for trying I am still logged on to the old site on this my home computer! I dont normally use this as theres normally a child or the missis on here! Ive been using my Iphone , I tried to log out but it just re directs me back to this site. help please Paul
  10. Hi Martin I click on the box marked uploads and not a lot happens! all it says there's no albums to display, no images to display, but I cant see an icon or a promt to create or add images?
  11. Looks like it could be a bit lumpy in the morning but better in the afternoon, sunny and mild tho so im going for it, first trip out for months!!! will post a report good or bad James
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