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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club Γ—


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. Happy Birthday Charlie πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍷🍺 Long time no see
  2. Happy Birthday Trev πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍷🍺 Hope the recovery is going well
  3. Belated Birthday Wishes JerryπŸŽ‚
  4. Happy Birthday guys πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍻 🍷 🍷
  5. Jim, as Graham posted get yourself down to Castle Cameras in Bournemouth to try out a couple .As well as the Hawke 8x42ED and 10x42 ED they also have some other brands to compare with. My monocular is a bit of a different beast I bought it as a spotting scope but is great for bird watching when tripod mounted. Do a search on internet for PICCOLO COMPACT 15/30/45x ZOOM 60mm SPOTTING SCOPE. I got mine off the bay for Β£33 used of course, I don't think they manufacture them any more
  6. Happy Birthday AdrianπŸŽ‚ I do hope you will make the best of it
  7. Happy Birthday guys πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍺🍺🍷🍷
  8. Belated Birthday Wishes Chris πŸŽ‚ Best of luck with going dry its well worth the effort. The longest I managed was 3 years totally dry and even now only have 1 bottle a week with my Friday night Curry. In between I did slide down the slippery slope for a few years 😜
  9. Happy Birthday Kam πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍷🍺
  10. Happy Birthday Adam. πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍺 🍷
  11. Happy Birthday Tony πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍷🍷 🍻 πŸ₯‚
  12. Fins, tail and head taken according to today's news
  13. Happy Birthday Hooky πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍺 🍷
  14. Happy birthday Greg, πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍺 🍷
  15. Happy Birthday IanπŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍷 🍺
  16. Happy birthday MartinπŸŽ‚ Hope you're enjoying your day 🍺 🍷 Quote
  17. Almost belated birthday wishes Brian πŸŽ‚ Hope your still enjoying your day 🍺 🍷
  18. Happy Birthday Pete πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍻 🍷
  19. Happy Birthday Dave πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍷🍻
  20. Happy birthday guys πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍻 🍷
  21. I have a Stainless Steve coat hanger that I attach to the warp after putting the buoy over the side which keeps it away from the bow. As you drift back letting warp out you can see the buoy at all times. A suitable length of 4x2 with a large hole drilled in its middle to pass the folded warp through will do the same job and costs peanuts
  22. Happy birthday Rob. πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍺 🍷
  23. Happy Birthday Terry πŸŽ‚ Hope you enjoyed the day 🍷 🍺 Bit late with the birthday greetings but better late than never eh?😜
  24. Happy Birthday Duncan πŸŽ‚ Enjoy the day 🍺 🍷
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