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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. Same from me Happy Birthday Milke I hope you like reminding of them I try to ignore mine Pete
  2. Managed to meet him at Australia Zoo when on Holiday with the family a couple of years ago. Instantly likeable guy. Had time for everyone and loved his work. What you saw was basically what you got less the "over-the-top" showmanship. Still a bit stunned with the news. Feel So Sorry for his family
  3. gaffa

    Mitchell Reel

    For Under
  4. gaffa

    Which Vhf?

    Dave, Managed to dig out the PBO FEB 2006 article on handheld vhf's. Outcome was in favour of either the Raymarine RAY101E or the Icom M31 They were quoting prices of
  5. gaffa

    New Boat

    Wow Looks a proper bargain How does the song go.... Some people have all the Luck ,Some people have all the ???? Seriously Dan looks like a beaut for the approximate budget Hope you Christen her on first trip PeteG
  6. Have heard that there are no plans to synchronise the two bridges which means that the very restricted holding area between the two bridges will become a free for all with high risk of collisions . Quite a spectacle! Initially I reckon it will give Matchams a run for its money -Time to invest in a spectator area methinks I only hope that they will make the new bridge at least the same airdraft as the old cos I can get underneath that one at all stages of the tide - Well so far anyway although I might have a bit of trouble on the highest springs Anyone have any idea of proposed design height in closed position? If this goes ahead I think there will be a lot of spare moorings becoming available in Cobbs Quay Marina and Holes Bay
  7. gaffa

    Members Boats

    Paul, Success Stand Down Sir! Problems at my end Have now got to find out which programs affecting it. I hate Software. I could understand it if I was running Nortons but I have vowed that it will never again be installed on any of my computers ever again . Pete
  8. gaffa

    Members Boats

    Paul, Now trying with the attachment and no security my end Peteg
  9. gaffa

    Members Boats

    Paul, Thats exactly what I'm doing . The file path is shown correctly in the browse window but when I press the Add Reply it seems to try and send but then the whole post disappears and leaves no record. Is there a security issue at your end such that you don't accepts posts with attachments from my account I'm Going to retry on a new post and make sure I turn off all my security features other than my hardware firewall on the router and see what happens You will receive this ok because there wont be an attachment . Peteg
  10. Guys The following story is absolutely "true" Some (30 ish)years ago an old school mate of mine used to regularly do a spot of commercial style fishing by beach netting in the Bristol Channel.(whether legal or not I was never sure) Basically it involved laying a net at the low water mark of the storm beach and leaving over the full tide to be collected at the next low tide. On this paricular occassion he laid the net at Morva Beach near Port Talbot at a spot which was only accessible by trudging 2 miles across pathways through sand dunes. The following day saw him riding across the dunes with his young son on the back of his trusty Honda 50 to drag in the net. They got to the net before it was fully exposed and waded in to drag it in . At This point they discovered there was something really big in the net and they just could move it. When the tide finally exposed the net they were confronted with a massive Thresher shark drowned due to being trapped in the net. There was no way they could shift it so quick as a flash my mate got on his bike (I think he left his son there to look after the net- wouldn't get away with that nowadays)and rode to the nearest telephone box where he phoned the local newspaper with the story.He instructed the newspaper to contact the local fishmonger and within an hour both reporter and fishmonger had driven their vehicles across the sand dunes and were at the beach. My Mate got his picture in the paper stradling this damn great shark and sold the shark to the fishmonger for 60p a lb. As the fishmonger couldnt get the shark into his van he cut the fish up on the beach. Punchline was- the Thresher meat taken and sold for weeks on end to the local population weighed a total of 385 LBS and the shark measured 21 feet from the tip of its outstretched tail to its nose Peteg
  11. gaffa

    Members Boats

    Paul , I tried to add an earlier post to this thread and tried to attach a .jpg file of about 75kb 640x480 pixel size. Post didn't get through and got lost in the ether. Can you explain how to load pictures and add pictures to posts and galleries I have not been able to place pics on the forum since joining. Would like to add some pics of the boat and of the massive fish I am Not catching but can't seem to get anything to work. Cheers Peteg
  12. Brilliant - What a punchline Any More where that came from?
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