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Everything posted by Colin-58

  1. Colin-58

    Tuna report

    Quite right Rob, just cut the line sooner and make sure there is a flood tide, still save fuel then!
  2. Hi Allan , I would love to have come out with you but sadly i have a family friends funeral to go to on friday so plans are a bit scuppered this week . hope someone takes up your kind offer and that you have a good day out, It would be good to see picture of a 25lb Cod! So good luck Colin.
  3. Colin-58

    Tuna report

    900 K,G, 43 Miles per hour Bluefin Tuna strategy clubmates, If sighted near end of fishing trip approach from behind cast over and when hooked hang on for dear life making sure you are aiming at swash channel, if desired destination is Baiter or Yatch club Cobbs etc, Cut line near ferry, this could save a fortune in fuel! Colin.
  4. Sounds about right Allan, find out when the other 98 have been out and i look forward to planning the next trip. I have tea and bickies at the ready. Your boat or mine? Happy new year Colin,
  5. Iam confused Rob , conflict of what interest? and Terry what is L G B T ? I may have missed the obvious here.
  6. As a mixed farmer i have to work with the weather, as recreational fishermen we need to do the same i, e, wait for a forecast weather window to safely pursue the Cod! Colin.
  7. Totally agree Swellboy they are well worth a watch on a windy night i have gained lots of knowledge and tips but dont forget we have our very own experts at hand , Frank Allan Mal to name but a few to help advise us to have enjoyable and most importantly safe fishing trips, this is a fantastic club iam extremely proud to be a member of, Good luck From Farmer Colin Landlocked bucks!
  8. Ive got the outrageous jumper etc and a smile as usual. must be in the running then ?
  9. Hi Stuie hope to see you all there on thursday, is there a dress code? Best wishes Colin.
  10. Good luck for tuesday Allan, Try and put one in the freezer for me. Hope to see you at meeting thursday and i hope to get out friday but i dont think the weather is set to co-operate, Fish and chips friday sounds good to me and i have plenty of spuds! See you soon Colin
  11. Colin-58

    Hello all

    Welcome to the club Sean, you have made a very wise move in my opinion, I have found the help advice safety aspect etc. invaluable to help me enjoy using my boat i tow 126 miles to poole (baiter mostly) and i"am enjoying fishing beyond my wildest dreams. There are some great guy"s with a huge wealth of knowledge and experience between them so anything you want to know just ask . Good Luck Colin Whitehead farmer and fisherman.
  12. Sorry Colin and Bobbie won"t be able to make the meeting as we are to busy with the sheep and crop planting, all the best hope you have a good meeting.
  13. 115555 Thank;s Stuie; got there in the end and now wondering is it 1;st april ! Having evaluated such a serious and potentially deadly situation i 100 percent agree with Charlies comment;s The man must be a complete Richardhead !
  14. Hi Stuie is this an incripted message or have i missed something ? what seems to be the problem ?
  15. Hi Neal Colin Jan and Bobbie will be fishing Saturday weather permitting Tight Lines Colin,
  16. Hi Stuie, Thanks for your reply. I don't have any crew as yet so if someone would like to join me they would be very welcome, preferably someone who knows a bit about fishing as i have little experience also i have a new hummingbird 10 and a half inch job to play with and try to set etc, A member has been kind enough to suggest a mark not to far out i think i could find but if any one joins me i will freely take their advice and would be greatly appreciated My aim for the day is to safely enjoy being at sea and learn more not to win the comp! PLEASE take note i now intend to fish saturday weather permitting, Many Thanks Colin,
  17. Hi Martin many thanks for the upgrade, I hope i have posted my request for help in the right place Iam new to this game and hope not to upset anyone Sure you will let me know, Thanks Colin
  18. Hi all, I am hoping to bring my boat down for the competition this Sunday and seeking someone with experience to help show me he ropes. I have a new Hummingbird GPS Fishfinder, if anyone is familiar with how to set it, also help with fishing marks etc. I usually launch my boat from baiter, also I have have no idea what bait and tackle will be needed this weekend. My fishing experience so far seems to be random mackerel fishing. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards and thanks in advance, Colin.
  19. Hello all. Greetings from Chackmore! It was a pleasure meeting some of you at the last two meetings. Looking forward to seeing you all at the upcoming ray competition this Sunday. Kind Regards, Colin.
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