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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. Waiting for authenication email to come through...it's not a fast response !!
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-58024475
  3. "I made a FBM mould and now pour my own".... How does that work ?? What do you pour?
  4. Agree about the FBM lures....but you get through loads of bodies as those toothy wrasse tear them to pieces [very quickly].
  5. Grotty weather all weekend...I'll try and pop out tomorrow. Alun.
  6. Lots of mid week tides to choose from ...to match good weather.
  7. Just had a look at the tides and dates...... Nearly all the smaller tides through the summer are mid week. The weekend of July 3 / 4 is smallish...and again on 31st / 1st Aug.
  8. Forecasts keep changing
  9. weather not looking good....even this far out....it's unsettled all next week....and beyond!
  10. alun j.


    Jim....Why don't you take Tiddler out and give it a run ??
  11. Male / female !!
  12. Do you want to check the maths again ?? 0.98 lbs cannot be 15.68 oz !! 2 grms is less than 1/14 th of an oz... just over 28 grms in an ounce I would make 15 . 98 lbs as 15 lbs 15. 94 oz or 16 lbs
  13. That's a bit mean ...to round 0.98 lbs to 15 oz. !! Only 2 grms short....I would call 15.98 ,,, 16 lbs.
  14. Steve....you might be able to switch the scales to ounces....divide by 16 to get the pounds. Well done with the rays!
  15. Yes...easily readable...if you click on the image and then the + button
  16. That spongy mass is the remains...the little whelklets will have eaten their way out and crawled away !
  17. Whelk egg mass.....the remains of. I had one too.!
  18. King prawns from Lidl....£1.79 a packet....more than enough for a days fishing [ if you don't eat them all first !] Caught me a few plaice today !....report to follow. Alun.
  19. I have found lugworms to be as good, if not better, than rag. Prawns help...and I use the big cooked ones...they work ok and I have a few too ! Alun.
  20. Yes... I’ll be out looking for some plaice. Alun.
  21. I went out Fri and Sat for two short sessions over the top of the tides. Found a few early plaice [in surprisingly good condition !] but bites were shy in the cold water...and only when the tide eased. Nasty swell on Sat made the return over the Bar a bit hairy ! ....but the surfers were loving it ! Best bait....those little white rag you find when digging lug. Bassing next week
  22. It's logged in with the others from this month on the front page....at the bottom.
  23. But they do come up on the front page.
  24. I was out today....plenty of whiting still there ...but they are getting smaller av. size....as usual. Probably be out Sunday as well...but forecast is a bit colder. Alun.
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