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Everything posted by duncan

  1. I don't think you have that much buying power other than out of season. The overall community (boat owners not locals!) is significant in season and there is more of an undersupply than anything else. I would have thought, as implied in some posts already, that an appeal to the council on the back of 'local issue for local people' would be your best chance of success or doing a winter bulk deal somewhere. The latter suffers from a parking issue - int eh winter Cobbs has so many boats out on the hard that you would be hard pushed to park 6 rigs anywhere! Might be able to do something at Rockley between Nov-Feb; happy to approach them in principle if people are interested ?
  2. duncan

    VHF Radios

    Happy endings.......ah and I agree completely with Adam. re wiring a DSC radio to the GPS this shouldn't be any problem at all but you may have to setup up the interface from the GPS in software. Go into menu and it may have a choice of NMEA in / out (some older ones only have one connection) make sure it's out and, if choices, play around with the settingds/message until the radio is happy!
  3. duncan

    VHF Radios

    I believe some channels are different in the US but if the radio has the UK settings then you operational ones will work fine. If it's non DSC then differences are going to be small. They may well send as gift but if 'intercepted ' you will be liable for the import duty, VAT etc Fitting it to your craft is, as said, illegal. Additionally the regulators have been pressuring eBay on these sales for a long time and are 'monitoring' events. Ebay continue to defend their actions vigorusly (non disclosure) but my guess is they will tighten up on the auctions of some items at some point as a compromise ans to avoid possibly more damaging legislation. Re licences expect to see more fines/procecutions going forwards as Ofcom and the DTI etc establish the basis for them. The Communications Act that made the RCA part of Ofcom changed the way that they prosecute. The possibility of taking the case to Crown Court for simple unlicensed use has now gone, along with the unlimited fine and/or 12 mths in prison. At present a prosecution would take place through the Magistrates Court leaving a maximum fine of
  4. Now if yo really want to get the picture in the paper get sam to try picking the thing up, wait about 30 seconds then start snapping .......the pictures will make headline front page reporting "Angry conger attacks young fisherman!"
  5. Bob - I would not expect there to be any difference in the prop size between alloy and stainless for a 60 hp. Up at 200 you might just maybe be in a situation where the flex in the alloy blades is sufficient to be giving you effectively a lower pitch and therefore you might go a size lower in stainless but you would have to be borderline on the alloy size in the first place I feel. Given the choices between 3, 4 and 5 bladed props let alone materials and sizes I would always go into a prop purchase with swap options - for a trailer boat this is pretty straightforward 'cos you can swap them around and purchase the correct one. IMHO they are the most underrated item on the boat (possibly ranking with anchors except with fishermen) as simply being ignored. engine manufacturers have to produce compromises because they just don't know what boat / use you want and boat manufacturers insist on 3 blades as they deliver maximum hull speeds. If money was no object I would suspect that a four blade stainless would be the best prop for Adam, but pound for pound I would go for a 'cheap' stainless 3 blade from someone who allowed me to try a couple of sizes and select the one that ran best.
  6. Martin I was basing the price on one purchased 2 months ago for an Alpha One drive - which is I think the same fitting etc. Next time I speak to the guy who bought it I will find out where he got it. I agree the performance benefits are bordeline on a 50/60 but if there are 2 boating areas I would want one they are Poole Harbour and Christchurch!
  7. If the bottom you expect to clip is shale, gravel, sand, mud etc then a stainless prop will be a significant advantage for the following reasons - 1. the above won't damage it 2. stronger material enables thinner blades which are more efficient 3. stronger material doesn't flex as much 1. don't keep needing to replace/repair prop and you will always be able to 'plane home. Interestingly you can do much damage to a gearbox running back home on a damaged alloy prop.......... 2. faster and more fuel efficient 3. smoother with a 60hp you should see all the above advantages you should be able to get one second hand for a Mariner and not much more than 100 new.
  8. Make your mind up Mike - will you br there Saturday night? Anyone really want to play (ie get the eels)?
  9. I vote for Theyr too - I have found it the most accurate over the last few years and simplist of giving me a picture of what's around for the next 60 hours. Being 150 miles from the boat, and entering the 6 months of teh year when I only come down to fish ( ) it's pretty important to know you likely options! This weekend looks like a window of flooding large tide and dropping wind for Poole Harbour entrance Saturday evening/night to me at the moment......
  10. If you are lucky Martin they may retrospectively change it to 10 years in 5 years time..... I believe that Mariah had the best hull warantee terms available........
  11. porpoising is where the boat moves through a nose up / nose down cycle rather than running at a constant atttitude. It is generally a soft motion and is not related to slamming. It generally occurs at higher speeds It generally occurs in calmer conditions It is a product of two or more of the following - Hull shape Weight distribution Engine trim Engine height (relationship between prop height and the bottom of the hull It follows that it can normally be trimmed out - and equally it can be induced! Most common cause is where a hull is designed for and open boat configuration but significant additional weight gets added forward of the COG (eg a cabin!). The hull won't have the dynamic lift to support this weight and you will get a porposing effect where the bow dips slightly, the forward area (note this is forward of what was wet not front/bow area and can be only a couple of feet in front of the transom at speed)comes back into play delivering lift so the bows rise and you get into this cycle.. Trimming the engine in a touch will break the cycle. Another 'cure' is those hydrofoyll things......but that's another story! A boat should not have a natural tendancy to porpoise at the right trim/load etc Re the wider issues of 'whicch boat' I would seriously suggest a trip out on the one you are considering - if it does as you expect/require then just go ahead a get it.
  12. Charlie - I thnk even Sea Anglre are concerned about showing gaffed adn/or bloody fish, anbd that to an educated audience! If it was a digipic surely you could 'remove' the gaff? Was looking on her for it but can't find it for some reason?
  13. at the risk of stating the obvious that small blocked off rubber tube from the gearbox - wouldn't that be the speedo feed?
  14. follow everyone else Domino !
  15. good on you Sam
  16. I will add my condolences Adam - sorry to hear about the problems. Apart from SIBS you do have one other thing going for you - timing. At this time of year you have a much better chance of picking up some value in a purchase than early in the season and I would certainly look to see what some of the dealers still have from PXs during teh year. I would include Richard at Holes Bay Marine etc. If I spot a SH 50 Honda 4 (with 1 hour on the clock) going dirt cheap I will call you!
  17. so is that a new club record trigger then?
  18. and a black ball in evidence!
  19. http://icnorthwales.icnetwork.co.uk/news/r...-name_page.html
  20. thanks Paul - I have a stainless drum for this all set up but forgot all about it - it's sitting under a bunk in the van (as it has done for 3 years!) however the weather is now looking too nice and I am unlikely to be allowed out to play if I work things right I may get some flyfishing in at first light from the tender if we overnight in Chapmans Pool - but that's about it.
  21. noted - probably back to plan a then; Hook sands and keep them alive. However if we overnight in Weymouth we will have one really hard call - keeping the tank or beer fridge running - won't have the battery power for both!
  22. sorry.......... begs teh question why not?
  23. thanks - makes sense and yes, of course you can.
  24. So there is a new club record for trigger fish then - and quite an increase over the previous too. What next - Tarpoon? Permit? Grouper?
  25. Phaeton's a possibility but I really won't know 'till the weekend - I'll give you a ring on your mobile Adam if I get out. We would of course run over on water rather than trail - but might overnight at Weymouth Saturday for a few beers............ Anyone know a good spot to pick up eels over that way?- can't imagine we would be too popular trawling the shambles amongst the fishing boats - even if it's only a little trawl! Mind you I might get more fish that way
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