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Everything posted by duncan

  1. duncan


    at the risk of looking really daft how about - 1. Wire the new battery where you wish 2. Use cable appropriate to the charging side and demand side excluding starting! Do not wire it so that it can be called upon by the starter solenoid. If your new battery has the same terminals as the old then if you get a battery failure on your starter motor you can quickly swap and get home. If not add a basic set of jump leads to your boat kit and jump the two batteries if you get a starter battery failure. Note you are less likely to get a flat starter battery when out for a long summer trip as the leisure one will be running the lights, electronics, radio, baitwell, fridge, dvd player, aircon........
  2. Hi Andy - what's your boat name so that we can wave etc?
  3. Bob - I am afraid that I won't know if I am out until the Tuesday evening before hand. If I am cleared (and it's not the FPO this time) then I would look to 'go West' and probably join up with Loyal R on the Quay at Weymouth Sat night. I would be delighted if anyone want's to join me but would understand it if they don't given the uncertainty. As a matter of interest has anyone checked with Lulworth if they are firing that weekend? Hope to see people out on the water over the next 9 days (from Saturday) anyhow!
  4. duncan

    Cabin Light

    I agree - had one of these for 4 years on a boat until it finally succombed to marine conditions after having ended up underwater for a few hours by accident! Tube type with a hok on one end - slotted into a couple of clips on the side of the cuddy or hung around in the ccockpit.
  5. typical - the weekend I am not out with the family you guys plan to do just that! Oh well back to the decking etc - the bits have finally arrived......
  6. I seem to average close on 1ltre / mile for my Yanmar...............just a shade under at around 17 knots which appears to be my most efficient speed (other than drifting!)
  7. 2.5lb of lead - jez how much tide was running? You were in around 110 / 130ft I guess from your position info but that's a hell of a lot of lead and I am going to have to get some bigger ones as 1.5 is the biggest on board currently! Sounds like a lot of fun though.
  8. duncan

    Mon eve

    so what would have been the right fly?......
  9. duncan


    horns adn wipers - I suppose you could try attaching a Ram to a boat hook but he's going to get pretty pi**ed off after a while....
  10. duncan


    not going to get that big a clear area on your screen with a headlamp wiper Mike.....
  11. Saves on hooks I suppose - just aim to spear them eh?
  12. very very nice - looks like you were out beyond the spoil? Mackerel bait?
  13. well I actually managed to get a bit of fishing in on Sunday morning - 1 bream off ballard weight 1lb 10 oz. Under an hour later it was on the BBQ and went very well with a salad and ice cold Stella whilst I had to listen to Adam F recount the tales of 'doubles' of bream etc etc. Honestly......[smile] Role on Whitsan week - I will get some serious fishing in somehow!
  14. duncan


    feeling left out Bob? don't! unfortunately th elorry delivering my building stuff was unable to get into the drive and had to return the ballast and cement to the depot. 60% of the decking is badly split and will have to be swapped out early next week................ so I am off to Poole (now) instead! will have youngest in tow but will probably be able to fish a couple of hours Sunday if I remember to put a rod on board. Will call up Great White on the VHF or mobile if I do so - assume you will be listening on 16. If I can't get anyone because you are out of range I suppose I will just come and find you in the afternoon on my way back. what a damm shame - naughty naughty naughty delivery men
  15. I refer you a few inches down the page! or click here to go straight there!http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=496 as you will see a lot of people fish 12" snoods - I would with any combination of hook for bream.
  16. duncan


    thats OK Charlie - you can come with me!
  17. You don't need to go far Hayeswood Technical Services West Quay Road (next to Poole Boat Park) BH15 1LJ 01202 683883 Speak to Martin I and others have had a few bits and they have always exceeded expectations on quality, delivered on time and seemed very reasonable on price - to good to be true?
  18. duncan

    2nd Battery

    Adam you almost certainly have a volt meter on board wired in already - it will be a function of at least one of your electronics. Just go into setup and tell it to add to the display data. pound to a penny the sonar will have it
  19. duncan

    wensday pm

    this sounds like a truly excellent result and heralds 'summer' with loud trumpeting! Where you using a mixture of rigs and baits or ?
  20. duncan


    Charlie - You and me both concerned about it! Certainly looking forward to the tope , well any fishing really! This 7 hours sounds a great idea, brings all of the club waters including Alderney etc into play
  21. duncan


    thanks for clarification - exactly what I was looking for. subsequent to post I have been politely advised that 'significant progress on outstanding jobs' is expected this wekend - so I am unlikely to be able to go fishing at all. Not unreasonable as I haven't exactly got on with the list over the last few months. 2 tonnes of ballast / 25 bags of cement / 40 deck boards and 14 joists due to be delivered Friday and that's just the start!!!!!!
  22. duncan

    Rubbing strip

    2nd opinion - "it doesn't" ie it is not structural/holding the boat together. stretching a point, a badly conditioned rubbing strip might be more likely to mark another boat when you come alongside - leading to an altercation with it's owner and possible physical damage to your person................stretching it a bit though!
  23. which lighthouse - St Catherine's or Durlston? Either could make sense!
  24. Having had 90 and 175 ob boats for the previous 7 years I don't have any problem paying for my pleasures! funnily enough I did more fishing then too. the Poole thing is really about driving away the families - the Quay Pub on the quay being the best example recently. from a family orientated place it now bans children from 1800 completely along with all the new fancy wine bars / clubs etc from last years developments.
  25. the yachty types couldn't care less and seem to actually be looking at it the other way the RYA is chucking us (and you) to the wolves to protect it's core - actively campagying for legislation to impact craft over 17 knots design speed which rules out all the sail craft! if the fuel duty moves to full road levels (UK) for diesel then I will be moving all my boating to France or Spain - it's that simple economically for me. It already costs me 50 to drive to Poole and back - takes 3 hours each way in the summer and Rockley don't exactly give the caravan fees away either. I don't believe I am alone and the family boaters will be the ones quiting - which is a real shame. HOwever given recent developments in Poole they won't mind either as thier target seems to be moving towards Cannes every week on the Quay. Sorry about the rant - you didn't really ask for it all.
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