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Everything posted by duncan

  1. Sorry to disappoint but even if you are loaded it's not good! Rockley has a good all tide slip but at the wrong end of the harbour, #15 a day and parking becoming a no no it's not perfect and thats before you consider how busy it's getting 'in season'. Still excellent winter launch though. Cobbs dry berthing has a list longer than Adam's conger, and Poole Boat Park is facing an uncertain future due to proposed bridges etc OK if you are seriously loaded, have a Sunseeker 37 or personal 105 you can pay 5k a year plus lifts etc for Salterns but at that money you can pesonally charter a boat for around 20 days a year! Overall there seems to be an underlying move to reposition Poole as upmarket....as I think was raised in an earlier post. Personally I believe this to be a disaster
  2. duncan


    Thanks Coddy, but I don't have a Btinternet email addy. I set up broadband via Btopenworld when it was a more basic service and I was wondering if maybe I now have access to services (including eMail) that weren't originally in the package? From memory Btinternet was retailing at about
  3. duncan


    I am with BT but am not aware that it's BT Yahoo...........when did this happen and does that mean I can now use a BT smtp mail server from Outlook somehow?
  4. well you couldn't have got better conditions so I hope we see some great catch reports for today! Friday's sea conditions
  5. All too believable; there is currently a thread in the ybw.com forums about boats ignoring calls for help despite clearly being aware of them, the fuel gauge could be anyone and as for telling someone where you are going - most of us here head one way and end up another! (Smaller scale I admit. On the other hand their names...............
  6. Galia 640 is I believe the same hull as Fletcher were using for the Dellquay 660 Sportfish (my previous craft). They stick a hardtop on it and bobs your..... As already said it isn't one - mymoney is on the Ocet..... thingy between 5 and 6 metres.
  7. duncan

    Braid knots

    talking about braid knots....... I was getting a lot of problems using the lighter brainds (14/16) when attaching them direct to swivels - ie they would snap on pulling hard by hand. Took me a week to remember that I had previously been tying them with doubled line. Took me a couple of trys to get a neat knot 'cos of all the ends and not being in practice of what to hold but they go together easy now and certainly don't snap off as easy as they were with a round turn and then a grinner/uni in single line. If I was making a loop to attach the swivel I would still be tempted to make it in doubled line with the thinner B/S lines.
  8. duncan

    Personal Info

    Whilst I do not disagree this would appear to make anyone who issues a cheque but is not 'ex directory' from the phonebook liable. In the same way anyone paying by credit card is providing the necessary information for someone to complete a further transaction on their behalf............ On the other hand if yo pay with huge wads of cash the assumption is that you are the crook! It is all to much - can I suggest we just go fishing ?
  9. You were welcome guests. This is a new gremlin - and an extremely unwelcome one! At the end of the day it must lie in the main power cables somewhere which means connections, cables or the isolation switches. Sorry we curtailed but as I explained I felt prudance the best course of action and didn't think stopping the engine a sensible idea once use of the trim moter started cutting the electronics! Enjoyed your company
  10. Without seeing it it's difficult to comment but one thing that can happen is that you start to lose props - they somehow get shaken undone with bent shafts. This applies to outdrives so I presume it will also apply to outboards. If you can see it then I can't help feeling it's going to stuff some bearings at some point
  11. hmmmm Friday's looking to have potential at the moment...... Theyr weather - Friday 0100h
  12. i have a lot of sympathy - weekend inshore wrecking seems a no no doesn"t it!
  13. i have an opportunity for Friday too......and Phaeton's fuelled and ready to go. will be watching the weather first hand as I am sailing in Solent Wed/Thurs (should be a bit bouncy!) and will only be interested in a days fishing is the wind dies right away - we will have a residual swell from this lot for a few days anyhow! tides are pretty slight.......... Paul / James could you pm me your mobile numbers anyway as I will be out of contact from Tues night and seem to have lost my pbsac lists....
  14. displacement hulls are designed to move through the water, planning hulls to ride 'over/on top' of it. semi displacement are able to generate some lift and are better described as semi planning (IMHO) if you do not create this lift then your craft is limited to a speed (related to the square root of the water line length). Above that speed you will literally get sunk by your own stern wave - planning craft avoid this by rising up over this stern wave. there are generally accepted formulae for the power required to get a particular weight of boat over this stern wave (often referred to as the hump or resistance hump). planing hulls have some horizontal surfaces to assist with lift or are generally flatter in profile and avoid the drag of a keel (many modern ones have a bit of one to assist with steering at slow speed but they are generally avoided) - displacement ones are more likely to be smooth, rounded, nice entry at bows and have a keel for stability.
  15. If you have an accurate plotter, and know you are going to be coming back in the dark then the 'extra' time taken to plot a smooth course as far away from buoys as possible will pay dividends on your return, as already said. This does assume you don't run out in a big tide when the dan's are submerged! Harbour wise I don'r understand why the plotter doesn't achieve the same thing? Accept that the charting itself won't necessarily be right due to moving sand etc but I have created a 'perfect route' through the centre of the channel and have that stored - would work for Christchurch as much as Poole. The enemy for me is glass - despite being clean and clear it takes the edge of your vision at night significantly.
  16. here's an Undulate of 14lb from Saturday, one of 5 rays over the weekend - Undulates of 14 and 11, Thorny of 10 and a pair of Spotted around 3
  17. Right Bob - count me in! I have arranged company and also invited Les to join us by pm so no doubt he will contact us both at some point! Duncan
  18. Bob, Thanks for the clarification - really usefull. However I clearly can't confirm that I will be fishing the comp until I can find someone to fish with on the boat! I have Adam's number (s) so I will have to confirm by phone if I get any interest. Equally anyone wishing to contact me to fish after about 1100h tommorrow should not expect to get me on here. Finally I definitely won't be a yes for the Sunday evening as I will be 'on the road' with over a 2 hour journey I am afraid. Duncan.
  19. OK Phaeton is now 99% likely to be fishing so - (1) How do I get someone the money/entry? If the logistics are impossible can I 'commit' and leave the money with Aidie at the Marina? (2) Anyone flexible enough to want to join me - could go anywhere at anytime, or everywhere all the time!? (3) Any other boats planning to stay out overnight at all 'to the west' - St Alban's Ledge? Rips on anyone's trip planning? (4) Has anyone checked with Lulworth ranges? Are they fireing over teh weekend?
  20. of course..............
  21. SWMBO suddenly decided to 'pop home' Friday pm and retunr Sat morning so I was faced with the prospectr of fishing - 2 calls later both possible parties were found to be already fishing....! - so I decided to haul the boat and scrub off before poping into the Marina for a beer. A few ales later and I seemed to have agreed to head off at 0430h for a quick go for Tope. Amazingly we actually got out by 0450 and were out on the patches for bait er...shortly afterwards! Bait straight away - unusually for me - and it was off to the area off Anvil. Drifted the 33 and 31 but only had one small pup around 5lbs. Hit more mackerel for fun on a light rod - and a great Gar too but otherwise disappointing. Having drifted a fair distance (!) we eventually headed back into Poole well to the East (!!) of the spoil grounds at 1100. Quick wash down, family back on baord and off to Studland - long day! Still got fishing anyway. Was I in the right area or did I mess it up?
  22. duncan


    yes - normal glass but quite large amperage as you might expect. I didn't even know I had one until it was pointed out to me on my last boat. Whilst I could hand start the 90 it was a complete no no on the 175 - kind of a joke them providing a cord! sounds like you got a great deal on the cable and bits - and have enough battery power to keeep the bait frozen and the beer cold for a 48 hr trip - how convienient!
  23. duncan


    I don't disagree that being able to start the engine from either battery is 'better'. Will be a little more than a switch to achieve this - about 12 metre of battery cable for starters! Small price for safety though. On safety I do hope all you outboard owners carry a spare starter circuit fuse...?
  24. duncan


    valid point whippet but I don't think batteries fail just like that, especially if you have a leisure one handling the onboard drain. also, and I am sure your point was exagerated, if you are drifting close to rocks you wouldn't switch off your engine and, if anchored you wouldn't haul anchor before starting engine.
  25. personally I feel that a fish hooked in the head - ie in front of the gills - is fairly hooked when using lures, and therefore probably also when using bait. any other part of the body would not be considered fairly caught. Is there any NFSA guidlines?
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