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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Happy Birthday Nigel. Hope you had a great day.
  2. Fisheagle tried a few well trusted ray marks. We had some fresh mackerel and given the tide and weather conditions, we were quietly confident. We caught every thing but rays. It was only our last mark that came up with a single solitary undulate of 10 lbs. to me. Good fun was had with largish tope and we were all bitten off. As the tide turned, we went onto another bank. Several bags of chum later, we had more small Conger, Tope and a few other fish. We then started to hit decent bream on the Ray rigs. We probably had over a dozen between 2 and 3 lbs. The best one of 3 lbs. 12ozs. going to Mike. A bonus bull Huss, which I needed for the Individual Species Comp. completed what turned out to be a day of contrasts. A lovely day to be out with good company and a weather forecast that was almost correct.
  3. Allan and Mike Hall plus non member on Fisheagle. Day to be decided. Sunday at the moment.
  4. The sole didn't come out to play, the area was heavily netted, very little tide, people swimming and of course the fireworks. Message to self, choose a quieter night and perhaps try the harbour. We returned home at 10pm. just after the fireworks. I was amazed at the total lack of lights on a number of small crafts, especially, a very small rib with 4 men on board spotted near the Castle We left Cobbs on the 12. 30 pm bridge and headed into Swanage where Mike Hall and I had a few nice rays. Mackerel were scarce and small bream a nuisance. A bonus 5 lbs. Bass to me was very welcome. Conditions were calm and the warm sun was extreemly pleasant. After a couple of hours, a move was called for and we drifted along the shore and past the piers. Again, lots of nets. Plaice were sizeable, but generally small under 12ozs. and all were returned. One around 2lbs. was kept. We were hoping for a bonus red mullet or trigger, but to no avail. Interestingly, the end of Bournmouth Pier, which fished well last week seemed devoid of anything. We spoke to several Club boats on the radio. I always feel it is reassuring to know when other Club Members are out there and to make contact at least once. Overall, the weather made the day, a bonus bass and a few new species for Mike plus lessons learnt on the sole front. Allan.
  5. Hoping to do a sole trip on the evening of Friday 23rd. August along the piers with Coddy and Dave L. I already have tracks on the plotter and these will be checked for nets etc.on the way down around 7 pm. Returning to Cobbs around 22. 30 pm.when there is a Bridge which most boats won't need as the Town Bridge clearance should be over 3 meters. Any boats interested in joining us, please post or PM. Obviously, all subject to the current weather forecast holding. Allan.
  6. Have a great day and enjoy yourself.
  7. Fisheagle cannot make this one. Some French Friends who have just travelled around most of Europe on their yacht are stopping over in Poole for a few nights to say hello. Good luck to all taking part.
  8. Fisheagle will be out to play subject to weather.
  9. Fisheagle hopes to be out with Coddy. Some time will be spent near Swanage. On Ch 6.
  10. Fisheagle has a spare space for tomorrow. Leaving Cobbs around 10 am. Please phone or text 07758356474 before 10 pm.
  11. That is correct Brian. Hope you all have a good evening. Wish I could join you.
  12. Boy Colin hais asked me to post that he will .be coming down and hopes to try for a sole. On Ch 6.
  13. Fisheagle would love to come out to play, unfortunately Ann''s cousins are visiting Poole and apparently we are organising a barbeque for them on Saturday night.
  14. Frank has asked me to say that their best plaice were 2lbs. 4 8ozs. and Jan one had one of 1lb. 4ozs. Hopefully, I can put up a picture.
  15. Happy Birthday Charlie. Hope you had a great day.
  16. Boy Colin - Farmer Colin and Pete ( non member). Happy Hooker- Frank Morris and Jan Tryska. Both Sunday.
  17. Fisheagle still blocked off as Friday relaunch did not take place due to wind issues. Good luck to everyone who manages to get fishing. In the future, can we consider making this a Flatty and Ray Comp like it used to be. Think there could be more interest.
  18. Fisheagle is opting out as no crew. Up for a trip in a couple of weeks as boat coming out towards the end of the month for service, cleaning, antifoul etc.
  19. Saturday Evening May 25th. Group A Boat needing Bridge Lift. Fisheagle subject to crew and weather. 17.30 pm outbound Bridge.Return 22.30 pm. I expect to do a later Bridge next time. Leave and return to Cobbs F Pontoon.
  20. Any interest from boats likely to need a Bridge Lift? 1. Fisheagle. May have crew space. Leaving and returning to F Pontoon at Cobbs.
  21. Hi Hooky, happy to assist with Group A boats ( those that will probably require a Bridge Lift.) Two small points, contact should be by radio on Ch6, but I think it would also be useful if all boat mobile contacts were shared as a back up. There is not normally a reception problem in the likely fishing area. Secondly, I would suggest that the first trip should be on a Saturday evening. This is for several reasons. Firstly, there is an extra Bridge Lift at 17.30pm. This would give us a bit longer fishing time and allow us to return to the Harbour towards dusk and to get the 22.30 Bridges, so for the first trip at least, only the final leg in the Harbour would be in the dark. After that, let's see how people feel and get feedback. I will put up the latest Notice to Mariners and have spoken to Bridge Control who are happy for me to check there are no foreseeable changes on the day.
  22. Full results for Andy's Comp. are on the Shop Facebook Page.
  23. Plenty of Bream on Fisheagle, but nothing large. Best to me 2lbs. Jan has asked me to put up the results for Holy Mackerel. His friend, Pete Richardson ((non member) had one of 3lbs. 2.5 ozs. which was second in the Shop Comp. and won £200. Jan who fished both the Shop and Club Comp, had one of 2lbs 10 ozs. giving him 4th. place in Andy's Comp and £50.
  24. Jan Tryska on Holy Mackerel with two non members. Both Comps on Sunday.
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