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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Hoping to get out this Sunday for a few hours. If anyone else is out will be on Ch 6/16 as usual. Hope there are still a few Winter Species about.
  2. Thanks Martin, he has been in hospital for a few days and seems to be on the mend now they are on top of the infection.
  3. Hope you both had a great day and that in Mike's case, the Nurses made a fuss of you.
  4. Sorry Colin, the half dozen or so of us planning the Swanage trip can't go now as we would be going from zone 4 into zone 3.
  5. Happy Birthday Rob, have a good one.
  6. Happy Birthday Duncan. Hop you have a good one.
  7. Happy Birthday Oli. Hope you have a good one.
  8. Spoke briefly to Chas, the Deputy Manager at Cobbs late yesterday afternoon. Cobbs is open. He said it was Dorset Police who had requested the Harbour be closed.
  9. Fisheagle unfortunately cannot make this one due to downsizing and moving house on the Monday following the weekend of the Comp. Good luck to all who fish if it goes ahead.
  10. Happy Birthday every one.
  11. Happy Birthday Graham. Have a good one.
  12. Fisheagle unfortunately cannot make this one due to downsizing and moving house on the Monday following the weekend of the Comp. Good luck to all who fish if it goes ahead.
  13. Happy Birthday to both of you. Hope you had a good one.
  14. Fisheagle will be out mid morning. Still trying to find a few Roy Rogers. Tides not too good, but wind looks OK. On Ch 6 as always.
  15. A good day to yourself and anyone who is out.
  16. Fancy a change of scenery on Monday 21st of September. Heading West via St Albans to the Lulworth Banks and Kimmeridge Area if anyone wants to buddy up. As always, on Ch 6.
  17. Thanks Martin. I worked that one out. The problem is the top fluid feed. You will probably solve it in seconds. Fisheagle has been poorly for a while awaiting a new ram, hoses and a change from the LF Stearing System to a Sea Star system. They hope to fit it on Tuesday if it arrives. Will be at home or Cobbs. If down the boat, will take the reel with me. Please give me about an hours warning on 07758356474
  18. Karcher K4 Full Control with automatic pressure setting change and some accessories. 2018 Model. Cost over £200. Used twice. However, never managed to work out how to get the automatic cleaner fluid feed to work as have lost instructions, but there is a video on U Tube. Offers around £80. NOW SOLD.
  19. New and unused. Two 2 watt 12 Volt Solar Battery Chargers. One power lead missing but fairly standard jack. £20 the pair.
  20. Abru 12 way multi ladder with 2 platform bases. VGC cost over £100 new. Take offers around £40. Tel 07758356474 or PM.
  21. All Mag Elites now SOLD.
  22. If you are happy to collect, that's great. The Missis prefers cash. Allan.
  23. Thanks Martin, not sure if it will be one with a box or bag as I have given first choice to Bobby Buoy. Would you like to collect or do you want to collect?
  24. Many thanks Bobby Buoy One with a box or reel bag? Do you want me to deliver or drop off? Tel 07758356474.
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