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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Will there be a weigh in for the Club Comp? If so, When and where?
  2. Marichelle- Mick & James ( Non member ) Sea Jay- Mike and Clare Boblin- Colin, Bobi, Peter Russel snr, Fisheagle- Allan and Dave L. Probably both Comps.
  3. Thanks Colin. Will be doing a few jobs on the boat tomorrow. The Cod will have to wait. Things ease off a bit after the next month or so, perhaps pencil something in for the Spring Species and Bream if we are still allowed to catch them. Catch you soon.
  4. Fisheagle hopes to get out to around the 6 Mile Bank Area this Thursday subject to the weather. Leaving from Cobbs 9.30 or 10.30 returning 3 pm.to 4.30 pm. Please phone or PM. Allan.
  5. I would like to do a late start trip on Thursday taking the 9.30 or even the 10.30am. Bridge and return around 3pm. to 4.30pm. Six mile Bank Area if weather o.k. Unfortunately, no crew available. Anyone interested? Please call or PM. Allan.
  6. Happy New Year Colin. You are always welcome out on Fisheagle. Free trip if you manage to catch a Cod. Allan.
  7. Reckon it is about 100 to one off the IOW Allan.
  8. Weather permitting, Fisheagle will do both the Club and Andy's Shop Comp. with Myself, Dave L. and Ray Ashby (non member). Allan.
  9. Fisheagle hopes to venture out on Monday, 24th. and Thursday 27th. Dec.Is anybody else out? Allan.
  10. Andy has asked me to remind people about his Shop Cod Comp. on Sunday 30th. 2018.
  11. Happy Birthday Neal. Have a good one.
  12. Decided to give tomorrow a miss. Good luck to anyone who gets out.
  13. Thanks for the report Mick. Holes Bay had netters there this morning.
  14. Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
  15. If the weather holds for this Tuesday, Fisheagle will probably venture out for a few Winter Species. Anybody else likely to give it a try? Allan.
  16. Fisheagle hopes to get out of the Harbour this Tuesday morning for a few Winter species. Hope the sea is calm and fog free. Hopefully, in the afternoon, we can try for one of those elusive Flounders. On Ch 6.
  17. Thanks for the advanced warning, If we wait for the Cod, there may never be a Comp. Allan.
  18. Dave, given the current forecast, your picture could be one of the last ones taken. Allan.
  19. Strange, we left on the 7.30 am. The Operator could not have been more helpful. He asked us if we knew a about the New Shedule brought in on Saturday and offered to send it to my phone. When asked about the air draft indicator which was switched off, he gave me the hight showing in his hut over the radio so there must be a back up. These Bridges are proving to be a real pain. Allan.
  20. Found out yesterday morning that they have introduced a New Maintenance Lift Shedule.Some are only every two hours. 2018-37-Poole-Bridge-Lifting-Schedule.pdf
  21. Fisheagle was phoned around 8 am. by Neal to say they were coming back in due to rough weather just as we were setting off so, macky and other frozen bait returned to the freezer. Spoke briefly to Chris on Kingfisher and decided to fish the harbour. Tried the Ferry Terminal, Island and several other places in the Harbour. The wind did us no favours. A fair number of different species were caught but not the ones we wanted. The neap tide probably had a lot to do with things, especially the total lack of Flounders. There were also a good number of crabs about but very little weed. On the positive side, I was glad we went out as we got plenty of fresh air and the boat got a good run. Allan
  22. Hi Greg, will be out on the 9.30 Bridge. Hopefully it will be clearer by then. Will give you a call before we leave the Harbour to see what it is like where you are. Do you have AIS? Allan.
  23. In order to avert a serious bout of Cabin Fever, Fisheagle will venture out this Friday. Hope to get a few miles offshore, if not, it looks like worm drowning in the harbour. On Ch 6. Allan.
  24. Will probably head over about 4.30 pm. On Weds. 21st. Novenber to North Haven Yacht Club. Is there any one else going? Allan
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