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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. n'outilez pas trop l'internet pour les traductions. Martin, il faut dire que je dois travailler ou reviser mon Francais pas balayer Le verbe balayer signifie to brush away dans le sens of to forget or get rid of. Hope that helps no doubt be accused of being a French spy or similar poster to be derided as I did last time I entered ito a thread as that poor lad from London who asked questions about fishing areas and promised to help the site. Mais Merde. je m'en foue ca vaut bien de la peine pour me moquer de ceux qui ne comprennent pas.
  2. Managed a few rockets and rabbits before I had a drink now i'm a bobcat
  3. Can't get the cursers to punch and they have eaten every thing.Hope they get as much indigestion as they give me.
  4. Sorry about your sad loss. Never met your dad but reading the Orbituary he sounded a great guy.
  5. Great photos Charlie look forward to seeing the Shetland on the water and seing you again and joining you for a spot of fishing. Regards. Allan.
  6. Hi Charlie thanks for you and your dad's company over the weekend and the excellent summary of our activities(or most of them !). It was a really enjoyable weekend and I look forward to meeting you again and seeing the pictures. Enjoyed the extra speed of the rib so much that I have decided to sell my Longliner and go for an Orkney 520 in a month or so. Felt that Dave was very thorough and that we all had plenty of time driving and doing the required excercises in a good range of conditions given the weather. We apparently used over 100 litres of fuel. The rough weather when we came inshore also allowed me to get a good feel for the harbour and to experience things like cardinals etc which we don't get over Weymouth and Portland to the same extent. Will be more than happy to do a DSC/VHF Course with him in the future. Like yourself, many thanks to Martin for organising things. Yes, it is partly what the Club is about, but I felt that he put himself out with his emails and phone calls etc. very much appreciated. Allan.
  7. Thanks for the info which is spot on. Would prefer a cuddy option but not sure yet if I will have to try and get the boat in a garage. I saw that there was a lot of talk about livebait tanks etc. a few weeks ago.Will get back in touch to see what set up people have if the purchase goes through. Am coming down for a RYA Course in Oct. so will probably nip into BNG as we will pass fairly close to there on the return. I only get to a few Club meetings, mainly in the summer, but will try and put a few more names to faces next time I get to one.
  8. Hi Alun sounds as if your arrangement would suite me as well. A couple of other questions which owners may be able to help with. If I do get one next season it will have to live in a boat compound in Weymouth. I am thinking of going for the dodger optoin rather than fixed cuddy. So, is a boat cover an option if side hand rails are fitted? I already have a supply of these with some s/s rod holders. Secondly, BHG seems to be the favourite dealer in the area. Is there anyone -Alun?- who would be prepared to PM me and let me know how they found their experience. Wherever I buy it I also need to bear in mind servicing under the warranty period on the engine. As I am currently based in the Weymouth/Portland area when not up here in Leicester, servicing could be carried out in that area but there isn't a great deal of choice if say a Yamaha were fitted Poole would seem to be an option as I understand there is a dealer by Salterns but I don't really fancy dragging it back to BHG if that's where I finish up buying.
  9. Have been thinking of asking the same questions as this could well be the boat for me next season. So I will be following this thread with great interest. What have those with the cuddy option done for a VHF aerial? Notice that Paul has added extra battery plus bait tank is this straight forward ?
  10. It will save me phoning you.
  11. Can see why Weymouth Angling Society no longer have a Web Site. Couldn't understand why they said it was too much hassle and nobody wanted to run it. Thay have obviously all joined PBSBAC!!!
  12. Seem to have really opened a can of worms with this. The KPH was kilometers an hour as this was the speed indicated on my GPS. sorry if this caused confusion. Obviously wind, tide etc could have played its part.The max design speed indicated by Orkney was 10 knots which makes about 18 kilometers an hour. Further research based on a call to Orkney have suggested an "optimal cruing speed" of 7/8 knots. Clearly from what everyone is saying the engine is coping easily at these speeds as none of the warning signs suggested are evident. Suspect that once I've got back into things, hopefully caught a few fish and had some fun and got to know the area better and made more contacts in the Club that Warrior I was within a few minutes of buying at Southampton Show last year or if Tom B. is reading this the elusive Janneau that the missis fancied at around
  13. Double Gulp!!! Thought it was simple question but obviously not. Will try and work through what you have kindly taken the trouble to write. My wife used to teach physics and maths so will be calling on her help.
  14. Thanks for the information. Just interested to try and find out what revs it was doing at max design speed. Given it is a displacement hull didn't want to waste extra power causing the problems you mention.
  15. Can anyone help me with a little problem? I have just returned to boat fishing after 12 years. I have a small 16ft boat with a max design speed of just over 18kph. It is fitted with a 15hp 2 cylinder 4 stroke Yamaha engine (1988/99) which is the max size recommended for the boat. Given average conditions and load etc. I can easily work out my boat's speed using my GPS. No real problem so far. What I would like to find out is 1) What is the max. rev range for the above engine? 2)What revs is it doing at its max design speed of around 18 kph? I have an old Tester/Tune up Analyzer which amongst other things has a Tachometer for 4,6 and eight cylinder engines. 3) Given that 4 cylinders is the lowest setting on my tester, assuming I can find the right wires, I believe that 2 cylinders will give me a reading twice what the tester shows on a 4cylinder setting. 4) Which wires does it need connecting to? When I used to do cars and bikes in the 60's they all had coils and the connections were earth (black meter wire) and live (red meter wire) to the non battery connection on the coil on neg earth vehicles. The reverse applied on the positive earth vehicles. 5) I do not have a wiring diagram and have looked for one on the Internet. Any help apart from buy a bigger boat and engine with a rev counter would be much appreciated.
  16. Thanks for that one. If the boat I'm after comes my way, i'll seriously consider fitting them when the trailor bearings need replacing. I have a contact in the Backpool Club who has a Warrior and he knows the people who make the boats so i'll get in touch with him for more details and who makes them. Allan.
  17. Has anyone had any experience of bearing savers on unbreaked trailors? I understand they need to be regreased after every use. I've seen them used in fresh water but would they be any good in the sea?. Allan.
  18. Thanks for your advice everyone. Sounds as if I need to buy three of the ones mentioned. How long do the gas cartridges last before they need replacing? Have tried to find a site for Pumpkin Marine but all I am getting is an address in London. About to try Aladin's Cave. Hope to get to know a few more faces when I get back on the water. Regards. Allan.
  19. I hope to return to the water down the Poole/Weymouth area after a gap of some 12 years, all be it in a small 16 footer. Some safety advice would be welcome. I have floatation suits and buoyancy aids, but am looking at buying a couple of manual/gas inflatable lifejackets. There seem to be a lot more on the market now. Years ago, Crew Save seemed to be the main one. Has anyone any thoughts on the automatics and is a harness necessary? What about gas cartridges? Any thoughts about sources at the right price? Thanks in advace for any help. Allan.
  20. Thanks for the information. I will check out your suggestions when we come down to Weymouth next weekend. Hope to be able to put names to faces if I am able to make a few meetings this summer. Allan.
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