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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Enjoy Tom, it gives awhole new meaning to the Roaring Forties. Allan.
  2. If the weather hold and the winds drop and hopefully turn westerly, I will be venturing out with Coddy and Rich for a trip off Swanage or possibly Southbourne Rough to see if there is anything left out there. Will be listening on CH6 if anyone else is out. Allan.
  3. There are websites out there where tackle is reviewed on the beach side when it comes to quality reels and casting, especially beach fishing. From what I can see reviews on the boat side are limited. At one time, there were only 5 or 6 names to consider now there are so many new names and even the old trusted ones eg Abu and Penn are often not made where people think. Recommendation is often the name of the game, I wanted a duplicate rod and reel from a local shop, he showed me what it cost him for a one off and suggested I look at reviews and the new ones were not as good as the ones I had.I phoned a mate up at Veals Mail Order who confirmed the same and suggested an alternative which the local shop price matched. Like yourself Rob, you feel they have treated you as an individual and will go back there and spend again. Will look at the shop you mention in the not too distant future as one of the main places I use for bits and bobs and possibly for some reels in the future is only open at weekends. Allan.
  4. Used to use Transatlantic Plastics Southampton when I used to order them for Midland Shore Anglers. They may not be as cheap as ebay but they do a huge range of sizes and have different grades and thicknesses of plasic we used to bulk order in packs of 1000. Allan.
  5. Have used Wessex since it first opened and have been disappointed with it since I moved down here a year and a half ago. I like to support local tackle shops if I can, but many of the basics were missing for example almost no selection of shock leader, no braid lines of the right breaking strain, no swivels, no mustad hook selection etc etc. I have gone in on more than one occasion wth three figures to spend and been fobbed of with "we can't get it" or "its on back order" and more recently with "It's stuck in the snow up North". When spending on new heavier rods and reels this year they were my first port of call (talking three rods and decent lever drag reels over
  6. A secret wormery ?????????????????????????????????????????????? Allan.
  7. Hard Luck Rory you must be gutted. I am having second thoughts about Tuesday and will probably find some jobs to do on the boat like putting some out of harbour marks into the plotter which I am not going to get to because of the weather. Good luck to those that venture out. Allan.
  8. Monday is looking good but can't go till Tuesday as no crew. May do the flounders in the Harbour but hoping the weather Gods will allow us to get out further and find some whitting and a bonus cod. Will decide Tuesday early AM. Allan.
  9. Allan and Dave will be out on Kind of Magic for a short trip leaving at about 9 and returning to Poole around 4pm. Likely to be a few miles off Swanage but not certain. Will give you a call on Ch6. Allan.
  10. .) Adam F - JV 2.) Alun J. 3.) Paul F. .......we will either be on Gastro or Imagine 4.) Martin AWOL 5.) Dean AWOL .) Crew AWOL Anyone want a ride out? 7) Dave Evans WIGHT MAGIC 8) Steve Morris WIGHT MAGIC 9) Graham (Little Sal) 2 non members as crew. 10) Kev and 1non member on YELO 11) Bob F - JV 12) Little Rob - JV 13) Colin - Boblin 14) Bobi - Boblin 15) Mick Barnes Wight Magic 16) Serenity - Tony deavin +? terry bartell to confirm 17) Rich - Warren 18) Mike fox - Warren 19) Neal Sturt - Court Jester 20) John Young - Court Jester 21) Sereity - Rob Francis (her heater did not effect my choice of craft, much!!!) 21) Allan Green and Dave Samuel - Kind of Magic.
  11. Thanks for all your best wishes. Sorry to hear about Charlies' problems and hope they are not too serious. It was a really enjoyable trip in many ways, especially knowing that the crew was experienced. The boat handled well and did not disappoint and I came back far less tired, not cold and able to tie up, sort a few things and then go home to eat some of the spoils. I really liked the 520 but the hooking up, engine flushing, getting up the drive etc and then unloading after a trip are probably for a younger or certainly a fitter person . As Dave says it was Whiting City out there, we were rather envious of a Club Member on our buddy boat, a 31ft Mitchell. They were about 70 yards from us and did really well. Cod to 12 plus, whiting to 3.5 lbs, blond ray of 16lb and several lost congers and loads of whiting. It is a new learning curve and there are plenty of lessons to be taken on board, especially in the different handling characteristics of the boat. Work needs to be done on trimming the boat and getting the best speed/fuel econony, but with all the help and advice out there it should't take too. long. I also look forward to getting more involved in Club Comps when newer areas become more familiar. A special thank you to Dave, Charlie, Tom B. and Rich for all their help. Allan.
  12. Hi Nigel spoke to you at the last meeting about a 5lb box of squid. Am I included in the ones you have bought or do I need to get down the Chinese tomorrow? Allan.
  13. I'm going with Coddy and Bill. Coddy has suggested he could toake one more if Rory wants to come with us. Rory suggest you give him a ring if your not fixed up. Allan.
  14. Have added my vote against. Allan.
  15. And me, what a crime!
  16. I have a Maplin's heater/ blower the same as Nigel refered to. It's a nice piece of kit with a swivel base and at a good price-under
  17. What good is pennant with the wrong boat name? Getting quite excited about the possibility of cod having seen Nigel's pictures and those posted today and then the missed 30 pounder. Offers invited for the old pennant???? Thanks everyone. Allan.
  18. The 520 has now been SOLD and the new boat should be available in about 4 weeks so roll on some fine weather and a few Cod. Allan.
  19. Thanks Nige will bring cash for the two of us on Thursday. Regards. Allan.
  20. Price of boat now reduced to
  21. Hi Nigel bit thick when it comes to adding name to list. (No sarky comments please) Put me down for the for the 4th or the 5th Dec. Allan.
  22. Many thanks Wedger. There is a boat I may look at that has had it done and is advertised as having 9 years of a ten year guarantee left. What the guarantee is worth I don't know but I understand it was a specialist Company. If we go and see the boat I will find out more and perhaps post again. I did look on the internet and there were some conflicting view but I suspect that these were on yachts being used in warmer waters than ours when it did not seem to be very efficient. Allan.
  23. While looking through various web sites to find a larger replacement for my 520 I have come across several boats with commercially done copper antifouling. I understand that there are possibly environmental considerations but does it work? What happens when the stuff needs replacing etc? Has anyone any experience or advice? Allan.
  24. Thanks Adam, I looked at these a while ago but they could well be worth revisiting. I saw one a while ago at BHG and there are a few around on the various web sites. At the moment all options are open. Thanks for your suggestion I will add them to the possible wish list. Regards. Allan.
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