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Everything posted by fisherman1055

  1. New club secretary I'll go for that, or both of them Tony D
  2. Charlie i will be out, please book me into the comp best wishes Tony D
  3. Why can't they adopt the French approach and build a short but high bridge It works every time It may not look as pretty but it would prevent chaos in the space between Will they think about building pontoons for boats to tie up to now the ebb tide has increased by 1.5 knots due to dredging. Tony D
  4. Dear Members At the last meeting I gave details of the current DEFRA Consultation on managing the exploitation of tope. Can I urge all members to visit the website below for details; http://.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/current.htm and leave feedback or send comments to; tope@DEFRA.GSI.GOV.uk many thanks Tony Deavin Club Secretary
  5. Yellow penguin at Mitchells Boat Yard will have them
  6. Hi Tom I also off Friday with the misses Do you fancy company for shark fishing with Ginsky??
  7. Any one found my rod and reel off Purbeck coast yet. If you do you can keep the fish!!!!! Tony Deavin
  8. Peter Russell and I had a good days fishing on the Purbeck coast. After a number of average Bream we hit big fish with the best of 3lb 14 oz to Peter and I had a 15lb 8oz Undulate Ray . Then disaster, my rod and reel flew over the back of the baot never to be seen again. Possibly another large ray. If anyone fishing off Winspit finds a Penn Downrigger with a Abu 5600 Green reel , it is mine, i would be very pleased to get it back. Tony Deavin
  9. What a good idea I have loads and need to make some space i will take them down at the weekend unless someome collars me at the AGM I have old sea angler and BFMs Tony Deavin
  10. here it is
  11. open with caution
  12. Hi I have a spare garmin 128 e mail to fisherman1055@aol.com or ring mobile number on membership list Tony
  13. All gone to a good home now
  14. Any one want my Sea Angler and Boat Fishing Monthly magazines. A pile about 2 foot tall, will need permission from the wife Have to decorate the bedroom and they are cluttering up the place. Please e mail or ring . Tony
  15. Force four had a garmin 256 ploter or similar for
  16. fisherman1055

    mac tony deavin

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