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Everything posted by fisherman1055

  1. I will be fishing subject to crew tony
  2. Serenity needs crew for Sunday 14 December Flounder Comp in Poole Harbour Please ring Tony on +44 7733101037 or e mail fisherman1055@aol.com
  3. James Good to hear from you again I spent 20 years fishing on Chesil andf other beaches, and caught many different fish These days it has deteriorated so much there is a limit to how many dogfish and poor cod you can catch without going mad This why I only fish from the boat now. Regards Tony
  4. Good luck with the sale Martin Lorraine says will you still come on the family days?? and that you and Veronica are welcome to come and drink wine on our boat any time best wishes Tony & Lorraine
  5. Sole normally start to be around September to October time
  6. Why do weddings and Golden wedding anniversarys have to happen on a Saturday. I wont be out to play either. Tony Deavin
  7. I have always heard this is the case but it is good to see a definite evidence. Tony D
  8. I'll be there on Serenity Crew to be agreed Tony
  9. I got one last year and they are very good for keeping things fresh in the fridge so they do not spill, especially meat and fish while marinating.
  10. Hi Dave Nice looking boat Look forward to meeting her on the wate with mine Its a bit of a shock for the mooring feees after a trailer but dont they ride better. Best wishes Tony
  11. I will be out on Sunday with Peter Russell on Serenity Tony Deavin
  12. Good news Tom May be we can get the MFs out together At least you can use it they are too good to leave on the mooring Best wishes Tony
  13. Beware the blue powder Check the cables from the battery to the engine, they do tend to oxidise very quickly and turn to blue powder which does not conduct ellictricity very well Have found this on my engine despite keeping a good eye on the connections Good luck Tony D
  14. Charlie I am surprised you can see to reply without your glasses I have packed them and will bring to the meeting thursday Happy New Year Tony D
  15. Miss Daisy , Merry Fisher 695, ( posibly to be renamed) had her first competition with the club. I went out with Peter Russel around the purbeck coast to try her out as a fishing platform. She handled like a dream and did not get upset by comments from Nipper about Gin Palaces. Unfortunately no Rays today but caught Bass, Smoothhound, Wrasse, makeral, Garfish, Conger, Dogfish and a Trigger. Truely a boat for species competitions. A good day was had by all Tony Deavin
  16. fisherman1055


    Dean You are a braver man than I Tony
  17. usually onlycfish caught are measured against NFSA 100% size limit and only fish of 50% and above counted
  18. i'm british how do we tell them Anthony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! british name
  19. I have been looking at radar reflectors for my new boat and found this study on the effectiveness of a number of different types. Please follow the link below. http://www.ybw.com/pbo/pdfs/radar_reflectors.pdf It may help save you some money and buy one that works. Tony Deavin
  20. Re: New Boat I took ownership of a Merry Fisher 695 from Southern Motorboats on Thursday 27th September. Good job I was on holiday and able to play with her over the past few days, what a difference compared to a Shetland. I am still learning to drive her as she has a shaft drive and only goes in the direction she is pointing, different to an outboard. My parking skills have improved over the past few days and I will soon be able to use her for fishing. She is at Salterns at the moment but will be going to her new home at Rockley Boat park shortly. Many thanks to Tom Bettle for his advice on boat choice, customer service, and boat handling lesson. Best Wishes Tony Deavin
  21. Also posted Tony Deavin
  22. Hi Martin I will go for this bargain for
  23. I remember they did this about 10 or more years ago when they were considering developing an oil distribution Island in the bay At that time I fished off the shore and all the fish seemed to leave for the duration of the survey. Hopefully this time round fish can still be found somewhere in the Bay.
  24. Ginsky will be fishing the comp with Peter Russell and Tony Deavin
  25. I have just sacrificed a Rogan Josh curry and a bottle of merlot that should see the wind off for a while Isn't that right GODS
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