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Everything posted by Sinbad

  1. I'm on the list! Paul F
  2. Yep - See what you mean, its sort of a narrow window.... Saturday looks OK. Pity the wind isnt more northerly on Fri N - could have been a sole session otherwise Paul
  3. OK I stand to be shot down? but which forecast is everyone looking at - metcheck i know is pretty variable in accuracy - but it says 9mph Sunday - Saturday better. BBC and Windguru similar. if the links to weather pages are really so crap, and everyone else is using something better - could they please advise here ? Confused Paul F
  4. I might be a late entry, as its touch and go if I can accumulate enough points on the home front. Should be able to post later on in the week. Paul F
  5. Sinbad

    Ringo Or Similar

    Thanks for the response Guys I seem to be spoilt for choice.. Dan - the bridle fixing points would be on the topsides or the mooring cleats, so hopefully wont drag in the water. Regards Paul
  6. Sinbad

    Ringo Or Similar

    Hi all - short notice I know..... has anyone in the club got a ringo they wouldnt mind lending me, for this weekend as a try out... for my kids I'll go had an buy one if it proves 'towable' with my boat, and if the kids enjoy it.. PM me or let me have contact details on here. Regards Paul
  7. Well Done lads Nice photos too! just shows what great September weather it was . Regards Paul
  8. Sorry we didnt make the weigh in.... we didnt fare much better than others... Martin and Dean on AWOL buzzed past us whilst we were off swanage, at about the time we would have had to pack up and rush to the scales, (with a pair of Doggies and a strap conger...) so we decided to catch the last of the sunshine and chill out. The day started promisingly enough on the SWbanks, with a pair of small conger and pout, almost first drop. Then as the tide slackened, and the boat swung, we were getting snagged up all over the place. Our plan of finding a a shingle bank hadnt quite worked, and we were in a real snatchy area, losing 1/2 dozen sets of gear and alot of braid. Eventually the tide beat us, as we were now on mono, so we headed back inshore, and took advantage of the smooth conditions and lack of action to have a late lunch and a few cold beers The only highlight was hooking up with something big on the banks which held bottom, then moved uptide taking advantage of a weak braid/mono knot....ping ! Richard my crew for the day, ended up with his mackerel fillet on the diving platform of a sportsboat, after their careless drift whilst feathering had gone over his uptide line and they hauled in his line, lead and bait and a short struggle ensued between 2 tons of sports boat and an uptider.... As we were running low on gear at that stage, I was less than polite in my asking for the whole lot back. Anyway, it was good to be out, and try a few new areas, and thanks to Adam / Gordon / PaulD for all their organisation, and arrangements on the day. PaulF
  9. Thanks Paul / Adam Hopefully, I'll be down at the booking in by just after 7:30, but as I'm not launching at Baiter, will be keen to get buddied up, so I can return and get the boat sorted out. see you all Sunday. PaulF
  10. Please could someone post the NFSA specimen weights list..... after a search of the forum etc and NFSA website, I've drawn a blank.... but then it has been a tiring day at the office!! I've PM'd Adam to clarify if its one rod only fishing, but me thinks it would be a great help if the spec listy plus the comp rules were posted as a download or something....Paul D? Thanks Paul
  11. Sinbad

    Towing Limits

    Mike I'll make you an offer, you have my 20ft which you can tow home, and I'll trade up with Tom to something I dont need to trail. I wish.... Paul
  12. Sinbad

    Towing Limits

    I went round the houses on this one, Mike. Cant fault the info provided by others (except Tom's list of towing cars, starts with the Ford Ka or 'Kant' as it cannot be legally fitted with a towbar ) Practical boat owner did a Report on this back in Feb/March I think... I had to phone VW to get the kerbside weight of my passat as its not in the handbook. The reported towing weight is misleading, as this refers to the weight which can be pulled up a gradient, not the legal or safe weight. I wouldnt go above 85% of the kerbside weight for ability to prevent the trailer snaking and trying to overtake you on long downhill gradients. ( towing back from weymouth this year behind Adam with Ootb, this was the only point the trailer started to move about - did you notice anything Adam ?) I have easily pulled my Orkney out of the water for scrub offs and its no problem as long as there isnt anything like a ledge. I would think my estate is on the absolute limit for safe towing though, and you have to wonder if its really worth the risk. Regarding the launching and recovery - I've been amazed how easy this is, and done it completely single handed given the right conditions (no wind). I'm really not sure how much the whole set up weighs, as my hull is only 900kg, and the O/Board 100kg- but you have to add up all the rubbish you have stored in the thing plus fuel, anchors etc. Believe me it mounts up. Try emptying the boat lockers next time you are in the marina and see how many trolleys you fill. Still think you should buy a 440 as a fishing tender!! Regards Paul
  13. Just returned from a week in sunny devon... watching the bass boats return most evenings with two boxes of fish full between 4-6lbs well over a dozen - caught on spinners, livebaits, running ledger - mixture of methods. Also managed to get off the beach in a self drive boat.. and was 'innundated' by shoals of mackerel, proving my theory about mackerel not being put off by the noise of a diesel engine clattering away. Where to go fish for the Burnham comp ?? Paul
  14. Sinbad

    Buying A Boat

    Daz One other point which has served me well, try and get a boat that someone has used for fishing, they are much more likely to be trading up or stopping altogether, so look for the extra gear as part of the price - like, Fishfinders, VHF, GPS, flares, rod holders, Anchor, warp, fenders,Trailer lights, straps etc it can add up to hundreds of pounds by the time you have assembled it all yourself. What usually happens on boats is you buy the extras for the person you sell it to. At least it might be reasonably sorted. First boat I bought had been used for picnics, and it cost an arm and a leg and loads of fishing hours to get it right. But it was alot of fun learning ! Paul
  15. I'll be there....bright and early, and fishing on 'Imagine' with Richard, a mate from work. Is it the 'usual' format with something back at the mariners or will it be weigh in and disperse at baiter ? Paul Mike - I suppose if you booked in first thing ,by car, you would still have a reasonable time for motoring/ sail to get on an inshore mark. Fishings from 09:00 so wouldnt be the end of the world if you didnt start till 10:00till 15:00. its just the dash from the marina for the weigh in. logistics... logistics...logistics..
  16. Well done, Alun - I bet your Brother was impressed... I too was 'enjoying' the force 3-4 out west, although when the sun came out later, the breeze died away. I gave peveril a few drifts with livebait, and along dancing ledge in close, but this time no Mr Bass, just Mrs Diddly squat. The plan was to fish some banks out west, but I got pre-occupied with catching a few baits and employing them staight away under a float, that the morning soon passed. By the time I got anchored on the bank, the tide strength needed 1-1.5lb of lead, and I felt distinctly under gunned. A fruitless few hours was spent in the sunshine - but the mackerel kept showing in small numbers. A quiet day,with few boats about- (well, out west, although the swash channel was full of seadoos driven by the B'ham navy!! - good luck anyone venturing out this weekend!!) Still was good to be out to check a few new marks for the comp, and a mirror flat sea to end with, made me wish I was out tonight... especially as I saw Gordon (Enticer) on the back road heading to Christchurch. Regards Paul.
  17. Sinbad


    Nice One Alun! (or should I say two) who needs to go to the Island then .... As I was driving east in the strong sunshine this morning, I thought you'd have a cracking day's weather, but soon drove under a deep bank of cloud, at Winchester.. never mind.. plenty of warm sun and Tuna where you're off to... Paul
  18. Sinbad

    Abu 6000

    Charlie If uncle Alun can't sort it for you.... If you have got larger more complicated bits to source, contact Pure Fishing (UK) ltd Unit 8H Marsh Bank Crewe CW2 8UY service centre 0845 0500093 email contactus@uk-purefishing.com I have had loads of bits from these very nice and efficient people and mostly on trust, allowing me to get on and repair the reel without faffing arround waiting ages for parts to arrive. Regards Paul
  19. The above thread just shows one of the many examples here of uncertainty over identification. I'm sure that when you have been fishing a particular area and have had a variety of fish aboard, then you can tell the difference. But many anglers (myself included) have alot to learn and alot of species to still catch. I would support a no photo no record approach. even though its not always simple to get a photo of a live fish when you havent got hold of it. Paul
  20. Hi Alun Is that a leisure battery, or a car battery ? if the latter, you might be better off with a refund, and put it towards a leisure one. Regards Paul
  21. Sinbad

    Building Regs

    Priceless Paul some unlucky ones in the know, will now have heard of an FRA (flood risk assessment) required by any developer (private or commercial) who applies for planning. We were expected to provide details at the planning stage of the ordnance datum of the development, mitigation within the design in event of a flood, and build at a level 12" higher than the maximum height of any predicted flood. The point is this info is on the Envronment Agency website, you type in your postcode and hey presto, up comes a map showing your road and if you are unlucky, a blue 'lake' indicating the flood risk zone. Strikes me the New Forest DC and EA have all the information themselves, all they want you to do is absolve them from any responsibility if there is a problem!!!! I liked the joke.....
  22. Thanks guys, I felt alot better yesterday once I had dried everything out, and cleaned the hull. At least the sun was out, and she went back on the mooring without any drama. Its amazing what a full days sunshine can do for the morale - I think I forgot what it was like.... Roll on Septembers warm days and evenings Paul
  23. Tom You are right, theres a good 6" or so level difference between the cabin and the stern, and lying at rest on the mooring and on the trailer, the low point is def in the cabin. But its a diferent matter under way - the water will be at the stern, and its a good chance to check whilst steaming out the harbour. You were very good not to say those immortal words " should have bought a MF " I reckon I have brought most of this this on myself by making a passage hole for the deck wash inlet in a vertical bulkhead in the deck- its just not high enough above the scuppers, so when you have loads of gear at the back or are reversing, its easy for water to wash past the scupper, and seep past the hose, even though its a reasonably tight fit. Anyway, Sunday's job was to fix a wood plug in the hole, after bailing everything dry, and flushing out with fresh water. I'll plug and fibreglass over the hole when I'm not so annoyed and in a better mood !! The boat is back on the mooring, all dry and ready to go, and one more lesson on boats learnt. I'll be speaking to Orkney in the week, but I'm already anticipating their response regarding the outboard cable fitting. Thanks Charlie for the offer, I'll no doubt be in touch fo some advice about the fibreglassing, seeing as you've been up to your ears in the stuff lately. No rush though... Paul F
  24. After Tuesdays rough weather sortie - fantastic sunshine but lots of wind and white horses on the water, I seem to have more water in the boat than expected. Was just about to leave the boat and opened the battery compartment to switch off, and found 2" of water in amongst the batteries !! how that got in there I dont know.. Also Checking the bilge at the stern, the deck pump ran for a good 1/2 hour to clear the level, and I thought that was that. Wrong.... On going aboard today, the cabin had water inside, the carpets piss wet through. So once bailed out, and after a bit of investigation , the cabin is alot lower than the rear deck, and theres no inspection point wihin the cabin, except for the table boss, and this is where the H2O was seeping up through. Seems to be a poor design on the Orkney 20, as any water getting in past the outboard cables will go to the lowest point, and I havent found an inspection point yet. Last time I was at Orkney, they were fitting a nice looking stainless gland/ conduit to avoid the usual rubber grommit most boats have, mine included. I believe this is the main culprit, as it only takes a few waves over the back when reversing and the water goes straight through. Anyway I'm now left with a problem - Only way to empty it is to use a portable bilge pump or rig up something to my deckwash inlet. Plan A is to haul out on the trailer for a good inspection asap, and flush all the salt away, then hope it dries out. Only highlight of the day was being able to squeeze 3 adults and 6 children on the boat for a quick harbour tour, and helping to rescue a dinghy crew who had floated away from the upturned boat, smack in the middle of the main channel... Paul
  25. So OK for COD then ?....
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