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Everything posted by Sinbad

  1. Sinbad


    Dave Pretty much, my trailer is sitting in the yard doing nothing all summer (Now that all my jobs are done). You are welcome to borrow if you need to haul out again, if you think it will fit. Paul
  2. Sinbad


    Dave Amazing how a grass skirt and a few barneys slows you down Any longer in the water, and you'd have stuck fast to the bottom. I can recommend once you get to the paint level, the use of a sanding block on a pole, fixed with an open mesh sanding gauze. Theyre Magic! Hope you get it sorted. Paul
  3. Charlie Hope you got your feet into the roll of fibreglass under your desk!! - I put it there Sunday late, but couldnt find the laminated wheelhouse cards, so perhps next time. Thanks for all your advice and materials so far and much appreciated, tested it out on Monday N, with a quick trip to the Quay, no leaks and a healthy flow from the deckwash, so I'm happy Madw - yep, I've put a water witch electronic sensor in the circuit, the helm switch is 3 position, off, auto(with the float switch) or manual (dead mans finger). I've got twin batteries, so if the worst happens, I can start using the spare. Paul F
  4. Sinbad

    Rod Holders

    Try the Uni rest, available in all good tackle shops, fits to the rail by tightening a plastic band as you screw it up... Or cable tie a plastic 3/4" pipe clip. Regards Paul
  5. Charlie We often park up arround pottery pier on familly days, and you can get about 30-40 boats all starting up their motors at once, at arround 4:30 to make it back to the mooring/ slipway and then an hour later they're all on the A338 heading north out of Bournemouth ! We end up staying alot later . Its probably the same at any south coast slipway, with the ignorant and unwashed... best to avoid it. Other than that, a pontoon would be a good idea at the quay, for picking up/setting down only. As you say, why cant a floating pontoon be installed on posts at baiter? I wonder if Parkstone Bay can be used for picking up - park at whitecliffe and walk through the yard? Serriously though, I think you should raise it at the next meet, as lots of people are unhappy with the facilities here, and the usage of the slipway is only going to get busier. Regards
  6. Rob I'm going with the 'live all the time' wiring scheme. My cabin is lower than the stern bilge, and inaccessible unless you remove the galley table boss. Guess what - its corroded to buggery. I'm also fed up opening the cabin door and paddling arround in water, and I cant pump the bilge by hand when I'm on the helm ! Regards Paul
  7. Just completed Sunday in the scorching sun, finishing off a load of jobs on the 'z' list - as well as fitting a bilge pump. Ive fitted a Rule pump in the stern bilge, and a 3 position switch in the cabin, but after frying my bonce I must have gone a bit soft in the sun, ended up taking the power supply from the helm panel, which is isolated by the battery master switch. I'm now thinking, that the main point of having the pump is to keep her dry when she's on the mooring, having found a few places where rainwater and seawater can get in over time... As its wired at the moment, I'd have to leave the battery isolator switch on.... and I dont normally do so for security. I also found the battery completely flat once after leaving the power on - maybe it leaks out somewhere... So, with a bit more modification, I can take a +ve supply direct from the battery to the switch and then the bilge is set to operate on Auto, whenever the switch detects some water. Is this the right way to do it ? What do most people have and why ? Grateful for some opinions... Paul F
  8. I'm Keen Since me and the boat havent seen any salty water for a month. Might sneek out - will post if I need crew.... Paul
  9. Charlie A have you tried the Chain Ferry, plenty of deep water there.... Its a real shame that nothing is planned with all the investment on the lifting bridge You would have thought anything that reduces the traffic passing under the bridge from Cobbs would be in the interest of PH Commissioners and the Town Council. Just have to plan your return either side of 4:30- 6:30 ? Paul
  10. Paul Was it in line with the quoted costs ? will it be a cambelt next time, or dont you have one - could be a biggy otherwise... Paul
  11. Sinbad

    skin fitting

    Hi Charlie, I'll no doubt call on your judgement, she's in the yard as of Friday N. Are you arround Sunday for a chat ? I'll have a go at the one for the sink using sika as tom suggests! Paul
  12. Sinbad

    skin fitting

    hi Chaps! I've decided to plumb the sink drain in at last.... easy because its above the water line, but would really like to put a skin fitting (Brass alloy) in the bottom of the boat for the deckwash suction. Could those that have done it advise how to bed the fitting in etc ...marine epoxy or sikaflex type. I was going to drill through from the inside with a small hole first, then go from the outside in with a hole cutter. bearing in mind the sink one is plastic - should this be set in epoxy or will it be a problem if ever it needed changing out ? Paul
  13. Sinbad


    Late response! I'm in
  14. Pete If you are on a swinging mooring rather than a pontoon, Ive been using a plastic bin full of fresh water to pump through the engine once I've picked up the mooring. All you need is some ingenuity with the deck wash pump. Recently, when the engine was serviced, whilst my thermostat was stuck open, the engineer said the cooling water passages arround the cylinder looked nice and clean. I'm sure Rob Francis would have posted if he'd seen this - last year he did a salt X flush of his outboard and took some nice snaps before and after - what a difference! Hope you get it sorted quickly.. Paul
  15. Well done Martin for flying the PBSBAC flag again.... Thoughts about the Anchor, thats two thats in the same spot - same thing.... I would think there were divers down there, or crabs with marlin spikes.... Come on Adam - next dive - you know you want to !!!!!! Paul
  16. What did you plump for in the end Simon ?? Hope we will see you out on the water soon ? Regards Paul
  17. Hi Will We'll be in 'Imagine' - Gordon Holt and PJ (?) on Fugazi.. Gordon is launching at Baiter - we are in the Parkstone Marina. When you get set, call us on ch6 Paul
  18. Spawney gits! there's your answer I understand Alun is constructing a gold plated wheelbarrow to cart away at next years prizegiving......
  19. Sinbad


    I went ahead and fitted Bennets sport tabs to my Orkney, and after a year of use I wouldnt be without them. As for sizing, I seem to remember getting Bennets or the retailer (mailspeed marine) to recommend a size, then checked with Orkney - and compared the two. Fitting is straightforward to the average DIYer... I find the most use is when all the crew change sides suddenly when 'sightseeing' and the boat takes on a 10 degree list.... easy to correct the balance by digging in the tab. Then there's seeing where you are going - quite handy to get the bow down, depending on how you boat reacts to displacement sailing before it is on the plane. Then theres just facing the oncoming waves - some boats seem to cut through the waves a bit better when the nose is down a bit. I agree sort of with Toms suggestion of the LED indicators, i wish i had fitted them, but cost was the main reason for not. I often finding myself taking off all the trim and starting again, to make sure where the tabs are..... Also, without touching the throttle, if you raise the tabs a little (i.e remove the trim), then the speed of the boat increases - so they do create drag which adversely effects economy. However if your boat is struggling to get onto the plane, they can provide the lift at the stern to change the angle of the engine and provide that additional shove. Paul
  20. Had a really slow start, trying to get a novice competition crew into gear and ready to go (well he did have to cook his own breakfast first then put his guinea pig and rabbit out in the run..... come on he's only 12!) Okay, so by mid morning we were enjoying getting a buffetting in the swash as we picked up a few strings of mackerel (only small ones though) and very scattered. Eventually we got a few jumbos, then nipped off round the corner to ballard point. Trying to get the perfect lunch spot, sort of killed off the chances of anchoring in some tide (bream need a flow!). So we contented ourselves with Soup and endless dogfish - indicating we werent over any rough ground..... hauled tackle. pick, followed by boat, then spent the remaining 2 hours of the evening pressure washing all the barnacles off. Was nice to get home.... Paul
  21. Just got distracted from the forum and weather forecast..... which seems to be the usual Friday evening wind down... Anyone else ? Paul
  22. Fair point Fred - just to explain what I meant... I personally dont have an Aux fitted, but had one on my last boat and never used it. It then became a chore to run it up each time to ensure that it started etc etc. My point is for some guys, 400 quid is alot of money for something that they may never use, which would then become next to useless in the event - probably better to spend this on maintaining the main motor, and the rest on giving to the most valuable charity, which relies on the support of individuals like us. I'm a member of RNLI, and would never refer to them as a 'breakdown service', but at the end of the day, when lives are at risk, I wouldnt be troubled by having to call them out. Others might when they are not in any danger, but thats their decision. I dont suppose many diesel inboard owners would fit an Auxilliary either? is this true? Possibly straying from the 'catch report' a bit. Regards Paul
  23. Why not save your money on an Aux Engine, and join or donate something to the RNLI if your not already there ? Good that you enjoyed your fishing, and got back safely - thats the main thing! Regards Paul
  24. Paul and Alex on Imagine, at some stage on Sunday.... New Anchor at the ready!
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