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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Try this link... they did have availability. http://www.georgianalderney.com/ Tomo
  2. Crew now sorted on Manta Ray.... 1. Alfresco, Charlie plus crew tbc 2. AWOL - Martin + Dean 3. Wight Magic Dave +crew already sorted 4. Kingfisher - Chris + Chris A 5. Tigerfish - Steve, Lloyd, Alan 6. Freeboys Peter + Matt. ..... 7. Wandering Star - Andrew, Terry & Tony 8. Manta Ray...Tomo, PJ, Tubby, Paul D ,Steve, Paul Walker, Brian Vincent, Andy Barnes Pilot. 9.JV - Adam, Ian and Alun
  3. Tomo


    Manta Ray's going after the sea pigs on Saturday with the motley crew all club members... the abuse should be great....lol Tomo
  4. Nige...if needed,your more than welcome to join us on Manta Ray
  5. 2nd Week in May sounds good 1. Alfresco, Charlie plus crew tbc 2. AWOL - Martin + crew already sorted 3. Wight Magic Dave +crew already sorted 4. Kingfisher - Chris + Chris A 5. Tigerfish - Steve, Lloyd, rest of crew tbc 6. Freeboys Peter + Matt. ..... 7. Wandering Star - Andrew + crew tbc 8. Manta Ray...Tomo,PJ,Tubby,Paul,Steve + 2 additional crew tbc Tomo
  6. Great Day on Manta Ray with a crew of PBSBAC reprobates fishing the Lonis/ Lymington AC Cod comp..... we did have 2 members in the prizes..well done granddad to be....... Charlie Chapman along with Nigel Allen for getting amongst the sea pigs.... and the prizes....Oh and Paul Dore for loosing at least 2 sea pigs....so I was told...... and assisting Charlie to land his....unbeknown to Charlie, and with Sam Chapman..good at catching F... all.... even with the deployment of his secret weapon........but assisting with the releasing of the continual flow of congers...and acting as Anchor Buoy,sorry I meant anchor boy..The crack was great...oh and cheers for Paul Jennings for the constant supply of espresso coffee and Mal Thomas for doing a great job at cleaning the boat down.. now shining like a tanner up a sweeps arse..( sorry an old London proverb)...... what a great club.....PBSBAC .......pictures to follow from Paul J.
  7. 1) Court Jester plus crew TBA (on each and every day possible!) 2) Kingfisher, Chris, Jim Davies, Stuart. 3) AWOL Martin + Jon 4) Fisheagle plus Allan, Dave (Coddy) and Jan T. 5) Serenity , will need crew any volunteers , Tony + Rich 6) Wight Magic crew tba 7) fillet up crew tba 8) Manta Ray Tomo, Paul D, Nigel,Mal, Charlie C, Dan C, Sam C,PJ.. + non member Mr Shaky Artois.... Tubby.
  8. Hi Lads, I'm going with a few friends bassing on Manta Ray on Saturday 10th and have availability for 1 crew. We've got a load of live sandeels for bait ......Any one interested pm me or call on my mobile 07966052421... Leaving Lymington at 8 am. Tomo
  9. Hi Lads, Just a note to say I have 2 crew spaces for Sunday 7 th on Manta Ray.... Off to fish the wrecks for the 48 hr comp.. give us a call if you want to join us... leaving 06.30 from Lymington. M: 07966051421. Tomo
  10. Hi Lads, Just a note to say I am out on Manta Ray for tope, bass and bream tomorrow. 4th June,.and have availability for 2 crew. Anyone interested give me a call.... 07966052421 Tomo
  11. Hi Lad's, One space gone ...1 remaining.... Tomo
  12. Hi Lad's, Manta Ray's going breaming with friends, mostly club members as crew on Thursday 16th May..... I have 2 crew spaces available if anyone wants to join the party.....Private trip..... not charter....not a free trip either..normal rules apply regarding fuel costs etc...just before anyone asks... PaulD's bringing the squid risotto ....for the ground bait...( he doesn't know it yet) ...but I've always caught a load of bream fishing over his ground bait....but from my boat not his. Lot's of bream out there at the moment and first weather window for over a week.... PM or Phone : 07966051421 Tomo
  13. Tomo


    And don't forget the mighty Charlton...
  14. Hi Lads, Just a bit of info for this coming trip. I returned at the weekend after a 5 day trip to Alderney and we could not find mackerel anywhere across the Channel nor off the Island..... We did take a load of frozen with us and it certainly got the better results on the first 3 days until we run out. There are lots of launce to be caught on the banks, but mackerel was the preference.... best Turbot was 19 lb 4 oz not by me ...The best fish I managed was 11lb. We will be travelling back out on Wed this week for a further 5 days and I will post if we have any joy finding mackerel..... A safe crossing for all those going this weekend Oh and just to wet your appetites....as if they need wetting https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=377507412365516&set=a.377506865698904.1073741833.356144624501795&type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=377679082348349&set=a.359017420881182.1073741830.356144624501795&type=1&theater Tomo
  15. Tomo

    Manta 2012

    From the album: Manta Ray

  16. Tomo

    Viv 4

    From the album: Manta Ray

  17. Tomo

    Viv 3

    From the album: Manta Ray

  18. Tomo

    Viv 1

    From the album: Manta Ray

  19. Tomo

    Pollock 3

    From the album: Manta Ray

  20. Tomo

    Pollock 3

    From the album: Manta Ray

  21. Tomo

    IMG 7578

    From the album: Manta Ray

  22. Tomo

    IMG 7591

    From the album: Manta Ray

  23. Now only one place available. Tomo
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