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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Sam, They just don't understand...Team Bonding...tell them to give me or even better Annie a call next time.... You'll get the week off... Tomo Did I just say that....oops...........
  2. Well Lad's Don't worry trip has been blown off as forecast is NW.......4's wind over tide plus tidal ripp over the banks well off shore .....think some of my crew were cringing at the thought... John Perry being one...... I must be getting considerate in my old age cos the marks are fishing their nuts off at the moment...... 40 Mr Spikeys over these marks last Saturday Tomo
  3. Hi Lads, Just a note to say I have availability for 2 crew for club members and their friends (Not a Charter Trip) on Manta Ray Wed 19th September for bass fishing... Leaving Lymington around 08.00 hrs. PM or phone 07966 051421 for details if you would like to join us. Tomo
  4. Thanks Mikey, But the police told me they were a waste of money as it only puts about a further 2 mins. on the time it takes the arsewipes to get them off...that means possibly 5 mins in total...... [if they steel 10 a night it would mean they would have to work for between 30 to 50 mins a night for about
  5. Lads, Beware.....on Thursday evening whilst my 4 x 4 was parked on my drive...at 8.30...2 hooded arse wipes, casually cut off my truck's catalytic converter in about 3 mins with pipe cutters..and walked off with about
  6. One lump of ice would have demolished that boat.....Lucky chaps I'd say.... Tomo
  7. PJ, Sorry to hear that mate .....your more than welcome to come out on Manta Ray and make your wonderful Expesso..left handed.. Tomo
  8. Cam, You are quite right, another person may have acted in a different manor....but if the rules are so apparently clear...why the need to now clarify them on the RDDA web site? My statement was an observation and interpretation in relation to the issue, which is also currently the opinion of other RDDA club members and bailiffs ... But as I have already stated, this thread is not the place to discuss such matters as this is a Poole Bay forum. And I still do not require your forgiveness. Tomo
  9. Cam, if that is the case why does RDDA web site quote..."All fish to be returned: Coarse, Game and Sea species". I have to say that this is not clear as far as RDDA and I feel the web site and rule book should be clarified as I have asked a number of members and other bailiffs and they were all of the same opinion as myself.. and they all frequently fish the Harbour... It is easy for committee members and bailiffs to be aware of the specific rules in detail,but it certainly is not clear in the RDDA's rules...as confirmed by my questioning of at least 10 other members..... so I don't need forgiveness..but thanks all the same....I feel better for it anyway. Still as far as I'm concerned this a RDDA issue, not for discussion on this thread... Tomo
  10. Hope he didn't....he'd get locked up!!....Great fish though Well Done Lofty.... Who was it who said boat size matters? Tomo
  11. Nick, I was only basing my statement on RDAA's rule book, and it would appear that there is a conflict in the rules for fishing the Harbour. As a member of Ringwood and District AA, which has a number of member tickets available for fishing the harbour, (which is how I gain access to the area for fishing) the club rules states for fishing the Harbour, that "All Fish Must Be Returned To The Water" , so as a member there is not an option to livebait.... , but as a non member it appears I can ... Happy days.... Left hand right hand comes to mind.... Tomo...confused
  12. The Crown and the Monks never owned it in the first place, they stole it or just put their names to it. I stand to be corrected but as far as I am aware the reference point is Hgh Water ? All that aside, do the same rules apply to fishing from a boat ? and are they enforceable ? D Hi Dave Yes it is enforceable even if you are in a boat, as there are to full time bailiffs who patrol the river in a boat..daily...these being employed by West Hampshire Water. Their main task is to try and stop the poaching / illegal fishing that is common place in the harbour....The East Europeans tend to eat anything that swims....including otters, beavers, swans.....the only thing the appear to leave alone are the cormorants...Just our luck.. Tomo
  13. PJ, Try telling Helen that !! We have been sitting around Tommos and not seen any otters at all yet. Mind you not seen any beaver either ! Paul......your looking in the wrong place then....for beaver that is...Otters a plenty... Tomo
  14. Goenads.......Rob Tomo
  15. The Quay is not part of the harbour ..... Tomo http://www.sembcorpbw.co.uk/net-control/us...arbour_2012.pdf If you read the darkest depths of the Magna Carta ? Any tidal water is classed as part of the sea ! Christchurch Harbour, is tidal as far as Iford Bridge ! Which begs the question, what legal right do SEMBCORP and RDAA have to impose charges for fishing in tidal waters ? Especially below the emergence of the river Avon at Clay Pool. As far as I am aware this has never been challenged in any court. Comments in due course please, Dave I think that if you check you will find that the harbour was sold by the Crown... along with all its rights..... so the crown does not own the foreshore......There are only two river estuaries in the country that this applies to ....the other I believe is the River Beaulieu where Henry V111 had a number of his warships built... and again it was sold as being originally owned by the monks.....so you have no rights to access the foreshore between low water which is not the case with the rest of the country's tidal foreshore........ Not a lot of people know that.......so don't waste your hard earned challenging it Tomo
  16. The Quay is not part of the harbour ..... Tomo
  17. 4.12465 metres....... and now mullet to 8 lb........and caught in Christchurch Harbour......Til someone tells me its not a Harbour...but a river.... Tomo
  18. I reckon I could have been in with a shout today....fishing Christchurch Harbour today in a force 6/7.... Mullet to 6 1/2 lbs and Bass to 5 lb...all on the ol faithful maggot!!!! Tomo
  19. Don't worry mate the early Turbo season is all but finished..... Septembers the time now...... The fish have left the banks....even the Tope wouldn't play... but bassing was good on live sand eel...but so is it on the ledge....and only a cup full of fuel needed :-) Your always welcome to come on my" Privateers Boat". Thunder and Plunder..Manta Ray... Tomo
  20. Sam, Happy birthday youngun.............I'm old enough to be able to say that.... Tomo
  21. Tomo


    So do I......... Tomo
  22. Hi lads Manta Ray will have to decline as we have a charter booked early part of next week...and guess where to ...just hope the weather holds. Tomo
  23. Charlie, Hopefully I'll be over for this trip...subject to completion of the repair attributable to Manta's Alderney Crunch...., ( sounds like a biscuit)....... Early morning breakfast...and after hours drinking... WILL be available on Manta Ray... Book early to avoid dissapointment Tomo
  24. As always a great help Charlie......Cant see the wood from the trees at the moment... 2 weeks in the water... devastated...Lets hope the twats insurance is up to it!!!!! Tomo
  25. Well Lads, Unfortunately I am unable to join you..as much as I would have loved to.....but some twat of a Guernsey trawler has just hit Manta Ray in Alderney whilst we were moored against the quay, refuelling in the inner harbour....... now left with I sad Yamaha engine and hairline cracks to the transom... Happy days...not! Tomo
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