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Everything posted by mike02380

  1. just read the "it doesn't always go our way" thread doesn't bode well for the weekend!
  2. anyone out fishing this weekend? i'm a little confused at some conflicting weather reports at the moment!
  3. just looked at metcheck, nice all week until saturday when its awful, typical for those including me who are working
  4. i would def be interested in trailing r2d2 down and camping over a weekend, a turbot is one of my targets to catch, i have had a small one off a charter but would like a biggie off my own boat
  5. hopefully it will melt for next weekend, metcheck has the temp rising around thurs
  6. thanks for the link to the instructional video, now I know what i am doing wrong
  7. http://www.ukcampsite.co.uk/sites/calcdist...03&lg=-2.488403 plenty rob, i've looked already!
  8. had snow in romsey, drove to poole and the snow stopped around ringwood but it was snowing heavily in poole/ringwood when we left and starting to settle
  9. i'm hopefully out sat from lymo, what time are you planning on launching paul? i picked up my bait today, up in bristol at mo so i popped into veals, my fav fishing shop for varivas hooks
  10. mike02380


    no fancy text from me but merry christmas to you all and hope to meet some more members next year. Mike
  11. anyone got room for me as crew? cheers
  12. mike02380


    finally got out on tues, only fished for 30 mins or so, got one doggie but did some miles in the boat, (about 22nm for 15 litres) also used the alderney lifting method for the first time so had a couple of practice runs at that. The weed in the solent was horrendous around west lepe and also you could see loads of it in the water around the entrance to lymington river.
  13. mike02380


    hope you all did better than me, drove hythe to romsey to pick up boat, cracked number plate whilst hooking up the trailer, then drove to lymington, got to brockenhurst and realised i had forgotten boat key! launching would now have been a little late as i'm busy this evening. bit pissed off now so dropped boat off and drove home to hythe straight on here to check the weather for tomorrow! what a waste of a good weather forecast, hopefully work will be quiet and i'll try again tomorrow I also learn't to rinse out my flask better so my coffee doesn't taste like washing up liquid
  14. what was the weed like dicky?
  15. mike02380


    alun, think there have been some whiting from the eastern solent, around gillkicker and off the beach at hurst., Im going to have a day off tomorrow and try somewhere. does anyone need/want some crew?
  16. I'm going to keep an eye on sunday, its the only day I can do this week, I have been launching from Lymington but I see this sun is the lymington and district cod comp, not sure if my lauinching technique is ready to be revealed to the masses yet so may have to use an alternative slip
  17. wow thanks for the detailed answer. Its a little early in the morning at the mo and I'm struggling with my limited electrical knowhow but i'llread it slowly and see what I can manage!
  18. thanks mark, least it sounds like there isn't something drastically wrong, just frustrating
  19. I recently remo0ved a fishfinder which was wired in to only allow it on when the engine was running, this seems to have started the following problem; my rev meter and tilt meter constantly have the lights on, the tilt meter doesn't even work (it never did) The wires going into the control box for these are pink, black, green and yellow, coming out of the guages is only yellow, green and black, I have got the lights out by disconnecting black. please help, i'm confused and its dark
  20. nice report, an enjoyable read
  21. mike02380


    Mick, I'll give you a ring sat morning when i'm out prob launch from lymington, Im thinking needles, dolphin bank area, see what the weed is like, been working like mad to get my electronics sorted! just need to tidy the wiring now
  22. mike02380


    Anyone out sat? Thinking of trying for some early cod and whiting. would be nice to know if some other members are in the area around christchurch bay, also any tips on marks appreciated!!
  23. thanks gazza good point, I have done a quick search and I believe 316 grade and A4 are the same?
  24. thanks guys, zzippy, I have had a pair of ram holders before and they are very good, why are these little accessories so expensive?! I also found these which I like the look of but bloody hell.................! http://www.seascrew.com/product.cfm?A4-STAINLESS-ROD-HOLDER-ADJUSTABLE-VERTICAL--DOWN-TO-30
  25. Hi, I am looking to kit my orkney 520 out with some rod holders, I do not like those cheapy plastic ones, they are fiddly and don't look very robust, what rod holders can people recommend? I like the flush fit tube style holders but they would have to go on the rear seats and would sacrifice space inside the lockers, I'm also not sure they would spread the lines enough when 4 rods are being used, Many Thanks
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