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Everything posted by mike02380

  1. Thanks Barney, I had a great day, nevermind the lack of rays/flatties, seems like we weren't the only ones! I think the biggest problem we had were the micro bream stripping the bait before anything else could get a look in. Cracking boat you have there too.
  2. Thanks Mick, that would be great, I'll send you a pm, sat isn't looking too bad on metcheck
  3. Hi everyone, is there anyone fishing the comp on saturday who would like some crew? this will be my first club comp! I have fished for years so I can look after myself from that point of view! I am also happy to contribute towards costs. Cheers Mike
  4. mike02380


    can anyone recommend some scales? i will need some for weighing my fish, when I catch some for the comps! they will prob need to go up to 150lb
  5. mike02380

    hello all

    hello everyone! I have been lurking around these forums for a while and have met and been fishing with a couple of you (thanks Gordon and Paul) I popped along to the meeting on thursday and joined the club properly, I was the big bald guy loitering around by the door (still waiting for forum upgrade) I recently bought myself an orkney 520 powered by a 40hp 4stroke yamaha (no name yet, can't think of one!) and have had a couple of trips pottering around in her and i've caught a few mackerel/pout and wrasse. I have been fishing for many years from the beach and kayak. I am mainly intending to launch from Lymington as it seems a good slip and it is fairly local to me with some free parking down the road. i'm looking forward to catching some cod in the coming months and hoping the weather will be kind. See you all around Mike
  6. hi guys, what time do the club meetings start? hoping to get down next thursday, searched the site but just can't find a time! Mike ok just answered my own question and seen the answer at the bottom of the page in the upcoming events calender, anyone else looking its 2000hrs!
  7. great pics adam, do you know what the animal is in the picture under the pout shoal? it looks just like the duncans coral i have in my tropical reef aquarium although different colouration
  8. thanks for the trip out paul, had a great day, nevermind about the lack of fish!
  9. mike02380

    Boat Show

    the warrior on the honda stand was the 170, same hull as the 165, the interior is different, more refined decking etc
  10. hi plaicemat, interesting pics. i once caught a bass on a charter which had taken my live mackeral and the guys next to me, both floats went within seconds of each other, both hooks well in the mouth.
  11. was on flamer with colin penny. plenty of cod caught tom, the pollack were seriously out numbered.
  12. went out wrecking yesterday mid channel from weymouth aboard a charter, i got 6 cod and 2 nice size pollack, the fishing died off a little in the afternoon when the drifts picked up to 3 knots. i caught all my fish on 4 inch orange storm shads which seemed to fish better than larger patterns/colour others used although oddly this changed to white shads towards the end of the trip. mike
  13. mike02380


    fished christchurch ledge from a charter on sunday, think between 4 of us we ended with 23 good sized bream, pout, wrasse, dogfish and a garfish. the easterly wind was quite strong to begin with but died down as did the nasty chop when the tide turned mid morning mike
  14. mike02380

    raider 16

    my search for a boat continues, does anyone in the club have a raider 16 or fished off 1? i have seen a few used ones with 50hp engines, is this enough? cheers
  15. thanks gordon for a great day, my neck and head were actually quite sun burnt the next morning! my trousers are still hung in the garden trying to get the conger slime smell out. mike
  16. as duncan i've also had good success with the varivas semi circle hooks, i use size 2 but they seem smaller than size 2 conventional hooks. because they are only semi circle you can still thread the worm up ok or try half a squid head!.
  17. mike02380


    i know its a little out of your club waters but i fished the southsea blocks today on a charter and had 3 plaice, i think most people apart from a couple on board had 1 or 2, not bad considering the weather, it was freezing and the hail stung your ears! the water was quite cloudy too which didn't help but the small delta sonar spoon green/black beads seemed to work cos no one else got 3! i also noted those using multi bait traces had more success, maybe due to increased scent mike
  18. thanks all for your constructive comments, i'm doing lots of research and hope to buy something before the end of the year. i will probably be on my own most of the time so it should have more than enough room and i need to be able to launch/retrieve on my own. the fuel economy is a massive advantage for me due to the price of a new orkney i would be thinking to buy seconhand but may go for a cheap outfit and fairly quickly replace the engine with a new one (40hp??) i do like the orkney, i've been to BHG and had a look, i guess my main concern is whether i will grow out of it quickly and want more offshore capability, eg warrior/raider style? cheers
  19. mike02380

    orkney 520

    hi everyone i noticed a couple of people on this forum own this boat. i was wondering how they feel this model compares to the likes of the warrior 165 and raider 16. does it limit the marks you fish? how do you feel about the lower freeboard? what appeals to me about it is the low weight for launching, towing and fuel economy. many thanks mike
  20. mike02380


    cancelled thurs!!. next one is easter monday, i'm plaice fishing from portsmouth aboard sea juicer.
  21. mike02380


    hi everyone, i've been lurking here a while and thought i'd say hello. been fishing off my yak in the area but this year i hope to be buying a small boat so been doing lots of research whilst the funds build, the yak is going due to problems so i've booked some charter trips to keep me going, first is this thurs but i think it will be cancelled!! mike
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