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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy

    Dead Fish

    I'll get my s(pade)tuff and shovel off then😁
  2. Newboy

    Dead Fish

    Should have taken the spade, it looks half decent
  3. I too had mine installed years ago and has the original FIT tariff (50+p per kWh). The smart export guarantee/SEG hardly worth doing as it pays 4-5p per kWh exporting to the grid, bear in mind a 4 kw system will only generate around 20-25 kw in a cloudless day at peak of summer, so unless you cover every single inch of your roof with panels you will never recoup anywhere close to what you paid out. You are better off installing an iboost to use the excess power to heat your water. I recently had 3 x 6.5kw growatt battery installed for 10k. I only had it for about a month, but it's working really well, my past consumption was about 6kw per day with help from the panels, now it's around 1 kw daily. Obviously in the autumn/winter/spring when the panels aren't generating as much electricity the usage will increase, but I'm planning to sign up to an EV tariff after the summer so I can charge the batteries off peak to use during the day. I reckon I can recoup the cost in about 7-8 years.
  4. I love smart meters (when they work). I have mine sending data every 30 mins. By doing this you can also track your half hourly usage on their app or website, it tells you what and how energy is being used. You can fine tune your usage like hot water, I found that it's cheaper to hear my water with electric (I supplement it with solar panels). Also you will need a smart meter if you move to certain tariff like ev or off peak tariff.
  5. Best suited to owners of beach front houses in the Solent who can drive up their own private beaches.
  6. Have it gone locally or far far away?
  7. I was up there from 9 to the 13th fishing out of Cullivoe. Lots of cods and haddocks tho the really big one (35+) are now few and far between. Love Shetland, people are really friendly and lay back. Just have to watch out for the suicidal sheep which like to cross the road when you are driving along admiring the scenery.
  8. Thank you everyone. Hopefully will spend more time in the form.
  9. It was on Kenny's boat Oberon. The sea was really rough and they couldn't weigh it onboard.
  10. I've accumulated about 35 kg of old lead from renovations over the passed few years. Anyone want to split them or whatever proportion you see fit?
  11. Newboy


    You may want to hire a pallet lifter/cart for a few quids to move the machine. So much easier than using brute force.
  12. Newboy


    Is the people or company you are buying off reliable? It's a lots of work trying to get your money back if you think you were getting miss universe 2020 and somehow miss universe 1950 turned up when you open the box. Not saying China is untrustworthy, just most of the people in there.
  13. What type of boat is it? Any photos?
  14. Not really a great deal in the Solent. Sting rays down the west side. Small breams at sowley. Some good size bass in the deep hole near Hurst castle. Plenty of smaller bream just outside ryde. Further out you have the overfalls and utopia, nab tower. Even kingsmere rocks is reachable fairly quickly. If for fishing reason, I would consider premier or haslar marina in Gosport than Soton.
  15. Soton is long way out to the fishing ground
  16. In case anyone looking for a large coolbox. This seems like a good price for a 165 quart coolbox, something like 43" long. It's available at Costco warehouse. Details: https://cohooutdoors.com/products/165qt-jumbo-cooler-patent-pending
  17. Newboy

    3D knot app

    I meant doubling of the mono, I do mine with a single straight mono only, like the gt knot. Resulting in a smaller knot which make it easier to go thru the rod eyes.
  18. Newboy

    3D knot app

    Had a look at my favourite knot, the fg knot, in the app it shows a half hitch while I tie mine without the half hitch. How do you do yours?
  19. Newboy

    3D knot app

    Free at the moment, had a quick look, it seems good. https://www.hotukdeals.com/visit/thread/3718155
  20. Newboy

    Good old Wood

    Likewise, couldn't stay longer, missus was eager for the bream as dinner
  21. I'll get him to send over a photo tomorrow
  22. My mate has a walker bay 8 he doesn't use anymore, I can ask him if he wants to sell it.
  23. Thank you. It's been a lovely day, sun has been out all day up here in Andover. I've taken a day off working on the house I'm working on down Portsmouth and spend it on working on my house instead😂
  24. I thought the females are more silvery?
  25. Good looking pair, and not just the fish😆 Did you get anymore or just the pair? A stupid question, the 2 fish look slightly different, one is stripey and the other not, are they different sub species or grew up in different environment?
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