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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. This one? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...ssPageName=WDVW
  2. Bad luck Jack, but it all happen to us one time or another. I've lost an anchor and chain in Nov last year and anchor, chain, ring plus rope (the bleedy lot) in Dec. So you learn from your mistake and make sure it doesn't happen again. Lesson I learnt from Nov, is make sure the D shackle pin is tight and secured, i.e., tie it down mith mono or braid. Lesson I learnt from Dec, make sure the rope isn't bird nest before feeding it out.
  3. Adam this post might be of interest to you. http://www.ybw.com/forums/showflat.php/Cat.../gonew/1#UNREAD
  4. We went out but the sea was quite choppy and the kids didn't like anchoring after 10 mins swinging side to side, so we cut short our trip and just cruised the solent.
  5. Here is a lot of 8 fuel tanks. Might be worth a bid. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=4534679698
  6. Looking at the photo of cushdy on another post, you have the same aerial as mine. Make sure not only the plug in at the radio end is in good contact, but the areial end too. Mine didn't work until I cut back on the sleeve and stuck it further up the areial.
  7. If you want new gel coat you will have to paint that on and cover it up as gelcoat won't dry with air.
  8. Cut it and see, you can reconnect it later if the engine wouldn't start.
  9. Just disconnect and see what doesn't work, then you will know it's for that.
  10. James, Sunday is 20th, 19th is Sat.
  11. Newboy

    weather forecast

    In the Accuweather site, it lists Wind speed and wind gust, what is the difference?
  12. Newboy

    Drag Weight?

    What about a wheel rim? cost nothing and pretty easy to tie to.
  13. I'm going out on Sweet Honey, from Lymington tomorrow for a 'spin', not sure if we will fish or not. Wind is not too strong only a f3, but it's a sw/wsw, so will get wind agaist tide some stage in the afternoon.
  14. Newboy

    river fishing

    Chub is an oppertunitist, they will eat anything. Slugs very often fall into the water and they developed a good taste for them.
  15. If it is anything like a bike, I'd advice draining the carb or just disconnect the fuel line and let the engine runs out of petrol, as petrol will gunge up the carb.
  16. If your boat is moored in a mariner with shore power, you can get a little electronic machine which stops/slow down the effect.
  17. I haven't many choices! The GPS says antenna at least 1 metre from vhf antenna, and Plotter says 3 metres from vhf antenna..... I have 1 metre square on top of the cabin! Coddy how is your's fitted?
  18. Newboy

    MAYDAY Form

    Hi, Picky.....
  19. Thanks Adam
  20. Don't spill petrol onto tarmac drive, Accidentally spilled some yesterday and the drive is starting to disintegrate....
  21. I'm going to (try to) fit the plotter on the boat this weekend, can the dome shaped antenna be mounted next to each other, or do they have to be as far away as possible?
  22. Newboy

    weather forecast

    This one covers Poole Bay but it only has 3 days forecasts. http://ukie.accuweather.com/adcbin/ukie/uk...tric=1&partner=
  23. Newboy

    Warrior 165

    Ditto, I don't think you can grease steering wheel. Sometime if you leave your boat for a long time withoput using it, water gets in the helm and cable, rust/matters appear on the cable making it difficult to turn. If you start to feel resistance at turning, it's probably the cable in the sleeve starting to stick. Best option is to buy and fit a new steering helm plus cable.
  24. I would like to bring Sweet Honey alomg, but I have never fish the Shambles before plus I have only done some drifting for flatties on a chartered boat, in the safety of Dolphin bay, I will need someone with lots of experience in the area to crew for me.
  25. What about this one? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...me=STRK:MEWA:IT
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