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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Angler selling his new pride and joy? Sound serious, just hope whoever he is, he's ok.
  2. Here's a Arvor, although only a 50, but at 14.5k, all you need is a trailer, 1.5k and you're away. http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/view/F55721/
  3. Loch Lomond? That's bloody 400+ of miles away more like 500....., you're crazier than I thought you were
  4. Apparently it's not safe to use a normal car jack/scissors jack. With the trailer being a 3 wheeler, it's not stable even to be holding up on one corner. One of those wheeled hydralic jack is much safer. You can pick one up for about
  5. What is she doing in Finland ? Either she's lost or she's after one of those 60lb+ cod .......
  6. Incidentally, anyone know when is the next boat jumble? I'd just remember I need a anchor retrical ring, lost the last one with the anchor.
  7. Nice hual boys, word of warning tho, stop showing your dad up or he'll stop taking you out.....
  8. Paul, when I said difficulties on launch was refering to I usually get the first reverse wrong and have to pull the boat up straightening it before a 2nd attempt. One tip I'd learnt from getting good traction is to have the trailer straight and car slightly at an angle, i.e., the car pulling not straight up the slip but say 45 degree to the side. This way I have retrieve with no problem on getting it up.
  9. I think the escort will be just ok if you only use Cobbs Quay (gentle slope), otherwise I think it will defintely struggle on other steeper slips like Davies' Boatyard (next door, but a fair bit cheaper tho). I've also found out the boat is a lot heavier at launch than retrieve (food, drinks, baits and fuel being used up), so as long as you get the reverse down the slip on launch, you'll probably be fine, if not, you can always unload as much tackles and stuff as you can before retrieving.
  10. Here are a couple of thread on the Warrior and Elite http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=1063 http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=1076 You can read and decide.
  11. I think it was a small boat hence the low stern (some bigger boats have low transome too). Once the rope got warped round the prop and the tide pushed the boat stern into the swell, and that was it.
  12. Newboy

    Fly Fishing

    Not round your nick of wood, but I've heard Bass taken in Fareham Creek on fly.
  13. In the last issue of BFM there was a story of how anchor rope warping the prop causing the boat to be swamped in swells, and sank before they had time to send out a sos. You get the rest right and the fish will come...... (I'm still waiting )
  14. Newboy

    Packing a reel

    Not that I don't want to help, but in landlocked North Hants, not many people to splice ropes around here. To be honest if 100m/300ft is what you are aftering, try Ropeseller at ebay, he's good and if he's anywhere near Poole, you can save on postage as well. If I remember correct, his sells for around
  15. Look on the bright side, you are one year closer to retirement when fishing time is abundent. Have a happy Birthday.
  16. First of all, what type of boat have you got? Length and weigh? According to chandlery chart, 10mm is good for boat up to 6m (some will claim up to 6.5m). I have the 10mm and my boat is smack on 6m, however, I can't but think it look awfully 'thin'
  17. Back to the main question, cheapest place to get some anchoring rope. I'll avoid the poly stuff, will work out a lot more expensive over the long run. Nylon is best and last forever (almost), unless you're like me and keep losing them over the gunnel. 59p per metre is the standard price for 10mm 3 strand at ebay, sold by Barry something, do a search on nylon rope. Also there's ropeseller who is in Dorset and has some 10mm 3 strand at about 45p but probably you can pick up to save on postage. 300 ft for
  18. Newboy

    Packing a reel

    Easy in 3 strand nylon, but they are multiplait.....
  19. This one is dry powder, I have 2 on the boat, one is this one and the other a co2. From what I've been told by Southern Fire who services my fire extingusihers in my shop, dry powder is probably the best/most effective one across all risks. But, a very big but is that just imagine someone throws a 1 kg bag of floor into your living room and that is pretty much what it will look like, not to mention 2 days + to clean up in my kitchen (food premise, so satisfy the food and safety).
  20. Newboy

    Packing a reel

    I thought of him, but 50m is probably a little short. Working from the 3 x rule, max depth is only about 50 feet. Anyhow I'll drop him a line, see what he wants.
  21. Probably not the place to ask, but does bream really show up this early?
  22. Newboy

    Packing a reel

    There is a very good reason for me having 200m of anchor rope, I bought the rope as a 'lot' which has one roll of 200m x 10mm and 10 rolls of 50m x 10mm. This lot costs a little more than 100m x 10mm I was gonna to buy from ebay, hopefully when (and if) I sell the 10 roll of 50m's, the 200m will cost me just a few quids. I packed the reel last night and the 150m didn't seem very much on a big reel ....
  23. I think most of the consenses are that rope is 3 x the depth you intent to anchor/fish. Reason we can get away with this length is that small boat angler tend not to go out in anything F5 or more, unless you are James or Adam .
  24. Newboy

    Packing a reel

    I've bought a big(ish) multiplier, and 150 m of 50 lb braid. As I need to pack the bottom of the reel, does it matter what if it is only 30lb cheap mono (can't afford to put all braid on)? Way I look as it is that I won't be needing 150m downtiding in the region.
  25. If anyone's fire extingusher is expiring soon, Lidl has one on offer for
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