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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Some of the cod rigs/lures are made of feathers.
  2. Welcome to the clud and have a jolly good time.
  3. Newboy

    Quicksilver Boat

    All I know is they are nice boats and I want one
  4. Don't suppose you can hold on to it till the Boat jumble where I will pick it up? Thanks.
  5. Newboy


    Coddy, how about showing me how the 5500 work sometime? Did you install it yourself? Have you got the fuel kit? I've just got delivery of the 5600x with fuel kit and cmap for $1200 plus
  6. Put down what you want on paper, either drawing or picture of an existing one including measurements. Fax it or take it to a few tubework workshop and get quotes. I had the stainless rod holder/roofrack/radar arch on top of Sweet Honey custom made by a firm in Andover and it was
  7. Happy Birthday.
  8. Newboy


    Didn't JP (?) JD (?) from weymouth have a special on Navman before xmas, I think the cmap was discounted too, not sure if they are still tho. Read it over at YBW the cmap are having a sale due to the new max coming out. Might be worth a ask.
  9. Silly question. Anyone from here called Jack sent me a PM? I'd an email from pbsbac telling me Jack (possibly Air Jack) had send me a PM, but when I checked my inbox, it was empty. Unfortunately I'd deleted the email and couldn't check which Jack it was. If you are this Jack, please send your message again.
  10. Newboy


    The 5500 uses the nt+. For the area you want to cover, you'll need the NT+ Standard+. NT+ Standard + catelogue I think they are about
  11. Here's the link Bucket seats
  12. Paul, the seating for a rib is different to that of a boat, you 'ride' on a rib rather than sit. There was a pair of bucket type seat in Boats and outboards, the upholstaries (?) is non existence, however, he's only asking for a tenner and if you know anyone who cover re-cover it, it might be a better bet.
  13. If anyone has an old johnny or rude, the older parts are very difficult to get hold off, as it has gone bankrupt a few years back and many of the old stuff are no longer made.
  14. Newboy

    Lazy Line

    I think we ought to go out more......
  15. Newboy

    MMSI Number?

    You apply for it together with your boat vhf tax disc. I got mine when I applied for mine, not sure how it works when you jump ship half way thru the season, i.e., changing from a non dsc to a dsc. If you do a search, there was a link to the dept of communication of something. The thread was by me and it was called how do I get a vhf licence?
  16. Newboy

    MMSI Number?

    You will get it thru the post. In the meantime, you can use yoour dsc just as your old non dsc unit. All the mmsi does is an id, i.e., you can 'call' another member who has dsc and his radio will ring like a phone and it tell him you are calling him. Likewise he can call you. The main reason for a mmsi is if you are in distress and press the red buttom, the cc will know it's you and where you are.
  17. Newboy

    VHF radio

    I've just changed the vhf ariel on my boat and how can I tell if I have connected it correctly? Can I pick up any conversations, i.e., taxi since I'm many miles from the coast and will not be able to receive and signals from other boats.
  18. Welcome Solent puppy, it's nice to have another fisherman from this side of the water
  19. Newboy

    F.A.O Dan

    Dan if you post more picture of the boat specially the front and side, someone might have seen it.
  20. Anyone heard/seen the report on seabirds from the RSPB? I heard a bit of it last weekend on the radio where they suggest limits on sandeels and other baitfish taken by fishing. Apparently many of the seaboirds of the british isles live on sandeels and small bait fish and angling had helped to reduce the stock further as well as pollution and other environmentally changes.
  21. Newboy


    If it is corners you want to fill and seal, how about those 'L' shape bath seals? Some has double sided tape and some you just use sealant to seal it.
  22. That is a very good deal if they are genuine QS. I bought a QS clone last year for
  23. It's a quicksilver one, not new but it only cost me
  24. Can anyone pick up a fuel tank from them for me? I bought the tank on ebay, and let me knoe if you can pick it up for me and hold on to it for me until a bit later? Thanks.
  25. Newboy

    Multi meter

    The cable and plugs on the trailer are brand new (well 2 months ago). I'd suspected it's the socket cos it's the only thing I can't take apart and it's the only thing I haven't renew. The socket is riveted to the board and I might drill it out over the w/e. Thank Barry, and everyone who chipped in.
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