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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. I could be wrong, but wouldn't it be easier just cut the trace and leave the hook in? I presume the hook (not stainless) will be rotted out in a week or so.
  2. my guess is your paypal is linked to your email. and therefore they should know who you are, as long as the email is the same for here.
  3. Newboy


    Anyone has experience with any of the 3 rods listed here please? 1)Daiwa TNSB 702 2)Shimano Aspire 240H 3)Shimano Antares BX240L I think they are either spinning or baitcaster rods. My friend is trying to sell them and has no idea if they worth much and if any good or not.
  4. Newboy

    Sea Sick - Help

    As Charlie said, ginger biscuits, ginger itself helps to sooth and make you less likely to sick. If there is a chinese supermarket around your way, try asking for ginger candies, they are like boiled sweet but has the kick of ginger, you are probably talking about £1 or 2 so well worth trying.
  5. You don't need to go out very far from the island ti hit the bigger stuff. However you would struggle on anything more than a four which would limit your fishing to inshore picking up the smaller stuff. Guess where I am off to in May?
  6. http://news.sky.com/story/1051622/sea-slug-grows-new-penis-after-sex
  7. Tried getting a pw, but no email reminder. Looked in junk folder, not there either.
  8. As long as he was sure that was a Tarpon and NOT a barracuda underneath
  9. I'm sure if insurance companies can find someone else to blame/carry the can, they will. If there is the slightest chance they can not have to pay out and get the boat park to foot the bill they will be the first one on to them, the fact the don't speaks for itself. Some years ago I was burgled, I was with southern monitering who looked after my alarm, however the alarm went wrong about a month before hand, after repeated calls and cancelled appointments which left me with no alarms, thus, there was no call to the monitoring station regarding the breakin, I held them responsible, and told the insurance company about that, but the insurance company just weren't interested and chose to pay for the damages and losses themselves, that was a great deal of money involved, I think it was in the region of 15-20k. They probably knew it would have been a lost cause.
  10. I have a steel wool filleting glove, it's brilliant. I use it not only for filleting fish, I also wear it when bassing, I can handle the fish without much care as I know I won't get stunk or cut by the fish. I also wear when opening oysters when at home.
  11. Been taking photos for a few years but haven't been able to suzz out what depth of field really means and how it works in real world, so I googled it and find this video on youtube explaining what d0f is, but after watching it I was none the wiser, don't know why but nothing she said registered......
  12. [Media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYss8CJEDeQ[/media]
  13. Newboy

    Nasty Smell

    If you have no luck with febreeze etc, try this Mix 50/50 vinegar and water, spray onto carpet, work into and wipe clean. The car will smell of vinegar for a few days but once that clear, that should clear the smell too. I had some fish 'water' drip onto carpet from the shetland trip and used this trick to clear the smell.
  14. Dead guy?
  15. Personally I don't/can't fish the comps because I have to work weekend. Just as an idea knocking round, what about a bigger window say sat and sun but member only allow to fish 1 nominated day? This will give a slightly more flexibility to busy members who can and want to get out.
  16. Happy Birthday Graham
  17. Come on, what's the result?
  18. Dear Wife, I
  19. It looks like the ragworm got hold of the fish
  20. Basic bream gear but stronger hooks and lines. Try the first buoy you come to after round the shingles from the solent, saw a few caught there a couple of years back.
  21. Insurance not only for your benefits, think what if you bumped into someone and they try to claim off you.
  22. We are short of dolphins, I think sharks will be more appropriate to the crime.
  23. I keep mine to under 10 in my inbox, but didn't realised the board keeps the 'sent' messages too, so have deleted all the sent one.
  24. What's a devil claw?
  25. luckily he was wearing steel toe capped boots. Sky news-Sharl fisherman ' shaken'
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