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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. http://www.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/11886023.__90_000_cash_found_under_bed_at_derelict_house___by_firefighters_about_to_set_fire_to_it/?ref=mr
  2. I will only consider putting in an offer if remedial work isn't too much, probably won't go for it if I have to put in a second skin. kam
  3. Mal 1. It's not damp. 2. No mould visible. 3. Not sure, don't think the present owner will be too happy for me to take off the tiles. 4. Inside is plasterboard, not sure if it's insulated or not, however with only 8" wall I doubt there is much insulation, however, there are enough space to dryline if I wanted to. 5. Havn't really noticed, but it's only single glazed so I will put in new double glazing if I do put in an offer.. 6. It has a pitched roof, the extension is probably built at least 4 decades ago, think it's just the way they were built back then. 7. Give us a call if you have questions. You should have a survey of your own to be satisfied. 8. 9. Thx Kam
  4. Just wondering if we have a building surveyor in the club? I'm looking at a house in southampton, I think the kitchen extension, which account for about 15-20% of the total area, is only single skinned as it's only about 8 inches thick, I've heard single skinned property is difficult to get a mortgage. Before I waste any money and time on getting a mortgage and then told they won't lend. I'm asking if it is the case and if yes, what are the remedial work? The outside is tile hanged, so is a second skin on the outside or can I insulation the inside instead? Many thx in advance. Kam
  5. Newboy


    Hi, I have a work website, but the company who manages it seems to have gone bust and I can't trace them, they have all the log in details, is there anyway I can get my website back? Kam
  6. Newboy


    It was Granny's Marmalade
  7. Newboy

    BMW drivers

  8. Might be of interest to some of you guys who make pirks? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Black-White-Wiggly-Wobbly-Googly/dp/B002R5J2C8/
  9. http://news.sky.com/story/1404688/ex-dolphins-12-hour-swim-after-falling-off-boat
  10. Newboy

    Marine ply

    Thx Martin, will tell him.
  11. Newboy

    Marine ply

    Thx guys, will let him now, he wants to build an out building with marine ply so he won't have to paint it every so often.
  12. Newboy

    Marine ply

    A friend of mine needs some marine ply, where can he get some at decent price? Thx in advance kam
  13. Happy Birthday Neal, May all your wishes come true.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=792844407447686 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=792844407447686
  15. After 20 years of marriage, a couple was lying in bed one evening, when the missus felt her husband begin to fondle her in ways he hadn't in quite some time. It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back. He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down over her breasts, stopping just over her lower stomach. He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, caressed past the side of her breast again, working down her side, passed gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf. Then, he proceeded up her inner thigh, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg. He continued in the same manner on her right side, then suddenly stopped, rolled over and became silent. As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice, 'That was wonderful. Why did you stop? He said, 'I found the remote'.
  16. Not twice the speed, just doing everything twice.
  17. Have you look at the catering knives? Or even some of the home/light catering knives like viners? We use one for my take away it's begins with P, will have a look tomorrow when I go in.
  18. There's nothing like rubbing it in......
  19. Chinese.... obviously.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNl9suOVV0w
  21. Do we know whose boat is it?
  22. Just used our one in the french trip last week, if filled, there's over 200 lbs of fish, there's no way anyone can carry it. We took half the load out, and trollied the half filled box back to the ca park before returning for the rest with smaller boxes.
  23. Newboy

    Couches Bream??

    You're not the only one who caught this bream. http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Spondyliosoma.htm
  24. Although I can't make the connection, but since there's water in the background, it 's got to have something to do with fishing...right?
  25. Got a fecamp trip booked with Valkyrie first week of August congering and breaming on the wrecks, would like to know how you get on.
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