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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. I have the tplink deco m4. If you need to plug in any devices via an Ethernet cable I'd get the m4, which is only a little bit more than the e4. The setup is easy and straight forward, hot all of 10 mins if I remember right. The coverage is great, can't fault it at all. I got my treble pact for a penny under 100, keep an eye on hotdealsuk as they have deals from time to time.
  2. Newboy

    Denia, spain

    Dentex This one is a shade under 5kg. Steve Porter had one about 4.5kg.
  3. Newboy

    Denia, spain

    Just a quick photo. Note the grin that's as wide as the isle of Wight.
  4. A friend of mine is selling these 2 reels. £30 each or £50 for both. Condition is good for the age. Some scuff marks and a little bit of corrosion on the seat.
  5. Newboy

    Denia, spain

    Steve Porter has booked a fishing trip to Denia, Spain from 10-14apr, however a couple of guys have had to pull out last minute, just a quick post to see if anyone wants to pop along if having nothing better to do in the holiday.
  6. Where's the fish?
  7. Happy birthday Mike and Kev.
  8. From what it was posted just before Xmas, you've posted in the right section.😅
  9. Now my turn. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. Kam
  10. Happy birthday Neal. May the fish be with you😁.
  11. Anyone fancy a lifeboat? https://www.wilsonsauctions.com/timed-auction/listings?salecode=180014
  12. Newboy


    Will take some more photos next week when I take the tower down. Can't really say what's wrong (other than it looks like a botched job) yet. But from old receipts previous owner left, it looks like part of the roof has only been done about 4 years ago by a roofing company in Pompey.
  13. Newboy


    Thank you Graham and Martin, will have a look when I go down there next week with a tower to have a look. Looking at it, it seems whoever did it botched it by using a bit of rolled up felt as sprout instead of a proper one. Really can't see the point of having a box gutter which goes thru the house instead of being on the outside wall. Kam
  14. Newboy


    I'm working on a house in Portsmouth where the front gutter instead of being on the outside of the wall, it's behind the front wall (ie, you can't see the eave of the roof) and the water drain through a downpipe situated inside the house. What is this type of guttering call? It's leaking into the house so I need to find out what it's called and how to fix it. The photo is taken in the loft showing the leak.
  15. Newboy

    Call centre exam

    No disrespect to people who work in call centres from the Indian subcontinent, but sometimes their accent is difficult to understand when they speak politely, I found that I can understand them better when they speak with passion and emotions. This is 100% true story happened today. Had a chap (he introduced himself as David) called me up from Microsoft at 14:00, apparently I've some malicious malware on my computer, and he would help me get rid of them. As some of you are aware, I'm of Chinese origin, my English is good but sometime pronunciation s can be a little off. However David really has a strong Indian accent and sometimes he has trouble hearing me. It took us 15 mins before he got to the stage where I near to press a few bottons. "Now press the ctr key and the window key together and hold them down": he said. I fumbled for a bit and told him:"I can't". He couldn't understand what I was trying to tell him, but he was patient and after another 5 mins, he told me to press down ctr with 1 finger and the window key with another finger, and that's all. "That's what I was trying to tell you, I physically can't." I said, "you see I had an accident a few years back and lost my left hand and all my fingers except my middle finger on my right hand". At this point, his English became really good. " I'm going to find you and kill you" " Fxxk you......"
  16. Newboy


  17. Not me selling but Valkyrie of hayling island is upgrading some stuffs, so old stuff is for sell. Don't know if it's a good deal or not, someone here might be interested. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1488932247876267&id=142494852520020
  18. Newboy

    Braid or Mono?

    I use powerpro. 10lb for baitcaster for breams. 20lb on small multipliers for turboting or bassing. (Or breaming when I need to use 1lb or 1lb and half lead). 30lb for wrecking or deeper water. 50lb for congers approaching 100lb which incidentally I haven't been for over 3 years. Powerpro isn't the thinnest on the market by a long shot, but thinness isn't everything. Yes you will get the poundage but anything too thin is going to get damaged easily when comes into contact of the hull or when get tangled with another line. Plus you try untangling 2* 10lb line weaved into a sweater on a moving boat. It's a trade off between thinness and strength. One you have to decide which is more important. I fish on chartered boats so I go for longevity or sheer thinness. Plus everyone else on a chartered boat will pretty much have thicker line than mine.
  19. Shimano charter special are fairly decent reels, basic but not a lot that can go wrong. Penn 525 is another, these can be bought cheaply second hand.
  20. Oh, forgot to mention, the rubbing action required with the salt is rather personal, so I'd do it out of sight
  21. Just soak in water or wrap in very damp cloth to rehydrate the scales and slime and it should be easily cleaned off, if there's lots of slime, use salt to rub the slime off. (Cheap and chemical free)
  22. Pho.....For a minute I thought it's those bloody Chinese again😁
  23. Belated birthday wishes to both.
  24. I can understand making a mistake for a few under sized bass, but 68? Who the hell are they fishing for? The whole Indian community?
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