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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Ligaments....... I torn my ligaments on my right ankle back in May and I'm still sore......
  2. Newboy


    Paul, do you have 1 or 2 battery? I weighted mine and the 85ah is 22kg. For individual cars, go to www.parkers.co.uk go to reveiw and it has almost every single cars info on it.
  3. Well said. Many of us actually fish for fun and some of us just can't fish on a Sunday. Although I'd love to do it every Sunday.
  4. Stick him on a wheel chair and chuck him on Tom's boat ....... When there's a will, there's a way and James WILL find it
  5. Thanks Brain, it looks like they also have the soft plastic I was looking for.
  6. I use 12 lb mono on my shimano fixed spool, lots of fun, provided I don't land one of those 15lb+ fish.... (yeah right, like there's one out there with my name on it.... ). I found mono less likely to get barrowed into the spool and mono has better give than braid. Especially I don't require the ultra thin property of the braid. Trilene that was the one I was thinking off.
  7. The family 4 has the same hull shape (call gull wing I think) as the raider 18, so I'd start fromthere.
  8. Am I reading it right that you have put a bead stop above the leader knot? If that is the case than you are doing it wrong. Think of braid always on the water surface/above the float and anything below is mono. So in effect, the leader knot is the bead stopper. Or if you want you can powergum a stopper BELOW the leader knot. There is a special braid knot if you want to tie braid to hook/swivel but you don'y need it here. And regarding colour of braid I think I've answered you above re:braid if always above water, so that wouldn't matter.
  9. Newboy


    Family 4 -700kg engine- 80kg (probably more) battery-25kg each fuel-25kg additional bits and bobs-50kg That's before the trailer itself WHICH MUST also be included in the overall weigh, 100kg. Way, way over the 750kg limit. That is if he has a car which can tow an unbraked trailer at 750kg, medium size family car are most likely to have a limit of 650kg.
  10. Newboy


    The Shetland family 4 is double skinned foam filled and it IS heavy, definitely nneds braked trailer.
  11. Nothing new there then ....
  12. 113 second attempt.
  13. http://hk.promo.yahoo.com/movie/superman/S...Game/index.html
  14. Surely it's also the skipper's shout as to what is allow onboard and what isn't! When we went skating with Keggie in Scotland we were told they are not on the menu (literally.... ) to be taken away. Isn't it also the case with Chris Caines regarding congers? I think Colin Penny limits it to one conger per angler if they want to take one for the pot.
  15. Got 2 trailer boards, one long one short. Long one bit tatty but works
  16. There was some sightings of a thresher just off the Needles couple of season ago.
  17. Newboy


    Different fish demands different rigs/sizes. Just keep it porportional to what you are catching/aftering. As with rods, go for an ugly stick (think they do one in 12) or a maximus carbon one, great rod.
  18. Newboy


    Forget to say, NEVER NEVER use cheap swivels, you WILL regret it.......
  19. Newboy

    Members Boats

    Paul, can you please delete Sweet Honey from the club boats. Thanks.
  20. Sad read ........ By the write up on Steve web site, the shark was tired but not near dead.
  21. Newboy


    Everyone have their own rigs and their own ways of making them. I use 12lb for bass, 8 lb for bream,... etc.
  22. I meant all the acc (camera, peinters, video camera) connected via usb ports.
  23. I restored it back to last week before I installed Norton, now everything works except it still can't 'see' any of the usb acc.
  24. Newboy


    Depending what I'm aftering. For bream I take half a dozen, for floating bass I make up 4 snoods with hooks, congers at least 3.
  25. Perspex yellows quickly in sunlight, go to your local glazing firm they will have something better. Or ask Adam, he replaced Blue Warrior's window with caebon wotsit last year, but they are quite dear.
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