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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. If no one is about to help from here for the building work and you have to go outside, I can get you trade prices on all plastics for your building work. You will be surprise how much builders make on mark up from plastic such as trims and gutterings.
  2. Newboy


    Went on a chartered yesterday, bassing using sandeels. Caught a 7lb cod on the first drop, lots od bass coming over the gennuls, some undersized fish. On slack we drifted the mussel beds for bream. Still some hugh one, the largest about a shade under 4lb, most were around the 2 lb mark. The giant squid are in, another skipper caught a few not quite the giant one yet but been told they will get bigger.
  3. Rich, the squids are in, Dave from Lady Godiva bagged 17 yesterday, not giant one, about size of a hand. I think he caught 12 in an hour before he went after the bass.
  4. Newboy

    Richard Hammond

    Best wishes to him and it seems he will make a speedy recovery (relatively speaking).
  5. What is silver sand? Is it like silver bullets..... When I did my Shetland, I first painted the deck, then by using a seive while standing on the gunnel and sprinkled sand (while the paint is still wet) I got from the beach. They worked a treat, only problem is that they are a pain for my naked knees.
  6. Newboy

    Anti- Fouling

    I suppose with a young lad (like me .... ) can manage to get it up (boat on the trailer that is) more often
  7. I have some garage floor paint (blueish grey I think) from when I painted my Shetland's deck and sprinkled sand over it for grip.
  8. Newboy

    Anti- Fouling

    Anti fouling devalues a (trailer) boat, so I wouldn't do it unless it is neccessary. Osmosis will only occure if water gets into the f/glass. So if the gel coat is good then you have no problems. What a lot of people do is keep the boat on mooring and them take it out of water to jet wash the hull every month (less in summer), not just the weeds but also banacle. The guy who serviced my outboard at Extreme Marine has a mooring behind his house, and he put his boat on trailer every month to clean the hull.
  9. Newboy

    Anchor Buoy

    On the 'How to use anchor lift...' thread, someone offers a couple of anchor buoys (pretty sure it was PJ).
  10. Newboy

    Anchor Float.

    Just name a comp date and no doubt the weather will be crap.
  11. Newboy

    Anchor Float.

    If you are gonna use the Alderney ring system, make sure you get the stopper, it's so much easier to spot the rope when the buoy is 10' in front of boat rather then tuck underneath the bow.
  12. The point is that the Weymouth chartered skippers are not and have not want a ban/limit for other vessels. They treat the sea as a common resource, there to be enjoy (rightly or wrongly) by everyone else, be it commercial bass boy or pleasure anglers. To anyone who have fished Portland Race, they know the commercial out numbered the chartered 2/3/4 to 1. Plus they are so experienced, 2 persons on board can outfish a full chartered twice over. The Commercials and the Chartered respect each other line of occupations, I haven't heard the commercial lads complaining that the chartered are taking all the fish nor the other way round. The sea is for everyone's enjoyment, and everyone must take precaution to save guard it, not just from anglers and then let the commercial fisherman rape the sea regardless.
  13. I had a 1990's Mercury with Merc remote control and there were on 16 keys (A-H and 1+2), it states which key you have stamped on the key itself. All you need is quote the number over the phone.
  14. Just in case the weather does turn nice, I'm available to crew.
  15. Well, where do I start ..... if I use a hammer to flatten a mackeral, does it count as a flat fish?! Met up with Simon on Wick at 8:00, during the day I caught mackerals, a scad, some small bream, a pout and that's it, not a very good day.I'll let Simon report his catch. The day started off with the sea liked a mill pond, but as the day went by, the wind picked up and became quite rough in the end. Thank you Simon for the ride on Britboard, a lovely boat and hope to fish on her soon.
  16. I'm out with Simon on Britboard from Christchurch.
  17. Now, everything makes sense, just ignore the pm. Don't worry, I'm sure I will catch you sometime. Anyone need crew for the Burnham Match?
  18. Trawling ban?
  19. Bob, the pontoon nearest to the slip can only be reached by clinbing down a set of steel ladder, however the pontoon toward the bridge (where Tigerlilly, Channel Chiefton, etc and behind the boatstoring area) has a walkway down. If the chartered boats are out, you can use it, otherwise they will be in the way. Also some skippers don't like people other than them using the pontoon, so watch out.
  20. Happy Birthday James, be all your wishes come true.
  21. It's very difficult for the untrained eyes to distinguish between a small blonde and a large spotted, (sometimes even the trained eyes can't be 100% sure). Best to take lots of photos top and bottom, so that it can be indentified later. No one can begrudge you if you are taking a single fish for the table, but I wouldn't take a 30lb blonde tho .....
  22. The boatyard is overlooked from the bridge and I guess thats how they spot the boats.
  23. Newboy

    Stuff Fish

    Bass is too tasty to stuff , I'm looking for one that's already stuffed as a present for a friend who like bass.
  24. But Rich you only tend to get the big stingers at night and the comp finished by then ....
  25. Newboy

    Stuff Fish

    Where can I get one, say bass or something. PS, what is the proper name?
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