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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Thank you adam, not sure what I wil be doing, so will have idea closer to the date.
  2. I'm out, too windy for me. Not nice to get chuck around.
  3. Shall we name a time and everyone logs in?
  4. Paul, I used Minehead (a few miles down the coast) the forecast is still freezing. Tried Burnham-on-sea, Metcheck forecasts 1 c colder but 2 mph less wind. Yippee...
  5. Cold I don't mind, slightly choppy I don't mind. However I've been caught out a few time, forecast says good to ok, but when Igot to the slip and it wasn't the f4 I was expecting, had to turn around and bugger off home.
  6. You can get an annual pass at Cobbs, around
  7. Newboy


    Who cares? He's only an old aged stony git.... or something to that effect...
  8. Forecast changing again. For Minehead just down the road. Windguru now forecasts 15-18 knots SE. Metcheck forecasts 15-16 mph but temp is freezing (windchilled -5 ) with snow and sleet. BBC has Burnham on Sea with 20mph westerly and max temp 11 c. Who do we believe?
  9. Newboy


    Wow, that's cool, not to mention cruel...... but dead funny
  10. Happy Birthday Dean, just hope you're not to green to go fishing on Sunday.....
  11. Newboy


    A quick blow should get rid of most of them, shouldn't it?
  12. Newboy


    Hoo Hing has another branch near Mitcham and one somewhere in East London. There's Wing Yip as well as See Woo which have branches thru out London, but not down here. Paul's probably best bet, get a box of 1lb squid from frozen seafood suppliers (prawnman). If the angling shop runs out of squid by any chance, go to Wah Hing in Boscombe or Didcot Ind Est, they have both 1 and 5 lb block for sale. In Southampton try Yau's brothers near St Mary.
  13. Newboy


    No need to stock up yet, traditionally prices don't go up till autume. Not to mention we don't use that much squid during spring, breams need only a stripe, a 1 lb block will last you a whole session. Summer are mackeral time, only when it's codding time you need lots of squids.
  14. Do we need our alderney ring/buoy to retrieve the anchor (remembering something Paul D said about he shouldn't have used it last year)?
  15. Newboy

    Chicken Power

    I've been here before....
  16. Well, never mind, as least everyone is save and back on dry land which is important. The upside is, hopefully the fish are still there next time you go out.
  17. Thank you Trev, now off to find a local river full of crayfish.....
  18. Got some tonight from the fishman, if they are no good as bait I'll have them for tea tomorrow.
  19. Yes, but the wind is dropping.
  20. No problems, but just say if you don't come back, can I have your other boat.......
  21. Weather forecast looking better by the day.
  22. I think Tom has some stronger stuff which he picked up from Go Fishing.....
  23. Welcome Albino
  24. Newboy

    Cod Farming

    Can't we just feed them pork sauages instead?
  25. Newboy

    Cod Farming

    The question will farm fish taste as good as wild fish? We all know what difference there are between hand caught bass and farmed bass. Also do you think they will let fisherman fish their 'pond' as we do with trout?
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