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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. The missus asks would I mind if she leaves the light when we go to bed? I say no problems...... as long as she leaves the make up on too.......
  2. Newboy


    What is this sealskniz? This wthing is ungoogleable
  3. Newboy


    Since winter is here with us at last, are gloves essentials? I've been wearing latex glove underneath thickish white gloves. Are those neoprane gloves any good? Difficult to wear or not?
  4. Congratulation Bob on getting the record conger, bass and cod, (did the blonde ray did it too?) for our club "dream" league record. I'm off tonight trying to get black bream, gunard and maybe a sole. Checklist: a hot water bottle, a bottle of red wine, and a small glass of port for good measure.....
  5. I personally know that boat, what the advert failed to say was that all metal parts are indeed solid real gold.......
  6. Newboy

    Did You Know?

    Nah,.... that's just you going quackers.....
  7. Newboy

    Did You Know?

    Wrong, in Brainiacs, John (? one from BB) tested a duck quack does echo.
  8. Why not have it with the open? Fishing is fishing, right?
  9. Depending who you are looking at, Metcheck inshore gives F6-F7-F6 on Sunday
  10. Newboy

    Watch This

    king crab? doesn't these things grow up to couple of metres in width?!
  11. I replied and haven't heard from them yet.......
  12. Newboy

    Watch This

    So, what exactly did these guys do?
  13. Need soy sauce and wasabi for raw fish.
  14. So next time any of us get stranded on a remote island, not only do we have to survive but we have to watch what we cook our food with.......
  15. Just remember a friend show me an easy way of cooking eel. BBQ/grill eel fillet. Cut eel into 2"x3"/3"x4" thin (say 10mm) slices. Marinate slices in soy sauce, honey, sesame oil, salt, seasoning mixture for a few hours. Skew each slice with a couple of bamboo stick to stop it curling while cooking. Brush on more sauce/marinate, grill under hot grill for a few minute each side, serve with salad or rice with veg. PS, Where does the toxin in softwood come from, is it naturally present?
  16. I read it from the RNLi magazine you can drown in heavy sea by the large waves. Some of the survival suit has a hood so you can breath.
  17. Newboy


    Just a touch too much information.... Don't supposed you know what size.........
  18. Isn't there a difference between floatation suit and immersion suit? I think BFM did a write up on it last year, you can survive with an immersion suit in icy cold water for a couple of hours or something. Personally I wear my Fladen 2 piece floatation suit, yellow and blue. Definitely need an undergarment to keep me really warm. I wear a biker set I use when I ride my motorbike in the winter, they are really warm.
  19. Employees and their family should be banned from competition...... Good luck James
  20. I don't think conger is in anyway in danger as is the case for cod. How many cod/percentage do we take home in a year (if we can catch them)? I bet most cod caught in a chartered boat are taken home, but conger? I would be suprised if more than 5% caught are kept.
  21. Why freshwater?
  22. End of the day it's only a fish, provided he caught it and he is going to enjoy it gastronically (eating it), why is it a problem? It's not like that he caught a dozen fish and kept them all.
  23. The bones make a very good fish stock. The flesh is a little like a overcooked freshwater eel expect tougher/chewier, but it taste superb. I would rate it one of the tope 5 eating fish caught in club water. There are lots of way you can eat it, just don't store it for too long in fridge/freezer, they don't keep very well. You can batter it, bread crumb, or sweet and sour it with small chucks/strips. One advice is too skin it and when cutting it, cut it along the body rather than across it, as if there are any bones, they lay along the fish, cutting it long way, help keep the bone long and not into millions of 10mm bits.
  24. Newboy


    If I was you, I will check my Paypal account. The chance is if someone got hold of my ebay account detail, they could well have the Paypal account too. Is you computer sufficiently protected? Nothing in life is 100%, someone might have put a virus/keystroke recorder into your computer or they simply hacked into yours.
  25. It looks like a speed boat of some sort. How did it go down.?
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